Hey guys there are many couples who are not experienced in swapping .. We would like to request couples who are experienced so suggest safety guidelines on this blog .. or share their bad experience so new entrants are enlightened and they enjoy this lifestyle safely.
1) How to avoid getting infected in this lifestyle.
2) what are the etiquettes of lifestyle.
3) How does one start basically in this lifestyle.
7:31 pm Monday, 4th February, 2013
Just sticking to your questionnaire.
3:00 am Tuesday, 5th February, 2013
Excellent and hats off to you sirmadam for such a crystal clear communication .. You have improved this community a little bit and we will make it more safe and enjoyable by communicating.. |
1:50 pm Saturday, 30th March, 2013
I think this blog has got quite a bit of comments which are good general philosophical approach but more technical based comment will help further to be more specific. For example bacteria or yeast based infections have cure in allopathy where as virus we don't think allopathy has answer. It is more of preventive like taking some innoculation kind of stuff.. but being more specific and technical will make this blog real live |
5:06 pm Saturday, 30th March, 2013
Your questions are a bit confusing? Are you looking for something to prevent infection? because the only way to be completely sure of no infection is no sexual contact! |
5:22 pm Saturday, 30th March, 2013
Great comment and as expected only goddess can do so .. |
2:32 pm Saturday, 25th May, 2013
As far as AIDS is concerned .....there is only one way of infection .....that is exchange of Body Fluid in any manner between two people .....Moreover that body fluid if remain in contact with air ( like saliva ) it may not infect you |
6:58 pm Friday, 7th June, 2013
Meeting the right people, and sticking with them should be at the top of the list for healthy lifestyle let alone swinging.