Poem for all my friends and staff of Letsmeetup

8:11 pm Wednesday, 12th December, 2012


Firstly Merry X'mas and Happy New Year 2013 and all the beautiful girls out here. Enjoy ! The title is :

Can you remember a time
when fingertips touched your face
and the message that they traced was :
"How very precious
you are to me?
When you think of a love
that is all you could wish for
more than you expected
and all that you could deserve;
When you wake in the morning
and lie warm in your bed
luxuriating in your body's memory
in that closeness and comfort
in that place of dreams
where memory and fantasy
and hopes combine
in those first thoughts
you may find me there.
For i have entered with these words
Seeking sublime connection
to know you, and be known.
Can you remember a time
when fingertips touched your face?

Blog Introduction


straight guy wants bi girls for occasional meet