People have asked me how and why it is. Well this is it. Hope you like it?

9:49 pm Saturday, 20th March, 2021


Well as they say in all good stories, "Where does one start one start!"
Simply by saying that it's in my nature and believe that the choice to be with one person is something that society placed on us it's not in all of us however to be that way completely.
I've been able to be completely faithful to one women and that is why they all failed till I met my wife. Oh don't get me wrong I had affairs, one night stands (not a lot but enough) They of can out as they always do (lies always do), but credit to her strength in herself, her heart and love for me saw nature of mine and knows my love for her would never be lesser than it's always been. Understanding that she alone can not safisfy "all" of my needs and for that I'm a lucky man.

I'm a watcher of people and like learning/experience new things and everytime I meet someone new I get to experience different and never lose that feeling that makes it all worth while. You can love ore than one person. It's different for each person you meet so it's a new and it gives you any other layer of your personality.

Hope that helps in some small way.

Blog Introduction


Looking for Like minded people either for short or long term depended on how it goes. In open marriage, have a girlfriend that I go to events with among other interests.