Awnies Journal - First Meeting with Daddy

11:56 pm Sunday, 20th September, 2020


Meeting DaddyNovember 29th - I double matched on hot or not with a very handsome man named Jim.He was so nice, he connected with me on and we started instant messaging to each other. December 19th - Jim sent me an updated picture. He was very handsome. Wow, it looked like he wasn’t wearing any clothes in that picture. He certainly was distinguished looking. I decided to send him a couple of current pictures of me too. If we were going to meet, I wanted to make sure that he knew what I looked like. I didn’t want to mislead him or for him to be disappointed when we met. I sent him a picture of me in my pirate costume (from Halloween) and another one of me when I walked in the Diabetes walk. We chatted for quite a while. He asked me if I had any pictures with a little less clothing... lol. I told him that I didn’t have any pictures like that. But, I did have a picture of myself in my bra. I wasn’t sure about sending that one to him, because I felt like I looked too old and unattractive in that picture. Hmmm, I might send it to him one day, but not now. He asked me if I was into the dominance & submissive lifestyle I don’t remember how he asked me... But I remember it scared me a little.Another IM chatting session we talked about religion. I guess I brought it up because of my strict religious upbringing, I was taught that bdsm and even just casual sex was wrong. Even though I’m not religious at all now, it’s still ingrained in me. But he told me that he’s religious. That many of the people in that lifestyle are ‘Christian’. One night we chatted on line for a while, then he invited me to call him at his hotel room in Charlotte, North Carolina. I called the hotel a couple of times before the staff answered. They had some emergency going on. When Jim answered the phone... Wow, he had the sexiest voice. He sounded so confident, so strong, so secure. I felt so comfortable talking with him. He started telling me about being a Dominant and the D & S lifestyle. That whole scene seems a bit scary, but it was interesting to hear him talk about it. He invited me to check out his profile. He told me that he was a Daddy Dom. That he likes to be the strong, dominant person, not hurting, but teaching. He gave me some examples of what a dom might tell his woman to do... Not wear panties or go into the bathroom at work and masturbate. He even described how we could meet: He would leave me a key to his hotel room, in the lobby. I could let myself into his room, take off all my clothes, put a blindfold on that he would leave for me, and tie my hands with some scarfs. Then, he would come into the room, I couldn’t see him because of the blindfold, but I would feel his presence. He would walk over to the bed, move his hands over my body, but not touch me. He said that I would feel his warmth, but not his touch. Then he would take one of my nipples into his mouth and suck on me. Then he would suck on my other nipple. Then he would kiss me passionately. I remember he told me that he wouldn’t fuck me right away.... Just tease a little. Put his cock in just a little bit, maybe play with my clit. I told him that I’m not very patient... That I would want to feel his cock inside me. He said that’s why I would have my hands tied. This was all very exciting to me but I told him that what I was really looking for was a long term relationship. He seemed to understand. He told me that I could call him ‘daddy’... and I did. When I got off the phone with him, I looked at his profile closer. I really liked what he said. One thing that stuck in my mind was that the size of a woman didn’t matter to him. He also suggested that I check out what some of the submissive’s wrote. January 6th - I sent him the picture of me in my bra.January 7th - I sent him another picture of me with my pirate costume on... But, still not ready to take a picture of myself naked.I’ve been exchanging IM’s with daddy once in awhile. He’s been updating me on where he’s traveling to. He’s been back east visiting his father and his sons. I still haven’t taken a picture of myself in the nude. He said that it might be easier if I take two of them... one of my top and one of my bottom. The main reason that I haven’t taken the picture is that I don’t think I look very good. A picture will only show the ugly fat. I started to take a picture of me and the battery died... I took that as a sign that I shouldn’t be taking the picture... Lol He also asked me to shave my pussy. I’m reluctant to do that too. I’m getting really nervous about the possibility of actually meeting daddy. He sent me an IM that he’s on his way back to California. He also asked me if I was going to send him that picture. I don’t think this is going to work