My first introduction to another mans wife

12:14 pm Thursday, 13th May, 2021


My introduction to the pleasures of another mans wife happened some years ago.
I.d just relocated for work from london to yorkshire. I.d settled in and was now ready to explore the local pubs etc. I ventured into the nearest pub to my new home and straight away was welcomed by staff and customers alike. After a few visits on nights off and weekends I found myself always talking to the same couple. Both mid 40's. I was 28 at the time. He was a burly ex miner and she a shapely buxom lady with flaming red hair and legs to die for. This did not go unnoticed as I was a leg and bum man. Hers were stunning and always shown off be ankle strap heels a fav of mine.
After several chats with them over 6 weeks or so they asked if I.d like to go to a bbq they were holding on the saturday evening. Living alone and having saturday off I accepted straight away. My mind was actually thinking that any excuse to spend time with this stunningly sexy woman has to be a pleasure. Little did I know what kind of pleasure I was in for.
Saturday came and off I went. Beer and wine in hand. I was met with smiles when I arrived and noticed that there was just a few of us there. 6 in total. Myself the couple another guy and 2 of their neighbours. Well the evening went well with lots of jokes music and chat but I noticed much to mmy Pleasure that the wife had not left the seat next to me all evening and paid little or no attention to her hubby. As the drinks flowed and we all got a little tipsy it was then I felt her hand on my thigh. I froze for a second but then noticed she smiled at her hubby as he could see from where he was sat. He just smiled at me and carried on chatting to another guest. She started to stroke my inner thigh and I could feel my cock starting to come to life. She soon discovered she was having the desired effect on me and gave my cock a little squeeze through my shorts. I looked at her and she just smiled and mouthed "very nice". By then I realised that not only were bbq steaks on the menu but for her I was too. I wondered how this was going to play out all the time my cock was getting harder at the thought of having this gorgeous woman. After another hour the neighbours made their excuses and left. This left the other guest myself and the couple. The drink had filled my bladder so I asked politely if I could use their toilet. The hubby directed me and off I went. Up the stairs of their home till I found it and was joyous to relieve my busting bladder lol. When I came out the bathroom there stood the wife. Looking gorgeous in her short skirt and heels. Without a word she pushed me against the wall and we started to kiss quite passionately. Her hands were all over me and she unzipped my shorts slid her hand in and grabbed my cock. My cock sprung to attention immediately as i summoned up the courage to explore her body for myself. This was everything I.d secretly wanted. Her ass was firm her tits were just amazing with dark gorgeous nipples that by now were rock hard. But I had to feel the spot I hoped to be filling. It did not disappoint. So smooth and by now so wet and hot. As I slid my fingers across her clit she cum almost instantly and I felt her juices running literally across my fingers. After a few minutes she had cum twice and was frantically stroking my cock when a voice called out. Her hubby. off to the pub for a couple he said. You 2 follow us down if you want he said. She replied she would get changed and I would walk her dow. He agreed and with a slight bit of laughter in his voice said dont rush. I knew then they had planned this.
We both went and said goodbye to hubby and his male friend and said we.d be along soon. And off they went.
No sooner were they out the drive she just grabbed my hand and led me to their bedroom. My cock was now straining against my shorts. She quickly released me from my shorts and dropped to her knees. I was still stood up and my knees nearly buckled when I felt her hot mouth envelop my now pulsing cock. She moaned as she slowly slid her lips up and down my cock her tongue slurping and licking my pulsing bell end. Her hands grasped my ass cheeks and she pulled me to her as i watched her take it all. I grabbed her hair and held her there. I was in heaven. Soon she gagged and I let her go. I then stood her up pushed her back on the bed. I literally ripped her skirt and panties off and then buried my tongue deep into her soaking sweet pussy. Within seconds she gripped my head and orgasmed over and over. This lady was hot. After several minutes I slowly worked my way up her body. Across her silky smooth skin stopping to gently lick and bite her amazing nipples. Then I could feel my hardness against her sweet and very wet pussy. This was what I had secretly wanked over and now I was there. One push and I.d be there. As I looked at her she just said please fuck me. Please!!!! She did not have to ask. I slid into her to my balls and it was everything I.d hoped. Her gorgeous legs still wearing her heels wrapped round me as we fucked and kissed like teenagers. She orgasmed so many times which did my ego no harm at all. It took all my willpower not to cum until she said it again. But this time she said please cum inside me. Wow!!!! Another mans wife asking for my cum inside her. I needed no second invitation. My body tensed and I flooded her lovely pussy with my cum. I cum so hard my legs were shaking. We laid there for a while then she said she would take a shower and we.d meet hubby in the pub. We met them and hubby gave me a pat on the back and a knowing smile. When the pub closed she looked at me and just said.. seconds?? Oh yes please I said. Only this time hubby watched. And when we had finished he left the room and slept in the spare room.
I carried on having this amazing lady for 2 years. As and when we could. She was my first married woman but was certainly not my last. But I will never forget her. !!!!!


4:46 am Wednesday, 14th July, 2021 Smiffy2021

Really nice. Got my cock good and hard.

11:42 am Tuesday, 17th August, 2021 bates60

Got me. Wet x

2:40 pm Wednesday, 13th October, 2021 KITTON

love your blog

5:53 pm Wednesday, 10th November, 2021 Lady10orgasma

A lady after my own heart.

Blog Introduction


Single guy just looking for NSA fun. Got to be fun.