5:23 pm Tuesday, 3rd November, 2020


Business could be a short term project or a sustainable development. Knowing the entry and exit strategies make it easier for one to manage.

Swinging could be applied to the above definition. A couple/individual could consider to explore their sex life with another similar mind for a short or long term.

Know when to enter? A lot of couples find it difficult to open up with the partner about their fantasies, when another person is to be involved, a lot of questions come up, Would he/she misunderstand as being used / What would he or she think of me?, would it affect my image? / Could this fantasy break our real love life ?. If you’re a new couple or having a unstable love life, do not involve another person as it could further distance yourself before you two fit in. It is important for one to respect the other and think from their view as well. You know more about your partner than anyone else , if you feel you could open up to them and think you have the same wave length , tell them about it and hope it to be a constructive discussion. It could be a rejection or approval or require time to digest and decide. It has to happen naturally , don’t hope to force the outcome. If you’re someone respecting the partner , you would wait for their approval. If you are forcing things, you’re not ready for this. It would be a disaster. When your interests are mutual, consider the next thing.

Once you both are in, find the right person. How do you do that? Your close friends could be one of your options, I would suggest not to do that. Because it would become a lie you can’t hide when you don’t want to. Remember, your friend didn’t share the same interest as you guys,why would you want them in ? For privacy reason? No, it could affect your behavior around them hereafter. Therefore find a similar mind who have the same interest as you guys, luckily , this platform (adulthub) helps.

Consider talking to some depending on your interests. Be sure what you want, are you looking for a short term or long term. Consider everyone as short term initially until you have met them more times. If you guys have the same interests , you would know , they are perfect to hang around and could be a long term friend. IT IS IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND THAT EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN LIFE LIKE YOU, AND THIS IS A FANTASY. So give space and respect their boundaries.

Life is a constant learning process. Just like knowledge, your potential best sex life might be untapped. You’d want to try new things , identify your attractions. This all can be experienced with the similar minds. However, it is important to be clean and consider your safety (from diseases) when having multiple partners. You are doing society a favor by being safe yourself. So it does not indirectly affect someone else for your mistake.( short term satisfaction)

Know when to exit? If you think, you’re losing control over your love life outside sex life, discuss and take a break or remove yourself from this lifestyle. You could become jealous over your partner or develop inferior feelings , or become suspicious, these could strike your mind in this lifestyle , if you ever feel any of this , take time to discuss with your partner to sort it out. Remember , you both got in with mutual interest. They would understand you when you be clear with them.

It works best when you trust, be loyal and VALUE each other. Some couples meet alone and share their kinky stories when he/she’s back. Being transparent helps a lot. If you have these traits , your swinging life could be enjoyed long term. If not, consider it a short term project and work it with your partner, cherish those moments . Enjoy again if it happens.

Blog Introduction


CASANOVA at heart, BULL at performance. Decent educated guy.