out. I don’t think I want to meet him, but how do I tell him that. I’m not sure what to do.January 26th - Daddy sent me an IM with his cell number. I wrote it down, but I just got home from class and I’m really tired. I’m not going to call him tonight. I’ll just send him a note that I’ll call him tomorrow night.January 27th - I got home from class a bit late today and when I turned on my computer, daddy had given me his cell number again and said that I could call any time. I’m still really hesitant about all of this. I don’t know... Just the idea of casual sex is so foreign to me. Of course I am very curious. I am really horny too. He seems like a trustworthy guy. It’s all just too crazy for me. Okay... I’ll give him a call. I do want to hear his sexy voice. I don’t know how I’ll tell him that I’m not interested in this type of meeting. But I will talk to him.I called him around 5:00 p.m. or so, but he didn’t answer so I left a message. He called me back a little later. It was nice hearing his sexy voice again. He’s so nice, so friendly, so ‘normal’... He sent me a link to an article about him so that I could see he’s legit. He looked handsome in his pictures, it talked about his education and his business accomplishments. Okay, I’m feeling better about him. I still have this hang-up about not having casual sex. I told him that I would feel better if we met for coffee first and then went from there. I told him that I didn’t want him to be disappointed in how I looked... that I don’t have a ‘hard body’. He was so sweet, he said that he knew I wasn’t 21 years old. That we all have flaws. You know, it’s funny... I’m not really self conscious about my looks. I think I look a bit like a Rubens or a Botticelli model. So once a man sees me and I can tell that he’s not horrified by the way I look, I’m okay. But it seems like most men are attracted to thin, athletic, hard body women... And that’s definitely not me. I just wanted daddy to know this up front. We talked for a bit. Then he suggested that I shave my pussy and then call him back in an hour. What the heck. So I put on some hair-removal cream. Then I got into the shower and shaved my pussy. I shaved my legs while I was at it. I was thinking about daddy while I was in the shower. I was wondering if we really would meet up. My pussy was really soft now. I got out of the shower, dried off a bit, then I called daddy back. This time I was laying on my bed, completely naked, when I talked with him. As I was talking to him, he asked me to touch my pussy. Then he asked me to put my finger inside my pussy and taste my juices. I did that... I did everything he asked me to do. He asked me to describe myself, starting with my feet, then my ankles, then my knee’s,... Finally, he asked if I would just get in my car and drive up to see him. Of course I came up with every excuse in the book. I wanted to go see him. I wanted this exciting rendevous to happen, but what would I tell my dad? As a grown woman I was living with my elderly father Would daddy still respect me after making wild, passionate love with him? Would my heart feel too much for him and not understand that this is purely physical passion? So many questions and so many reasons why not to meet up with daddy. But, in the end, I said YES! I would tell my dad that I was going out dancing with Brandy. I would wear nothing underneath the black dress coat that was hanging in my closet. I decided to wear my black thigh high’s with the black strip up the back and my black and red shoes. I think daddy would like the way I dressed. As I said goodbye to my dad and got into my truck, I noticed that I was low on fuel. I would need to stop at a gas station on the way to to see him. I hoped that no one would notice that I had nothing on under my coat. It was rather exciting to be out in public and know that I had nothing on underneath. All fueled and ready to go, I began the drive up to him. Was I crazy? Was I really driving up to meet a man that I had only communicated with on the internet? Was I really going to a hotel room to make passionate love with a stranger? This was truly the craziest thing I had ever done and yet I wasn’t scared... Not yet anyways. I called daddy when I got onto the highway. He directed me to the exit that I needed to take and got me safely to the Hotel. It was raining out and he kept telling me to be careful. He directed me to park next to his car. He said that the key to his room would be under the windshield wiper of the Car. I got the key and walked to the hotel. I let myself into the hotel, through the back door. I walked down the hallway until I his room number. I was just ready to put the key in the door when the door opened for me. When I stepped into his room, a euphoric feeling swept over me. I felt as though I was