Lunch and a movie on a spring day

2:10 pm Tuesday, 6th April, 2021


Lunch and a Movie Ayla awoke to the aroma of coffee brewing ‪around eleven am on a Saturday. She ran her hand down the other side of the bed and He was not there. But the bed was still warm under her touch. She knew He had not been up for long. She could hear the water running in the bathroom and knew He was going through His weekend routine. She rolled herself out of bed, and threw on a short slinky nightie and headed for the kitchen. She started the water for His tea. She could hear the shower being turned on and she went and laid out His clothes. She chose His black pants and a white shirt. She liked the way He looked in black and white. It just seemed to fit Him so perfectly well. She sat on the side of the bed and just hugged His pillow. It smelled like Him. She was remembering past times and things that they had done She could feel the smile come across her face. She was remembering when He had held her from behind by her chin so tightly against His body. She could feel her wetness building up just from thinking about it. It turned her on tremendously. He had her in that position and played with her breasts. She would lean up against Him and He would hit suck and pinch her breasts. His pinches were not that hard but it was the way he pinched her breasts, and it felt so good. Every time she thought about it, she would get goose bumps and would get so wet. She would feel as if she had to go and dry off. Her thighs would rub together, sliding back and forth with her own wetness that would leak from her pussy. She heard the water shut off in the shower and went into the bathroom. He got out of the shower to her awaiting towel in her hands. She would dry off His face first and make sure to run her toweled fingers through his hair. Then she would go down each of her arms and in-between each of His fingers. He always would pull her head towards His after His second hand was done and kiss her deeply. Then she would continue on to His torso, His legs and to His back. She would always save His cock and balls until last so she could take special care in that area. They walked into the bedroom and she got Him dressed. Then she got herself dressed. He made lunch reservations at a very posh restaurant on the other side of town. When they got in the car she noticed a small box in the back seat, but did not ask what was in it. She knew if He wanted her to know He would tell her. They drove for about forty-five minutes and pulled into a long driveway. At the end of the driveway was small quaint restaurant overlooking a lake. It was a beautiful sight, with the sun over the water. He opened the car door and helped her out. They walked in and were seated right away. It was a small semicircle booth in the darkest corner of the restaurant. The waitress came over and He order drinks for the two of them. Once the drinks arrived and she had had a few sips, He handed her the box from the back seat. She did not even notice Him take it when she got out of the car. He told her to go to the ladies room and open it. Ayla got up and went. She locked herself in a stall and opened the small box. In the box was a vibrating egg. But there were no cords on them. She placed the egg in her wet pussy. Just by inserting the egg into her Ayla begin to get wet. She placed the cover back on the box and headed back for the table. She could see Him sitting there watching with a smile on His face as she walked towards Him. She was about twenty feet away when she felt it. She turned bright red and looked around to see if anyone had noticed the look on her face. He had a remote for the egg and had turned it on. She tried to keep her composure as best as she could. But she knew her reaction was noticeable. She asked if she could sit and it seemed as if it took forever for Him to answer her. She sat down and all she could do was smile. The waitress came back over and took their dinner order. She knew in her mind that the waitress knew what was going on and could not look her in the face. The vibrating was sending her mind wild. She closed her eyes and was just letting it take her away. She was watching the look on His face, and He was very pleased with what He was doing and her reactions to it Without warning, He stopped the egg. She jumped and pleaded with Him to turn them back on, but He wouldn't. The he teased her, and turned it on and off very rapidly and finally left it off. He loved to watch her wriggle around in her seat. He would just sit there and giggle under His breath. The waitress came back with their food and placed it in front of them. She cut a piece of her prime rib and raised it to her lips. But just as she was placing it on her tongue He zapped her again by turning on the vibrator. She slowly slide the meatless fork out of her mouth and just closed her eyes and let the vibrations and the sweet taste of the prime rib over take her body. She did not even notice that He had it off. The sweetness of the prime rib was enough alone to make her squirm. All through lunch He would turn on the vibrator and leave it on long enough to get her so close to cuming and then turn it off. She was in such a need to cum and He knew it, but would not let her cum. She was on that edge and He would not let her go over it. He had complete control and He knew it. She begged Him to let her cum and still He would not. All through dinner He would turn the vibrators on and off just at that critical moment. She no sooner would come down and He would get her right back up there again and then stop. They finished dinner and left the restaurant. As she walked out He made sure the vibrators was on. It was very difficult for her to walk, but she kept her head up and slowly and confidently walked out on His arm. He told her, when they reached the car, that they were going to a movie. 