Denial, a first meeting where touching is not permitted

12:44 pm Friday, 30th October, 2020


The door opens, I see you for the first time in your black heels, barley black nylon covered legs, short burgundy pleated skirt, tight chiffon blouse with a hint of red bra appearing through the semi-transparent material. You have makeup on and greet me with a lovely smile.
I enter the house and unbutton my jacket, just about to say hello when you place your finger to my mouth, schhhhh.

You take my jacket from me and place it on a hook. Taking my hand, you lead me into the living room. I’m offered a drink and you invite me to sit down, I watch you walk out of the room, your hips swaying, your skirt swinging around your shapely legs.
A few minutes later you return, placing my drink on the coffee table in front of me. You sit opposite, drink in hand on a chair and cross your legs, your skirt falls to the side, slipping across your leg showing your nylon sheathed thigh, I see your wearing tights. You look across at me, a wry smile on your deep red painted lips as you take a sip of your drink. I am being teased, although not feeling uncomfortable I still attempt to avert my gaze from your stunning legs, it’s rude to stare.
Your cup placed at your side, you make a gesture for me to stand which I do, you gesture me to turn around for you which I do, your checking me out.You stand from your chair and move towards me placing your hands on my shoulders, I place my hands on your hips, you brush them off and wave your finger in front of my face. I realise that I may look but not touch, you bite your lip as you loosen my tie, your undressing me.

My tie, my shirt has soon been removed, you watch your hands glide over my chest, my shoulders, my back I keep my arms to the side enjoying your interest in my body.You slowly drop to your knees trailing your hands down my body and focus on my trousers, the belt is soon loose, the waist button undone, my flies unzipped and finally my trousers eased down.

I step out of them and remove my socks, your hands on my hips you turn me again, I feel your hands squeezing my bottom then turn to face you again. Your hand gently strokes my cock through my boxers, you ease them down to my ankles, my hard cock springs from its prison. You lean forward slightly and kiss the tip of my cock as I step out of my boxers.
You rise, once again and walk towards the door, your finger gestures me to follow you, I follow behind to the base of the stairs. A raised finger gestures me to stay where I am as you start to climb the stairs. Ascending slowly, you look back at me watching you, the higher you climb the stairs, the further under your skirt I am permitted to see. On reaching the top, your legs slightly astride, you lift the back of your skirt…
You are beautiful, your tights coat your skin in sheer, transparent nylon. Every curve of your magnificent bottom enhanced, smoothed by the taught nylon under which your red, lace panties hide your womanhood but doesn't obscure your figure, the tight seam of nylon perfectly centred, flows between your cheeks forcing a hint of cleavage, a camel toe between your legs.
You turn to face me, you skirt still held to your waist I see how your panties caress your vagina, a perfect camel toe between your legs of panties and tights with the vaguest hint of dark fur visible through the front of your panties.

I’m beckoned upstairs to join you.I follow into your bedroom and you close the door behind me, I stand awaiting instruction watching you walk to the side of the room removing the lid from your laundry hamper. You rummage inside for a moment then smile as you lift out a pair of cream satin panties, your panties and they have been worn. You look down at my cock as you hand me your dirty panties. I open them out to step into, I see cream, yellow, earthy staining on the soft, white cotton gusset. I step into them and pull them up over my manhood. They are tight, very tight as I pull them to my waist, my hard cock encased in tight, shiny satin – it feels sensational, erotic, naughty.
I’m beckoned to kneel on the bed by the tailboard, facing the headboard. You take a wrist and tie it to one side the tail board, my other wrist secured to the opposite side, you reach between my knees and part them. You slide your hand over my satin covered manhood, cupping and squeezing my cock and testicle’s in your hand.
You move back across the bed and sit up against your pillow, your hands move to the front of your blouse and undo the buttons slowly, when loose you remove it and drop it at the side. Your red, lace bra appears to match your panties, filled by your perfect breasts heaving as you take each breath.
You open the top drawer in the bed side cabinet and peek inside, you remove a chain with small clamps on each end, fastening each clamp to my nipples, you tighten them, I feel the sting as they pinch my nipples. The sudden pain increases when you pull on the chain stretching my nipples, pulling them forwards you lean into me and give me a peck on my lips, then release.
You lean back on the pillow and slide your hips forward, you run your hands down over your waist to the hem of your skirt and lift it to your waist opening your legs at the same time. Your skirt hitched up to your waist, your legs are now wide open, your panties and tights skin-tight over your womanhood.

You tease your finger down the seam of your tights, over your pubic mound and down between your legs, sighing when you reach the cleft of your shrouded vagina. Rubbing your finger up and down over your underwear, pressing harder and lifting your thighs rhythmically you masturbate through your underwear, pushing your panties against your sex.

