Black Friday...Without The Hassle?

10:55 am Thursday, 19th November, 2020


Black Friday is almost on us again! It’s probably one of the biggest shopping days of the year (second only to November 11th, known as ‘Singles’ Day’ in China) and, over the last few years has just got bigger and bigger. The term ‘Black Friday’ conjures up images of crazed shoppers stampeding into stores and grabbing items like televisions in a crazy, chaotic and sometimes violent flood, sometimes seen knocking each other over and fighting in the aisles in a war to get the best bargains. It seems like every year we’re confronted with footage on the news that just makes us feel a bit embarrassed as a society.

Black Friday originated in the United States and is typically the day after Thanksgiving. This year, it falls on Friday 27th November, though as the sales get bigger, they have spread to the days around this date, with some retailers even claiming the majority of November for their Black Friday events. Then there’s talk of Cyber Monday, which is the ‘online equivalent’ of Black Friday, but these have mostly blurred into one in recent years.

This year, however, might be quite different. With the pandemic in 2020, there are many restrictions in shops and gatherings in public places. Social distancing and the traditional Black Friday surge into stores aren’t exactly compatible with each other as we try to squash the spread of Covid-19, but shopping is increasingly done online now – and retailers know this. I don’t know about you, but for the last week or so, my inbox has been jam packed with ‘Pre-Black Friday’ offers, sale previews and all manner of promotional mail to build excitement and enthusiasm for shopping - not that I need much encouragement!

Black Friday has been happening online for a few years now, but this year, the vast majority of it will play out in cyberspace, which is actually good news all round! Less panic, less queueing, no travelling. This means no traffic jams, which have become a regular fixture in many cities (this has a knock-on effect of less environmental impact, as there will be a lot less cars gridlocked pumping out engine fumes as they sit waiting to get in or out of car parks!). Not to mention the benefits for us: Not having to get dressed, no fraught navigating through crowds, tussling over bargains, none of the stress. Besides, after the great disappointment of a year this has been, an excuse to indulge in some bargains might be just the tonic.

It seems like every retailer of every type is holding some sort of bargain event this year – and why wouldn’t they? So, what are you diving into?

Personally, I’m on a little drive to level-up my wardrobe, specifically my night out wardrobe (technically my ‘boy wardrobe’, though the lines are blurring these days and who cares?). I’ve learned this year that life’s too damn short to hold back and I want to spice my clothes up with some new jackets, shoes and things. Of course, I never look actually bad on a night out, but I am guilty of falling back on the same sort of outfits a lot of the time. Part of it is because my more showy, spectacular outfits are reserved for my shows and part of it is because I’ve found a look that works, so I stuck with it. A few good pairs of jeans and a few spangly T-Shirts in various combinations, often with my usual leather jacket and always just plain, black shoes. I’ve never really made a huge effort with my boy wardrobe because your average male doesn’t usually have to, but I’ve decided I want my night out outfits to be almost as full of impact as my drag outfits. I’ve been looking at various jacquard blazers in beautiful bold colours, sequin blazers, glitzy shirts and some really outrageous shoes. For the first time, I’m actually pretty excited about menswear, so I’m taking the moment and going for it. I’ve managed to save a little money through not travelling anywhere this year and generally by cutting back, so I deserve a treat. I’ve got my eye on a pair of gold-leaf leopard print loafers with red soles which are simply ridiculous but oh, so fabulous! I’ve decided I want each outfit to scream “You’re fucking welcome, bitches” when I walk into a room. The makeup and jewellery already do that – It’s time for the clothes to do the same!

So, that’s the outfits sorted – But what’s underneath? If you remember my piece about men’s underwear, you’ll know I’m a fancy underwear fanatic and I already know my favourite underwear brand are having a Black Friday sale – mostly because they’re always having a sale for something. I’ve not made a purchase in about a year, so the time has come! I love having brand new pants!

On top of this, I’ve just today discovered that one of my favourite discontinued fragrances is making a return, so I’m going to grab some of that while I can. Apart from some refills for commonly used staple products, cosmetics wise, I don’t really need anything (though if the right offer happened to land in my lap, I’m not saying I wouldn’t, obviously). So, beauty and cosmetics, while not a priority, it could be considered on the list.

The only other thing I’m keeping my eyes open for are some more smart light bulbs and home automation stuff (you must have noticed I’m a little bit of a tech nerd by now) because I like the thought of my house being a little more sci-fi than average.

And, of course, I’ll be on the lookout for potential gifts for loved ones over Christmas, as I suppose I should start coming up with some sort of plan, which seems to get harder every year. Maybe I’ll just give some of my merch to people this year, who knows? Christmas can be all about shameless plugging too, right?

So, that’s my plan – Ridiculous clothes, knickers, maybe cosmetics and definitely pretty lights. Actually not much different than usual really. Now, I wonder what food offers there might be! What are your main targets for Black Friday? Any particular products and offers you’re keeping an eye on? Have you got a plan for how to get the most out of Black Friday or, even better, have you got a scary or hilarious story about a Black Friday experience after being caught up in all the chaos of previous years? Why not tell us below in the comments…

I’m off to give my credit card some exercise now while I recline in a fabulous robe and nothing else. This is how shopping should be, yet for some reason Harrods had an issue with me lounging nearly nude on their furniture making demands – I can’t fathom why! – Till next time, stay safe, out of the chaos, stay sane, do some shopping and always…. Stay Vidalicious! X

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