Dominance is not about handcuffs,Whips and restraints

6:49 am Monday, 29th March, 2021


A dominant personality doesn’t need handcuffs, whips or restraints. You see it in their manner, their behaviour and their personality. They are usually very soft spoken and gentle and can make you beg just by the way they look at you or smile.

They usually say ‘please’ and are extremely polite but their tone tells you it’s not a request. The depth in their eyes will make your knees buckle, the whisper of their voice has the power to make you wet. They don’t need to control you or own you because you give that to them on your own.

They will always be an overarching presence in your life yet never letting you feel restrained. They won’t stop you from seeing others, ever. But you know deep inside that you need their permission. You need their approval. You can’t take decision on such things on your own. You need to tell them, take their permission each time.. each time you meet another or even think of another. You need to tell them everything you did with another with some guilt and shame. You need to express that you didn’t want to but couldn’t stop and that’s why took their permission to indulge and now you’re back to confess all the details. They will punish you each time for your sins and then encourage you again. They always encourage you because they want you to be independent and free. But you still take their permission and sit for confessions. Not because you have to. Because you want to. That’s the purest form of love ever. . .

Dominance is about words, smiles, permissions and confessions and trust

Blog Introduction


6'3' Tall Benign, Acute traveler to admires with my ravenous sexual appetite to celebrate orgasm of my playmate(s)