The End of the Race.

3:22 pm Tuesday, 25th May, 2021


I looked at my GPS watch and glanced at the race course layout. Only two kilometres to go. After eight kilometres I was glad. Some days you get into a rhythm and the distance flies by. This was not one of those days, and every step seemed like labour.

Suddenly, someone appeared over my shoulder. I caught a glimpse of a serious, intent face and long sandy-blonde hair, and she was past me. She was quick. I glanced down at her as she passed. Perhaps five feet tall, perhaps a little more, with a delicious shape and an incredible bum. Very fit, but yet still nicely curved, unlike some dedicated runners who pare themselves down to the point of erasing some of their femininity in pursuit of excellence. Nothing wrong with that of course, it can be a consequence of superior performance.

Mysteriously, I found a surge of adrenalin and some extra juice in my legs, and I was able to increase my pace enough to catch up and trail off of her shoulder. Far enough back, of course, to enjoy views of that impressive ass. She glanced back behind her at looked at me, and I gave her a quick smile and nod, to reassure her that I was not pushing to take over her position. We ran that way for several minutes while I hoped she did not have a boyfriend or husband waiting for her at the finish line, and rehearsed and discarded several lame pick-up lines in my head. As I glanced down repeatedly at that marvellous ass, watching it work to propel her forward, I was glad that all my blood was going to my legs and not elsewhere. I wasn't really dressed to conceal an erection.

We crested a steep hill together, and down below, perhaps three hundred meters, we could see the finish line. It was a cruel hill coming nearly at the end of the race, and I was breathing so hard even that delicious ass was forgotten, and I was glad to see the banner and all the volunteers waiting to help finishing runners.

And then it happened.

My petite (wishful-thinking) future wife gave a sudden gasp, hobbled a few steps, then took a tumble, rolling painfully on the pavement with her right leg sharply bent. She came to rest on her back, grimacing in pain, with her hands on her right knee. I stopped abruptly and went to her, crouching down and looking at her intently. Her face was contorted with pain, and I said 'You're not looking good. What's the matter?' Her hands went to her right calf, and she said 'My leg. My leg'. Tears started to stream down her cheeks. 'Can I look at it?' I asked. Mutely, she nodded. She was a little banged up from rolling on the pavement, but I knew that wasn't the problem. It took only a few seconds to figure out.

Her right calf was knotted into a hard lump, like a piece of wood. I had had a few leg cramps in my day, which I could usually stretch out easily enough, but I had never had anything like that. I put my hand under her calf and began massaging the muscle firmly, but not too hard. She hissed in pain every time I squeezed. I looked up at her questioningly, and she nodded. She must have been experienced, because we both knew what had to be done. I pulled her leg out straight, pushing her knee down, and she cried out in pain. As I worked on her leg another runner stopped and knelt down. 'Can I help?' she asked. I nodded. 'Support her,' I said indicating for her to go behind the sufferer, which she did, supporting her upper body by sitting behind her and holding her. Meanwhile, I pushed the toe of her shoe upward toward her while kneading the knotted calf ever more vigorously, and was rewarded by the slow release of the muscle, and a look of intense relief on her face.

Eventually she stood up.

'Should I call medical staff?' I asked, pulling out my cell. It was a small flip phone which fit into a pocket in my shorts, and I always carried it when running because I usually did cross country and you never know. She shook her head. 'No thanks,' she replied, 'I have to finished the race'. Her willpower aroused me, strangely. She took a few steps and grimaced again, holding her leg and coming to a stop. The other woman and I glanced at each other, knowing what the other was thinking, and nodded. 'We'll help you,' the other woman said, and we each slung one of her arms over our shoulders and hobbled down the hill and slowly across the finish line.

A volunteer approached us and handed us water bottles, and asked if there was a problem. 'I'm okay,' our patient replied. 'I'll be fine. I don't need help'. The volunteer looked doubtful, but there were other runners crossing the line in large bunches, so he hurried away. 'Is there someone here for you or coming for you?' I asked, and when she said that there wasn't I couldn't suppress a surge of happiness. 'Thanks for helping', she said to me, then nodded to the other woman, saying 'thanks' again. 'No problem,' I replied. 'I'm Abe, by the way'. 'Cheryl,' said the other woman. We released our hold on her and she took a few steps, but had to sit down again as the calf started knotting up. That was pretty common under the circumstances. 'Susanne,' our patient replied. 'My name is Susanne'. She undid the cap of the water bottle and eyed it unhappily. 'This isn't going tp help much,' she said. I got a sudden inspiration. 'Hold on,' I said 'Be right back'.

