An erotic affair, part two.

3:46 pm Wednesday, 5th May, 2021


When we finish our lunch we sat for a bit, just talking. She was curious to hear about my own marital issues, and especially about my escapades with past girlfriends. She seemed fascinated with my ex-girlfriend who loves to be fucked on the balcony of our apartment in full view of passers-by. I took that as a good sign. Eventually the efforts to continue the conversation began to feel a little stilted, and I realized she was nervous about what was to come, and stalling. So I moved to the seat next to her as if to make the conversation more intimate, but instead I placed one hand on her wrist as it lay on the table, and another on her knees, running it lightly up and down her thigh. This had the required effect, and I could see her pupils dilating, and slight blotches of red appear on her cheeks. She was one of those. I was pleased.

Eventually I paid the bill, picked up my precious duffel, stood up, and held my hand out to her. Decision time. After a brief delay where I could see the indecision in her eyes she stood up and took it, and I led her toward the parking lot, holding hands. I held the car door open for her and she got in the passenger seat.

She and her husband owned a number of rental properties, flats and condo's, some leased long-term and others fully-furnished and used as holiday lets, and it was her job to manage the properties while her husband ran his primary business. She had constant access to an empty apartment somewhere in the city, and she directed me to one of the properties that was currently unused. It was a townhouse on the edge of a forested ravine, with a small but private yard looking out onto the woods. Very nice, an no views from the neighbours anywhere into the house. As we approached the house she opened her purse and fumbled with the keys, clearly nervous. I took them from her and unlocked the door, holding it open with one hand and carrying my duffel in the other, waiting for her to step inside. With a last long look at me and a deep breath, she did so. As she walked in she mumbled something under her breath, which I took to be 'Why the fuck not?'.

We went through the entrance into the living room where she turned and looked at me, not certain of what to do next. I pushed my duffel up onto my shoulder, took her by the upper arms, turned her around saying 'bedroom' and impelled her forward. As she led me there I could hear her breathing getting louder and more uneven, excited, nervous, fearful, perhaps all of the above at the same time. I marched her right to the side of the bed, dropped my duffel on it, and turned her around. she was flushed and her hands were shaking.

'What happens next?' she asked.

In answer I pulled her close to me, twined my left fingers in the hair on the back of her head, and tilted her head back. My right hand came up around her neck, gently but firmly, and my mouth descended on hers. I kissed her gently at first, but as she began to respond I ravaged her, our mouths hungry for one another. She began inhale deeply and quickly, and I could feel her whole body start to tremble.

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Looking for a submissive woman.