Some male tales from mere curious explorer and life aficionado | maiden post

12:52 pm Wednesday, 2nd December, 2020


I am a male in my late 30s with some tales on the more-than-one sides of sexuality. Not wanting to label anything I consider myself to be loving the human bodies in all its shapes, colours, texture or desires.
I found my muses more into the essence of female body but I am open to be explored also myself.Especially in these hard year - 2020, I believe that the need - I'd say the urge to stay in close contact with our fellow humans is paramount.The power of storytelling is that can bridge where other means of communication fail. A sort of cinema-in-your-head stories. If these are to be find also a turn-ON pager even better;)

Blog Introduction


A bisexual male in pursuit of singularities with males and couples.