The finish line was in a public park, and there was a large parking lot there where entrants were allowed to park their cars, which I did. I always carried an electrolyte drink with me for after the race, because plain water could give you cramps, or make them worse. I took a bottle of it back over to where Susanne and Cheryl were, and told them to drink some of their water, then add the electrolytes. Both were avid to do so. In the meantime, the race finish area was getting congested with runners, and Susanne was looking very self-conscious sitting there unable to move. 'There's a shady spot over there on the lawn,' I said, pointing. 'Would you like us to help you over?' She nodded, saying 'Good idea. I'm getting worried about getting stepped on'. Cheryl and I gave Susanne our arms, and together we hobbled out of the finish area and over to the shade. When we got there we found a copse of planted shrubs with a grassy area in the middle, quite screened and private. Over there', said Susanne, indicating with her chin.

When Susanne was sitting on the grass, with Cheryl crouching beside her, I trotted back to my car and picked up a couple of chemical heat packs. 'Try this', I said, pressing one to the back of her calf. She lay back on the grass as I applied the heat to the cramped calf, and after a while began massaging it. Gently at first but more and more firmly over time, starting from the ankle and pushing upward toward the knee. I could feel the muscles relax until eventually the massage caused no pain. Susanne looked up at me with a smile in her face. 'Thanks', she said. There was a mischievous twinkle in her eye. 'Of course, now I'm unbalanced. My right leg feels good but my left is still pretty tight'. I smiled back at her, and started working on her left leg. I glanced over at Cheryl, who had the strangest look on her face. Her cheeks were beginning to colour, and her nipples were starting to get hard. Glancing at them surreptitiously, so was I. 'Cheryl', I said motioning with my chin, 'maybe you could help'. Cheryl grinned and scuttled over to kneel at Susanne's head. She began massaging Susanne on her neck and shoulders, and her nipples got even harder and more erect.

'Wow', I thought to myself, 'this is like one of those cheesy movies'.

Susanne sighed contentedly and laid back, resting her head on Cheryl's knees. 'This is worth getting a cramp' she said. As Cheryl massaged Susanne she raise her arms and rested them in Cheryl's lap. As I moved from massaging calves upward toward the upper thighs, Cheryl began working downward toward the lats and abs. Susanne's mouth dropped open, and she began to breathe very deeply, eyes closed. At one point she opened her eyes and looked up at Cheryl, and both of us could see the desire in her eyes. Cheryl's nipples fair popped out of her shirt.

Cheryl grasped Susanne's T-shirt and pulled it up, revealing her sports bra. Even through the supportive fabric I could see that Cheryl was not the only one getting excited. Cheryls' hands drifted toward Susanne's breasts and fondled them, and far from objecting, she gave a small, quiet moan. Cheryl moved back a bit, laying Susanne's head on the grass. She pulled Susanne's arms over her head, wrists crossed, then shuffled forward again until her knees were on either side of Susanne's head. She sat back, trapping Susanne's arms in the space between her legs, although if she had really wanted to try, she probably could have pulled them out. She gave no sign of trying. Instead of objecting, she looked up at Cheryl, hovering above her, and licked her lips. Cheryl then became quite bold, making circles around Susanne's nipples through her bra. The zipper was in front, and Cheryl began do pull it down slowly, looking at Suze to see her reaction. Susanne made no objection. When the bra was open and her nipples exposed, she inhaled deeply, and her nipples became rock hard and erect.

I became so engrossed I forgot to massage.

Cheryl began to gently squeeze and rotate Susanne's nipples, pulling them until they were standing very high. She began to moan, rather louder than I was comfortable with. Many runners had finished the course and we could hear footsteps passing by from time to time, and although we were shielded from view from most angles, there were only a few bushes to prevent people from hearing us and getting curious. As I began to look around, a little worried, I heard a sharp intake of breath. This time is was not Susanne. I saw Cheryl arch her back with eyes closed, and from my angle I could see that Susannes hands were not just resting between Cheryl's thighs. Rather, her fingertips were sliding back and forth along Cheryl's crack from ass to clit, caressing her though her shorts. My cock gave up the battle at the sight and stood straight to attention.

Susanne's moans were driving me to distraction, yet I could not help myself. My hands slid up to the top of her thighs and my thumbs began to slid up and down across her crotch. She gasped and looked up at me, obviously aroused and needing, and her hips began to grind against my hands as my thumbs took turns passing over her crotch. As her pelvic gyrations got faster and stronger, I grabbed her shorts and panties, pulling them down to her calves. Ever mindful, I did not remove them entirely in case we were interrupted and a quick escape made necessary. I pushed her knees apart and savoured the view for a few seconds. From the first moment she passed me on the course I had been imagining seeing this view, and the reality was SO much hotter.

I leaned forward and began feasting.

