Couples swap parties trends

5:06 pm Sunday, 2nd May, 2021


Hello readers,
Weiting blog is to make happy bcz in today world all are facing so many issues in life. As we all awear about the fact their is panic in our society about covid. Just to chill pill I write so that for time being you forgot every think just erotic blog makes you young and healthy. Share care and celebrate couple swap parties. Will you join as your loved one is she or he is ready if yes. Let's do the party honey. Well join one swap party. Rules are only couples allowed with proper screening no phone allowed. Selfi ppl plz wanna have fun no phone only sexy game with your partner and other partner as well. Privacy will be maintained. Not big group only max to max 6 cpl at one go. Well I attend swap party long time back that time I have no idea what swap mean it hosted by my friend he is professional party organisor he get the business to organised couples private party. Venu and menu fixed but their after 10 once they finished drink and food in between their is party host invite adult games cordinator to entertain couples. With their wish card. Their taqila short and females go to the bar picked up the short and given to the male she loved to swap. In this game female rules are allowed they have liberty to go with any female as well. Man are just chacking there luck what beauty menu they have in bed in their room. Slowly slowly night comes females picked up their choice and go with different partner they chose. After that what happened it's up to the cpls only. If you wanna join us for cpl party join us. Comments up it will be fun all night long. See a then.

Blog Introduction


Love to be wild at sex love to be the part of sex party