Your enjoyment is audible, moans and sighs fill the silent room as you play with yourself in front of me, my unobstructed view of you pleasuring yourself driving me crazy. Several minutes pass before you lift your hand away, you glance down at the darker, wet patch now present on your panties between your legs, look up at me and gently bite your lip.
Reaching out your arm into the drawer of your bedside cabinet you pull out a thick, vibrating dildo, you turn it on, its monotone buzzing fills the silence. You sigh as you slide the dildo up and down the seam between your legs. You slide the thumb of your free hand under the waistband of your tights and panties and hold them out then guide the vibrating rubber dildo inside.

I hear a deep, sexy sigh as the dildo hits its hidden mark inside your underwear. You writhe a little pulling you underwear open further, pushing the dildo further down you lift your thighs. The bulge of the dildo in your panties shrinks as you insert the vibrator inside you, the buzzing sound diminishes as you gently ease it deep inside until your vagina consumes it.

Removing your hand from inside your underwear, you pull up both panties and tights to your waist, keeping your toy deep inside. Between your open legs, I can see the silhouette of the dildo base encased in your panties gusset and held firmly inside you. Your hips buck on the bed, your hands now roughly squeezing your breasts through your bra, your hips bucking up and down your close to orgasm.

Your moans increase as closer you get, grabbing the waist band of your tights and panties you pull them up hard, forcing the dildo a deeper inside you. One hand between your legs, the other pulling your underwear tight, you rub the base of the dildo through your panties with the palm of your hand, rotating and pushing it around inside you. Moments later you cum, you gasp as your orgasm racks your body, hips bucking, eyes rolled back your body jerks, spasms as you cum.

You slowly gain composure again and hand in your panties, you remove the dildo from inside you and your underwear, it glistens in the light, coated in your sex honey. You get up on your knees moving towards me, you pull on the chain, the nipple clamps pinch painfully as I lean forward to try to relieve the discomfort, you hold the wet vibrator close to my lips. I can smell your sex, the sent of your vagina fills my nostrils, again you pull on my nipple clamps. I surge forward and take the warm, wet dildo into my mouth, I taste you, I taste your vagina, I taste your sweet honey as you fuck my mouth with it, deeper and deeper with each push almost making me gag and all the time painfully pulling on my nipple clamps.
Again you lean back on the bed, leaving the dildo in my mouth you lay you head on the pillow, legs open wide you slide your hand into your panties, squeeze your breast with the other and masturbate. I see your fingers sliding in and out of your vagina, the slopping sound of your wetness as you frantically finger yourself to another orgasm. Again, you whimper and buck your hips, your vagina flooding with creamy cum you pull your hand from your panties immediately placing your sticky, wet fingers into your mouth. I watch as your tongue licks around them, sucks on them, cleans your sex honey from them before plunging your hand back into your panties, into your vagina and back to your mouth, tasting yourself.
You kneel in front of me again, pulling on my clamps you take the dildo from my mouth. You pull open the waist of my panties and slide the dildo inside against my hard cock and turn it on full. You look into my eyes and pulling again on my clamps, kneeling in front of with your legs apart, you masturbate through your underwear as my cock feels the relentless vibrations from your dildo. I see in your eyes your close again, you cum again tugging hard on the clamps pulling them off my nipples.

The pain is intense, but the loveliness of the look on your face as you cum again outweighs any pain I’m feeling.You start to calm down, regain your composure as you stand from the bed and walk round behind me, the vibrator still buzzing in my panties.

My hair is pulled from behind forcing my face up, your dangling your red lace panties over my face, the soaked gusset touching my skin, your intense sent filling my nose. I open my mouth, you stuff them inside, tucking them, your warm, wet panties filling my mouth, I taste you, I taste your creamy honey on my tongue.

You put your hand over my gagged mouth, keeping my gag in place your free hand grips my cock through the satin panties. You wank me off in your panties, gripping me hard you pull my foreskin up and down almost painfully until I cum, squirting my load into your satin panties, but you don’t stop. You carry on wanking my now over sensitive cock in my creamy panties, you keep going for several minutes until I cum again only then, can I relax.
I watch you untie my wrists from the tail board and help me from the bed, I stand to the side shaking from my exertion, your red lace panties still in my mouth. You kneel before me and pull my satin panties down, full of my sticky white fresh sperm.

With the satin panties in hand, you remove my gag and hold the sperm filled panties close to my mouth, you lick you lips, I stick out my tongue and lick my fresh sperm from the panties in your hand, cleaning my mess from them.
When cleaned, you turn and drop the satin panties into the laundry hamper, then pick your red lace panties of the bed handing them to me, I put them on, warm, wet and still a strong scent of your sex and led downstairs where I get dressed, my boxers in your hand out of my reach, a trophy perhaps?
You open the front door and give a gentle peck on the lips; you place a note in my hand and usher me out. The door closes behind me and locks, I take a look at the note:
Next Thursday, 10am allow 4 hours X


4:58 pm Friday, 6th November, 2020 Wal077Nottigham

Wow - everyone should really read this!

4:59 pm Friday, 6th November, 2020 Wal077Nottigham


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Private CD looking for a tutor