A Passing Stranger

8:28 pm Wednesday, 27th January, 2021


There's a guy who I only know as a passing stranger and from what I can tell, he comes into people's lives, does something great for them and then just leaves without a word. A couple years ago, I had a run in with this passing stranger and I'm desperate to find him again. I want to let him know how much he did for me and how much it meant to me.

This is a pretty weird place to be looking for a passing stranger but I guess that the nature of the beast is to turn up in the weirdest places. if anyone knows how I can find a passing stranger, let me know.

My story with a passing stranger starts with a much more foolish me who just didn't see what was right in front of him. I had an incredible relationship with what I thought was a friend but he was so much more. I was absolutely clueless! One day, we were waiting by a bus stop just talking to each other and now that I think about it, probably flirting a bit and getting close. Then a passing stranger came up to the bus stop and we awkwardly backed away from each other a bit. The stranger told us not to shy away from each other because love is special. I turned so red! From then on, we started entertaining the idea of loving each other and then it just happened. I can't even tell you exactly when but it just did and it has changed my life.


5:57 pm Monday, 5th April, 2021 adriaanvdc

Hope you find him. What a awesome story.

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Dashing, daring, courageous and reckless