Role of being a mistress to a married man

3:04 pm Wednesday, 4th November, 2020


A mysterious sexy woman that a married man sees in secret to have a romantic and sexual relationship with. This is the definition of being mistress.. There is good sex,seductive phone calls,eexciting secret date,gifts and the thrill of doing something bad. But is being a mistress as glamorous as it seems???Yes, But only at first. Being a mistress has excitexciti moments and these are the moment that convince women to become a mistress in the first place. In the beginning,the mistress hold all the power. She is the one who has the married man under a love spell and she gets all his attention and time that he should be spending with his wife. She is the one he fantisizes about when he is with his wife and the one he misses.. Men rarely leave their wives for their mistresses which means that they string their mistresses along, having them believe that one day they will both together with no more hiding around..
If the man and his mistress do end up together and get married, they eventually have troubles with trust, because of the way they got together. They both know that they are capable of cheating and going along with cheating and while they may actually love each other all the fact defining their relationship has the greater influence, wether they want to acknowledge it or not...


12:25 pm Wednesday, 2nd December, 2020 sm1166

PM me please mistress 

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