All work and no dressing makes Reilly a dull girl...

3:16 am Friday, 12th April, 2013


Red-Rum, Red-Rum, Red-Rum....

Just kidding, I may be insane, but I'm not unhinged.

So I was on stand-by this evening after work, s I thought it prudent not to dress. Big mistake. Not having the freedom to dress when I please aggravates me (slight understatement, I was on the way to mushroom-cloud city at several points this evening).

As I stomped around the house taking care of some personal admin, I caught sight of my new bracelet on the kitchen counter. WIthout thinking I picked it up and slipped it on. All was well with the world once again.

The moral of the story is, Reilly is a sucker for shiny things.



Blog Introduction


Curiouser and curiouser... Through the looking glass we go.