The Perfect Play - Strangers

2:41 pm Wednesday, 10th February, 2021


A knew she had swallowed more than she could gulp.The room was desolate to say the least; run-of-the-mill highway motel, a few clicks out of town, basic furnishing, barren walls, nothing as far as the eye could see. It wasn’t so difficult to understand the source of her mental anxiety, the unknown.But it was the source of her moistening vulva which made her most perturbed. She was smitten with him - all the initial intriguing exchanges had given away to something more carnal, more raw, overtly in their recent texts. She knew exactly how he wanted her, he made sure of that. It had been playing in her head for the past week, making her restless, driving her wild with a sense of forlonging, keeping her up at nights. Or so she thought.The room was rudimentary, both furnishings and aesthetics. There was leftover smoke lingering in the air, from one of his cannabis rolls, giving the place a spooky vibe. It was evident that all the furniture had been moved back, to make space in the centre. A gulped down the entire gamut of her fears, when she saw it.A single folding-chair, the backpacking-in-the-wild variety, sat in the centre of this space. Arm restraints sprung on the hand-rests, a lover’s tape on the floor nearby.The ambience was enough to send an aroused shiver down her back, and although she felt her knees buckle with anticipation, she walked over to her place - her throne as he so often visualised it for her, in this desolate locale. She knew what she had to do. She had replayed the sequence in her head right up till she had collected the key and walked in.In the next moment A had stripped, her clothes neatly folded and kept on the desk nearby. He had explicitly asked her to keep the knicks on. She adjusted her thong before she went on to bind her legs to the chair, lover’s tape all the way up. Tight. Once she was done with restraining her left hand, she slumped back and took a long, deep breath. Beads of perspiration lined her forehead, as she frantically looked around for something to wipe them away with.The door opened, and shut with a pronounced click. A’s heart jumped into her throat, as goosebumps flared up and down her arms. She looked up at him.R wore a stoic expression, as he surveyed A’s handiwork from a distance.A had had enough, she waited for him to come to her. The ominous feeling in her bosom gave way for a myriad of emotions, all bursting at the seams - the excitement of things to come, the hunger for having him do to her as he pleased; her submission to him in totality out of the trust and the space he created for her. The exploding lust across her body. The implosion of reality, centred on her love for him. Her heart picked up a pace she worried would be audible enough for him to hear.R was done with taking in the visual delight, and stepped forward, rubbing sanitiser in his hands. His face bore no expressions to give away all that was going on in his head. Without a word uttered, R locked her right hand in the restraint, before running two icy cold, supple fingers down her back - nape to butt. As he pulled away, he brushed his lips against her cheek, leaving behind the vestiges of a faint kiss. R turned around and went to collect a wrapped package on the bed.A was not bothered with R’s lack of overt expressions. Her whole being went into a chaotic overdrive over her raging feelings. She had just seen the same emotions reflecting in his eyes.When R turned around again, A felt another bout of craving rock her core. He had a gleaming red flicker whip in his hand. R small silver tassel hanging at the end of it. Twisting it around, R tested it on his palm - KE-CHACK! - and satisfied, walked over to A, towering over her.“Close your eyes.” he said in his deep, raspy voice. A looked up at him, lip quivering, raking in all her feelings. When they discussed this earlier she had wanted a blindfold, but R put his foot down.A closed her eyes, brimming, with anticipation. She welled up inside as she imagined that red whip, on her delicate skin. It scared her, the kind which makes one more attuned to themselves. It made her flush, as she wantonly prepared to give R her everything - body, mind, and soul. A took in a deep breath.KE-CHACK!She flinched, yet not feeling that pleasuring pain. Her senses went into overdrive, her mind trying to ascertain the spot of that first landing.KE-CHACK!Trembling in heat, lusting in anticipation. It did not matter where it was landing anymore. Every single cell in her body combusting spontaneously, A kept her eyes shut. She loved this man. She trusted him to keep her safe.KE-CHACK!“Tell me. What is it that you covet?” R’s voice came at her, far away yet so near.KE-CHACK!“You.” A managed, palpitating now, the moistness in her nether region now turning into a heavy shade of wetness.KE-CHACK!“I am right here.” R responded, a little shuffle as he moved closer, now gliding the tassel of the whip along her firm breasts, provoking them. She felt the tautness, the impetuousness. And she opened up her legs, indicating to R what she exactly wanted.The tassel traveled down, as she hoped it will, adding another layer to her already carnal soul. Her vagina beating more than her heart now. Can he hear this, she thought?KE-CHACK!“What should I do to you.” He said, not asked. His presence evident around her, as she slipped into a higher plane, with nothing but R.“Any-thing…mhmm.” A sensed her body falling into a rhythm, rising up in a crescendo of lust and love. And then travelling down, getting bigger, getting more intense.KE-CHACK!“Tell me.” R retorted, commanding now.Still shut tight, A was playing everything back through her inner eye. Every fibre of her being wanted to jump out at R, fall down at his feet. She wanted him to have her, she wanted him to eat her up. She wanted him to fuck her like there was no tomorrow. She wanted to be used and abused. She wanted to indulge in the raw, primal desires he brought out in her. She opened her mouth, but could not hear the words coming out.The cold icy fingers were back, caressing her face now. And as she felt herself break down in a pool of ecstasy and emotions, the fingers turned into a hand, holding her face up. R set of lips upon hers, electrifying her throughout. A hand in her hair, cushioning and pulling her in deeper.A felt the rhythm burst out in waves, over her, soaking her in further salacity, yearning for more. This was her pinnacle, this was her Eden.“Open your eyes.” R slow, excited, familiar voice. She blinked to get her focus right.There he was, kneeling down next to her throne, that special smile on for her, looking into her eyes. Working to get her restraints and the tape off.“Are you okay?” Concern, love. He asked.A could only manage a smile, her mind still in Eden. Still awaiting, anticipating, wanting more.He smirked;>“Let me take care of you. And then let’s go get a drink someplace.” R said. No. Told. She nodded, as he helped her out of the chair, and pulled her into a tight hug, leaning in.Of course, he folded her thong before putting it away in his shirt pocket. Like a square.When she turned away to get dressed, her eyes fell on her reflection in the mirror. Her flawless skin pristine and glowing. And not a single welt anywhere.

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