Chapter 6 - Fr33 b33r and s3x!

7:58 pm Tuesday, 30th March, 2021


Chapter 6

Yer in luck. Despite my blog being officially the least liked and most boring blog of all time ever, I'm writin another chapter. No really.

I wrote chapters 1-5 back in January, when I was dead new and desperate to meet a gurl. As I don't exactly have looks and femininity on side, thought if I demonstrated what a tower of wit and originality I could be the offers would flood in, they didn't. But I met someone from the site, and dropped the -curious bit from my status. We've met a handful of times, I'm hoping for more. Far be it from me to name names here, if you're someone I talk to I've probably told you who it is, if not I'm sure you couldn't give a monkeys. It's goin great, sure she'll finish it soon if girls owt to go by.

No free beer here, sorry. Not much s3x either, little advertising trick to make shallow people read my stuff. Thank you sunday sport, I fell for it enough times.

Shaving, who'd be a woman? Most of us here I'd imagine, certainly as regards the foot and underwear. But the hair remvl, what an absolute ballache, think I said ealier I was new. Shaved me legs and bits about 5 times now, even me chest couple of times. It's gettin better slowly, still comin up rashy for few days after, bit less so each time. Haven't yet finalised sponsorship deal with efortyfive cream, hopin to never have to work again. Had a couple of gos with hair removal stuff on my equipment, think razor is better option, just gettin used to too sharp near the valuables.

Makeup, nother hurdle for the new gurl. Still clueless meself but my new friend has transformed me into a beautiful woman, see blu dress pictures. Not really as if, but gotta say amazed by results. Like me and yet not, like I've got a secret ugly sister or summat. Some things you can't cover up with lipstick and like edmunds said.

I've come out to me sister. Really. About this stuff and having a boyfriend. Me older sister, just got the one. She was cool, showed her some pictures where I wasn't gettin me arse out, she read me blogs. It was joyous and liberatin talkin to her X

It's been, thanks awfully for readin X I'm gobby, there may be more.

Love, Stella X


8:21 am Wednesday, 12th January, 2022 dfoxqs

Shaving - yes it is daunting at first but the end certainly justifies the means. Whipping round the genitals with a razor is now a doddle and smooth legs in nylons - oooooooooohhhhhhhmmmmmmm deliciously erotic, it's just got to be done.

Makeup - being made up for the first time, by a woman, is truly a memory etched into my mushy brain, it's like stepping through a door into a parallel universe called Girlworld, and there's no going back.

Coming out - I've always maintained that if someone doesn't need to know about you, don't tell 'em. I learnt that from another girl on here. But I'm on the verge of telling my younger sister, she's 62, not sure how that will go. My wife feels isolated having no-one to talk to about her husband Jennifer so maybe my sister is a start and things will work out better. Hope so, she maybe suspects anyway, she's smart

7:19 pm Wednesday, 23rd February, 2022 StellaA20

Aw thanks Foxy X yeah shaving now piece of pss, was so scary at first. Being made up was very intimate, sadly gotta do it meself now. Yeah tell yer sister and let her talk to your wife. We all need to talk to someone sometimes 👯 X

Blog Introduction


Local guy pretends to be a woman