When I learned who I am

6:35 pm Sunday, 8th November, 2020


My wife bought me one-day course titled as "Get to know yourself" for my birthday. I am not particulary fond of self helping education or book, neither I think softskills are esential, yet, I went there just to please my wife. It turned out, it was psychological evaluation of my submisivness and one day training, in order to deepen my inclination towards dominant woman. Ofcourse, she didnt tell me that, nor it was obvious right away, but as day unfold, hidden truth come on sight. Though, epiphany remained still to come, as they told me, in the place where should occur. I wasnt sure what does it mean, but eventually I was going to find out. When I came home, my wife have been waiting for me in living room, dressed in shortest skirt I have ever seen on her. "Honey, how was your day?" - she asked me. "Well, amazing! I find out lot of things about you and me" "So...you like it?" "Yes!" "What did you find out?" "That you are gentle, but dominant lady, as opposite to me. I am submissive." "Intersting. How did they explain the fact we have argued so much?" "That I was not ready to follow your lead. They gave me assignment, which should help me to accept my role" "Would you like to follow my lead?" "Hmm..yes?" "Ok. What is your assignment?" "Dont know yet. They gave me an envelov with tasks in it. I wasnt supposed to.open envelop without your permission. Do I have your permission?" "Yes my dear, you have my permission to open envelop." "Ok. There is cards with tasks on it. First card. It said:'Read at loud. Dont read next card without completing task. Ready to start?' Ok, I am. Second: 'Get naked'. Hm...ok. Third: ' Get on you knees'. Oho, kinky, lol. Fourth:' hand next card to your wife, without reading it'. Ok, here you have." "Ok, let me read questions for you. Ready?" I nodded. " ok. Dont say a thing, only nodde with head. Would you like to follow my lead?" I nodded in yes. "Would you like me to controll you?" "Would you like to obey me?" "Would you like me to be in charge in this household?" "Would you like to give controll over your orgasms to me? "Would you like me to impose rules of proper bahaviour?" "Would you accept punishment if fail in completing your assignments?" "Would you like me to be your mistress?" "Will you submit to me?" I nodded every time. "Ok. Good boy. Now we will go through the same questions, but this time you will give me answers by saying it. I did it as she requested. "Ok, once again, but now, you should ask me proper question" "My precious wife, would you like to control me?" - was my first question, and I continued in this manner. When I finished, I was overwelhmed, with my willy errrtected fully. "Next card!" - she said. "Ok, it goes. 'Ready for next step?' Ok, I am. Did I answered positively on all questions?- yes, I did. Ok, checked. 'Now, you will show your acceptence of her as your mistress. Place yourself on her knees and ask her kindly to spank you." Well that was turning point in our lifes. Everything changes after that!"

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