The Meetup, part four.

12:10 am Friday, 15th January, 2021


Just as you feel your body tense for climax, He stops and steps away. 'Oh god,' you are thinking, 'please don't stop. Ten more seconds. please please please'. You bite your lip in frustration. You feel his fingers curling around the top of your panties, the ones you spent s much time selecting at the lingerie shop, pulled down an off roughly, and carelessly discarded on the floor. He is stronger than you thought.

Suddenly, ruthlessly, His cock enters you with a hard thrust. The pleasure of it makes you scream. You feel his fingers entwine into your hair and your head being pulled back so hard that the blindfold flies off and you are looking at the far wall. The pain of your scalp mingles with the relief of the pressure on your airway, and the ecstasy of your groin. You can feel nerves and tingles rush back and forth through your body between your pussy and the back of your head, in some kind of weird and unexpected connection between the pleasure and the pain.

But He has done nothing else. You are laying face down with your torso the bed, your feet on the floor. He is standing at the side of the bed, his knees pushing your knees apart, and His hard erect cock inside you, but He is motionless. You are waiting. It is like torment. You cannot see, but He has a cruel smile on his face. In your need, you begin to gyrate your hips against him, and you blurt out "Fuck me! Oh god, fuck me!"

Your face gets slammed down angrily on the bed, and it flits through your mind 'Good thing this is a bed, not a bench', He lets go of your hair and his cock withdraws. You can hear Him unzipping something. A heavy zipper, like that on a suitcase or duffle bag.

There is a prolonged silence, and you turn your head and look behind you. Out of the corner of your eye you see His silhouette staring down at your ass and pussy with a stern look on His face.

"Fuck me what?" He rasps. His tone makes you very aware of how helpless you are in this position.

'I'm sorry Sir." you gasp. "Fuck me Sir. Please Sir." you beg.

"Punishment first," He rasps.

Your neck is getting tired from trying to look around, and as you lay your head back down on the bed you feel a tickling going up and down your back like dozens of little fingers caressing you, and you think 'This is punishment?'. You've never been struck before. You don't know what's about to happen, and you feel confused. Suddenly, you realize what you are feeling, and what he has in his hand.

"No impact!" you scream. "We agreed no impact!"

You feel His hand push your head into the bed, smothering you, and you feel His weight pressing down on you as He leans forward. You feel the breath on your ear as He says quietly "Limits are made to be pushed. You must be taught to be a proper sub."

You gasp in anticipation, and you realize that He is right. Part of you is afraid, but another part wants this.


4:51 pm Sunday, 17th January, 2021 abrahmlinc157

Unfortunately, this story will remain unfinished due to my inability to decipher the arcane and arbitrary rules about what constitutes appropriate story-telling wand what does not. Because what I write appears t me to be no different from other blogs.
Nor will I continue to waste hours of my time writing anymore without  concrete feedback on where my stories need to change in order to comply, instead of just some stupid generic form letter.

Blog Introduction


Looking for a submissive woman.