'Oh no' was the thought that ran through Aylas mind. How was she going to be able to deal with the vibrator through the whole movie. It was going to kill her. She just barely made it through dinner. The movie theater was only a few minutes from the restaurant. While in the car ride there He did not turn on the vibrator at all. She thought she was in the clear, for at least a short time. Once they walked into the theater, she excused herself to the ladies room. On her way there the vibrator went off. She turned around and looked at Him standing in line to get tickets, almost saying with her eyes to please turn it off so she could go. He did, just as she was about to cum. She hated that He knew exactly when to shut them off. She did what she needed to do and no sooner walked out of the stall to wash her hands and it went on again. Now she could see her reaction in the mirror. She thought to herself, 'oh my, everyone must know what is happening, just by looking at her face.' This was a night that she would remember for a very long time. They walked in and sat down in the back row in the very corner. He just sat there and held her with one arm. The movie got underway and she was watching intensely until He turned on the vibrator again. She was now so wet from it. He pulled out an undulating dolphin and ran it down the insides of her thighs. He pulled it away and ran His fingers tips over it. She watched His every move, and when He felt how wet it was He just looked and smiled at her. He put it back between her legs and turned on the vibrators. As He was parting her lips with the dolphin, that too turned on. She knew it was on because she could feel it, but she could not hear it. That was a relief to her. He slowly ran it across her clit. She slide down in the seat so that she was able to spread her legs for and easier access for Him. By now her nipples were beginning to ache. He reached up under her shirt and gently pinched her nipples. She thought she was going to jump out of her seat. He turned off the vibrator but left the dolphin on and rested it against her clit She began to moan softly. She was sitting there moaning in silence and beginning to become frustrated. She wished He would just let her cum. But she knew that would not be the case. This was to be a night of sheer teasing torture. He just loved it. Her reactions were just beyond words, but told all. Now it was even harder for her to control herself. There was another small toy added from dinner. Every time she would ask Him for permission to cum, He would stop all the vibrations. She would just sit there squirming in her seat. All He could do was sit there and smile at His handiwork. He loved to make her feel like this, because He knew once He would let her cum, it would be incredible. As the movie was just about to end, He took the dolphin and placed it back in His pocket. The forty-five minute drive home seemed like an eternity for her. He would turn on the vibrators and then turn them off. She was now moaning uncontrollably each time before He shut them off. She was begging Him to let her cum and He would not. When they got back to His house, He took her by the hand and led her into the bedroom and told her to undress Him. She did and folded up His clothes neatly and placed them next to the bed on the floor. He got into bed and laid across the middle of the bed. She did not move. She just stood there and watched Him watching her. He told her to get undressed and she slowly peeled off her clothes. She knew He liked to watch her undress. As she took off her shirt and her nipples were rock hard. He told her to come and suck Him. She did very willingly. She slowly ran her fingertips along the insides of His thighs, and flicked her tongue on the tip of His cock. It only took a few flicks and He was hard. That's when she knew all that had happened that night not only turned her on but also turned Him on. She was laying there between His legs and taking all of Him into her mouth. She was squeezing the head of His cock with the back of her tongue, and she could feel Him growing even bigger inside her mouth. She has this way with sucking Him that He had never felt before. She knew He liked it because He could not control His moans. She could feel His cum coming up His long hard shaft from His balls. She sucked even harder and that was all He could take. He exploded in her mouth. As He came the vibrator came on again. She did not know if He did it on purpose or if it was by accident. But she kept concentrating on His enlarged cock. She wanted to make sure she drank up every last drop. His hips were thrusting upwards every time she sucked Him in. The higher He trusted, the harder she would suck. She sucked until He could take no more and moved her head away from His cock. He pulled her up next to him and just held her. Once He got His composure back, He pushed her onto her back and spread her arms and her legs and told her not to move. He turned up the vibrator as high as it would go. She could not help but to move her arms and her legs. He got up and got some rope out of the toy bag in the closet and pulled her arms apart and tied them to the chain at the head of the bed saying, 'now you will not move them.' He then took her legs and spread them as wide as they would go and tied them off as well. He pulled on all the ropes spreading her open even further. She felt as if she was going to break into pieces. He then turned on the vibrators again and she began to try to toss and turn on the bed but was bound by the ties at her wrists and ankles. He then got the dolphin and she pulled even more at the ties. He knew it was time to allow her to cum. He tossed the dolphin to the side and ran His tongue up and down and across her very swollen clit. He no sooner did that and she screamed for permission to cum. He finally let her cum. She came so violently that she loosened up the ties that binded her. She could fell her cum dripping out of her pussy and feel Him licking it all up as it came out of her. She was shaking and her back was arched up as much as it could go. Her breathing was so very deep and heavy. The next thing she knew, she woke up and was covered up and He was holding her tightly snoring in her ear. She had passed out. He had untied her, covered her up and placed a pillow under her head. She leaned her head over and kissed Him till He woke up. Then they both turned over and went back to sleep. Both very contented. The End


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