A well deserved public caning

3:16 am Monday, 17th May, 2021


Master was driving home along the freeway. Susan, who was sitting in the passenger seat next to him, was beginning to irritate him a little bit and he was beginning to feel like he had just about had enough of her. They had been to the coast for a walk along a beach they had never walked before. The walk had gone well, it always stoked his ego to have her alongside of him. She looked good dressed in a flimsy and very short white and flower printed summer dress which the wind had a habit of occasionally blowing up so he got a glimpse of her pink panties and she looked so funny trying to keep her hat on her head with one hand whilst also trying to control the blowing hem line of her dress with the other and keep her little black handbag on her shoulder. Much to her annoyance he had laughed when the wind caught her by surprise and sent her hat flying off into the surf. She had squealed in alarm then pleaded to him to go in and get it. He had, getting his shorts wet as far up as his crotch in the process. She had seemed annoyed that her hat was now wet and not very grateful to him when he handed it back to her. This started off his irritation with her. Now as they drove home she was whinging about how the sun had made her pale shoulders red, about how the wind had made a mess of her hair, about how he was driving too fast, in fact she was whinging about anything she could think of. His wet shorts and underpants, which he had got wet saving her bloody hat, were now beginning to dry and the salt was irritating his crotch, and still she whinged on. She was going to get another bit of her anatomy turned red if she continued on like this. She now started to complain that she was hungry and why had they not got something to eat for lunch before driving home.I don’t have to put up with this he thought, I love her but the stupid little slut was beginning to ask for it and as her whinging little voice droned on he came to a decision and he said to himself she is going to get a good thrashing and she’s going to get it right now!
As if on cue he spotted a road sign for a rest area 2kms ahead and said to himself that might do just fine. He indicated, pulled into the deceleration lane and slowed down. Pulling into the parking area he saw that it was large with a grassy area, woodland beyond and a large car parking area which, to his relief, was empty. He drove to the furthest parking space and pulled in, quickly noting that they were screened from the motorway lanes by a line of bushes but the access ramp could still be seen.She had finally stopped whinging at him when she saw that he was slowing down and pulling off of the motorway “What ya stopping here for?” she whined staring at him with confusion in her eyes. “You’re just about to find out girl” he replied in a voice threatening enough to shut her up completely. The penny finally dropped in that blonde little brain of hers and she wailed “No, please, not here”.Ignoring her plea he just said “You need to be taught a lesson. Stay right here!” then got out of the car and left her sitting in the passenger seat staring at him whilst he went into the trees a short distance off and hunted for a suitable tree branch. It took him a few minutes until he found what he was looking for, a supple, whippy branch which would suit his purposes admirably. As he came back towards his car, stripping the branch of leaves and unwanted twigs, he could see her sitting in the passenger seat wide eyed and already contrite as she realised what was about to happen to her. That pleased him.He came up to the passenger side, opened the door and pulled her out by her arm. She gave a little bleat that sounded a bit like ‘No please don’t’ as he marched her round to the front of the car swung her around and pushed her face down over the car hood. In that position her short dress already half exposed her panty clad bum but he pushed her dress up to her waist, completely exposing those pink panties that he had caught so many glimpses of during the beach walk. He grabbed them by the waist elastic and pulled them completely off her bum leaving them stretched tightly across her thighs. This left her white rounded buttocks completely naked. She knew better than to argue with him now and also knew what was required of her, stretching her arms forward across the hood of his car and patiently waited for her punishment to begin all traces of her former petulance now gone.
He could see that she knew she deserved this, and had accepted, what was going to happen to her, so he took a moment to admire the view of her stretched out across the hood of his car, her dress up around her waist, her naked bum white in the sunshine, her little pink panties stretched tight across her mid thighs, her long legs stretched out, slightly bent at the knees, the toes of her bare feet on the tarmac. His irritation with her was beginning to abate.