I caressed her clit with my tongue, tasting her delicious juices and inhaling her heady scent. It went straight to my head, and I could feel my scrotum tighten with the need to impale her with my cock. As I licked her toward orgasm her moans got louder and louder, and although there was a worried voice muttering in the back of my head, I ignored it. At one sharp, loud gasp and moan I looked up and caught Cheryl's eyes. The grinned back at me. 'On it', she said, sliding backward and lowering herself until her mouth came down on Susanne's and they their tongues intertwined in an inverted position. I returned to my work with a will.

My efforts soon paid off. Susanne's belly began to spasm and her thighs began to tremble. As I slid my tongue into her pussy I could feel it contract. It was tight on my tongue, and lust flared in my brain thinking about how tight it would be around my cock. It was all I could do not to push her legs apart and plunge my cock into her and fuck her hard right there. I made small circles with my head over her clit, or vibrated it back and forth with tiny movements and quiet hums, my tongue pressed firmly against her as her pelvis ground against my face with increasing urgency. Her breath was coming in a series of short pants, and she had become quiet and very intent. I hardened my lips by stretching them over the tops of my teeth and began to nibble her clit, and that finally pushed her over the edge. She pulled away from Cheryl's mouth and arched up, powerful spasms wracking her body. I had to wrap my arms around her thighs from underneath and hill on with all my strength to keep my head and tongue in position. I continued to give my head tiny shakes, and she continued to spasm. It seemed to go on forever.

I had never been with a woman climax so hard before. Mercifully, she was also quiet. Her body was clenched so hard that the only thing that escaped her was a low, keening 'mmmmmm', which Cheryl dampened with her hand over Susanne's mouth. By the time she had finally finished and collapsed back on the lawn she must have squeezed every available bit of air out of her lungs. Cheryl grinned at me and said 'Whatever you just did, I want that too.' I grinned back and sat back on my heels, pulling Susanne's shorts and panties back into place. Susanne just laid there, utterly spent.

We moved a little to the side, still kneeling on the grass, and leaned together. Cheryl put her arms around my neck, and our tongues sought one another's eagerly. I raised my hands and cupped her breasts, my thumbs gently stroking back and forth across her nipples through the fabric. They were easy to find, and as we kissed I idly imagined what they must look like when exposed. After only a minute or two of kissing. Cheryl's breath began to tremble through her nostrils and flutter on my cheek. She pulled back for a second and whispered 'I'm already close', and with a final deep kiss rolled over onto her back, pulling her shorts down to her knees. I knelt below her and bent my head to the task. I placed my hands on the backs of her thighs and pushed them up to her chest, leaning over her pussy and inhaling deeply. I was immediately reminded that every woman has her own unique scent and taste. I began to lick her clit, using the same motions and nibbles as before, and her body began to tremble and lurch the moment my tongue touched her pussy. She really WAS primed.

Cheryl was a real pro. Although her breathing became louder and more unsteady, she never uttered anything louder than a deep gasp.

As I knelt at her pussy I was surprised to feel a head and shoulders push between my knees, and I read them a little to make room. I felt hands push my shorts down, just enough to free my little soldier. Susanne's hand cupped and caressed my balls and her mouth enveloped the tip of my cock. I could feel her tongue circling the tip. The feeling was fabulous, and I was so primed myself that I knew I wouldn't last long. Automatically, I began thrusting myself deeper into her mouth, and she responded by rising to meet me. She took me all the way in then pumped up and down in time with my thrusting. Waves of pleasure travelled from my cock up my spine and right down to the tips of my toes. It was a whole-body experience I had never felt before. As I ground my face into Cheryl's pussy, I ground my hips into Susanne's mouth. None of it was conscious. I was running on instinct.

It couldn't last, and it didn't.

Cheryl clenched, cumming, and I responded by vibrating my head and tongue even harder, inserting two fingers into her pussy and fucking her vigorously. With amazing self-control, the only noise she made was several deep gasps followed by fluttering exhalations, in time with the body spasms. Judging by how many she had, I had done journeyman work on Cheryl, too. At the same time I felt myself release, and my body spasms somehow timed themselves with Cheryl's. Susanne was a real master. She put her hand on the base of my cock and milked it like milking a cow. I came and came, and she swallowed it all greedily. I came so hard my vision greyed at the edges. It never seemed to stop. It was the best orgasm I had ever had.

I collapsed on the grass. Susanne hovered over me, reluctant to abandon her toy. She licked every inch of me clean, and still continued with her hand on my cock, pumping it gently and occasionally making me jump by touching the tip with her lips. The pleasure was less, but just went on and on. I reached downward and twined my fingers in Susanne's hair pulling her up toward me until out lips met. She lay beside and a little on top of me as we kissed each other deeply. Cheryl pulled her sorts up and went to lay on my other side, and I wrapped an arm around each set of shoulders.

'Okay', Susanne said. 'I want BOTH of your cell numbers'.

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