The hood of the car felt pleasantly warm against her body, she could hear the noise of the motorway traffic as vehicles sped past just the other side of the separating hedgerow. She could feel the cool breeze on her naked bum as she felt him pull her panties down. Could see her face reflected in the tinted windscreen and also see him standing behind her. Her blonde hair ruffled in the breeze, blew across her face. She felt that sexy fear, excitement and rush of adrenaline she got when she had misbehaved. Heard him say “You never bloody learn do you?” before a sharp sting of pain shot through her bum making her gasp. Before she could recover another sharp sting shot through her, then another and another. Soon her bum felt like it was on fire, he hadn’t hit her this hard for a long time and it went on and on and on. Being punished like this in such a public place was hugely arousing and she was now longing to feel him inside her. She was relieved when it finally stopped and she had just began to think that it was over when with another sharp ‘crack’ pain erupted in the back of both her thighs. The next one to land there was so painful she involuntarily yelped and kicked her legs about. Then she heard him telling her to get up and get back into the car. Not needing to be told twice she leapt up, awkwardly pulling her panties up and fled back into the car where she sat gasping and squirming about on the seat, her hot bum throbbing, all her previous petulance now gone.
He reminded himself of why she had irritated him so and his annoyance with her returned and he looked again at her vulnerable, pristine white bum as she lay still and obedient bent over his car hood waiting. He had positioned himself behind her, looked around to check that the car park was still empty and then bought the whippy tree branch down hard to land across her buttock cheeks with a loud crack making her bum quiver. She gasped and squealed, as he had expected her too, and very quickly a bright red welt line appeared where the tree branch had got her. He hit her again, she squealed again as another parallel, red welt line appeared on her naked bum cheeks. He was beginning to enjoy himself and started hitting her more rapidly, Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! She wailed and squealed and jerked her bum about as each stroke landed but, like the good girl he knew she basically was, she kept her position over the car’s hood and he knew she would stay there until he told her she could get up. He paused for a rest and to admire what he had done to her, leaving her gasping and writhing over the hood of his car and then, when she had stilled herself, he started again. Her once pristine white bum was now a mass of parallel and crossing red welts so he readjusted his aim and hit her across the back of her thighs. A red welt appeared there. He hit her again placing a parallel welt just below. She was whimpering by now and the next one on her thighs just below the previous two, and close to where her panties were stretched tight, made her gasp, arch her back and kick her legs up.He had intended to sit down on a nearby picnic bench and admire her whipped bum and possibly fuck her right there as she lay bent over his car hood but he saw a van was approaching in the deceleration lane, its left indicator winking, and about to enter the parking area. ‘Oh shit’ he thought, it was close enough by the time he spotted it approaching that the occupants must have seen what was going on. “Get up, pull up your panties and get back in the car” he ordered her and watched as she hurriedly and obediently did as she was told. He threw the cane into the grass went around the car and got into the driver’s seat.
He looked at her as he drove out, her head was bowed, her face was red and she was sniffling a bit whilst rummaging in her handbag, which sat on her lap, looking for a tissue. What a change from the whinging little brat who was sitting beside him a few moments ago he thought and said “I haven’t finished with you yet”. “As soon as we get home you will go to the bedroom, put on stockings and a pair of high heeled stilettos and stay there until I decide what to do with you. I have some office work to get done and I don’t want to be disturbed. Understood?” she nodded a sullen ‘Yes Sir’, wondering to herself what ‘deal with me’ meant on this occasion. She hoped he was just going to fuck her but probably not until after he had further punished her. She knew she had been pushing her luck with her behaviour today and was secretly well pleased with his reaction. Indeed she had been somewhat surprised that he had let get away with so much before reasserting his authority. But she had felt an exciting reckless glee in doing it and would have continued until she elicited a reaction from him. Well she had got a reaction from him now and had to face the consequences.


1:15 am Tuesday, 14th December, 2021 petermackie47soapy69

A good read thank you very much 👍

1:36 pm Sunday, 8th January, 2023 michelle55

Love this!

1:36 pm Sunday, 8th January, 2023 michelle55

So sexy! 😜

1:36 pm Sunday, 8th January, 2023 michelle55

So feminine 👄

1:36 pm Sunday, 8th January, 2023 michelle55

Naughty girl… 😈

1:37 pm Sunday, 8th January, 2023 michelle55

This turns me on… 🔥

1:37 pm Sunday, 8th January, 2023 michelle55

Anyone up for this? 😜

Blog Introduction


I do love and respond well to a good hard thrashing on my bare bum. OTK spankings are good as well. I will wriggle and squeal as you drag me over your knees, push up my skirt and pull my panties down.