dreaming. He stepped over to me and began kissing me passionately as he undid the buttons on my coat. I could feel has hands on me, touching my skin and making me weak. I kissed him back and I reached down to feel his hard cock that was pressing against me. I slipped my had into his sweat pants and felt his hard cock and big balls with my bare hand. Wow, his was big and hard and I wondered how he would taste and how good it would feel to have that big cock inside my pussy. I slid his sweat pants all the way off and we walked over to the bed, still kissing and caressing. He took off my nylons and laid me back onto the bed. He sucked on one nipple, just as he had told me he would when we spoke on the phone. Then he took my other nipple into his mouth. Mmmm, a warm feeling swept through my body, leaving my pussy feeling so hot and wet. I could feel such pleasure and pain as he sucked on me. Then he returned to my mouth and kissed me so passionately. I was lying there on the bed, he was kissing me passionately and then sucking on my nipples. I was touching, feeling his hard body, feeling his hard cock in my hand. I was enjoying the feeling of his hard cock and his balls as we touched each other.Then daddy laid on his back and told me to suck on his cock... mmm, I was hoping he would ask me to suck on him. I knelt down between his legs and took his hard cock into my mouth. I enjoyed sucking on him and touching his balls. Then he told me to suck on his balls. I was still feeling so euphoric, like I was dreaming this all. Then he grabbed me by the hair and pulled my mouth down on his cock again. I licked the whole length of his cock and then took it all into my mouth. I liked the way that he was holding my hair and directing me to do what gave him pleasure. I was hoping that I gave him pleasure. He seemed to be enjoying the feeling of my sucking on him. Next, he told me to get on top of him, and enjoy the feeling of his hard cock inside my pussy. I was anxious to feel him in my pussy. I got on top of him as he eased himself inside me... Slowly at first, just the tip of his cock. Then he pushed his cock all the way inside my pussy. It felt so good to feel him inside me. He was so deep inside me. We rocked together, he kept a perfect rhythm with me. Mmmmm, it had been a long time since I had felt this good. He asked me if daddy was a good fucker, and I said; ‘yes, daddy’s a real good fucker’. As I was fucking him, he let me put my finger on my clit to increase my pleasure. Soon I was feeling the most fantastic orgasm. I wanted to scream, but didn’t want to wake the neighbors. He let me enjoy the full, orgasmic feeling that rushed through my whole body and left my nipples hard and sensitive. Then our bodies continued to move together and I enjoyed watching the pleasure on his face as he came to the point of orgasm, himself. I could feel his hot cum shooting inside my pussy. This was the height of ecstacy, to receive pleasure and give pleasure. I lay next to him and he rubbed my head. I felt so content.We talked for a while about this new experience. He told me a little more about this lifestyle and why he had begun his venture into this. He told me about his mentoring and how he had helped a married woman learn to have orgasms. I still felt as if I was dreaming. Like this was not real. He got out of bed and got some ice cream that we shared. I felt so comfortable with daddy. Soon, I could feel his cock getting hard again. This time daddy leaned over me and kissed me. He told me to wrap my legs around him and he pulled me lower down the bed so I wouldn’t hit my head on the headboard. Then daddy started fucking me again. My legs were still around him and he was fucking me so hard. I could feel the sensation of his cock hitting against my clit, and then pushing deep inside my pussy. This feeling was driving me wild. As he continued to fuck me, the excitement grew until I orgasmed again. This one wasn’t as strong as the one before, but it sent shivers through my whole body. Next, I told daddy that I like to be fucked from behind. So he let me kneel on his bed and he slipped his hard cock into my pussy from behind. He fucked me for a while and spanked me hard on the ass. Then he laid me down on the bed and pushed his cock into my mouth so I could taste his hot cum in my mouth. Mmmm, his cum tasted so good. This was a nice way to end the most sensual love making that I had ever experienced.It was getting late and I needed to drive home. As I got dressed, he noticed the red mark that he had left on my ass and we laughed about it. Daddy walked me to the door and we said goodnight. I felt as though I was sleepwalking as I went to my truck and drove away. He called me a few minutes later and asked me to call him when I got home. The drive home was uneventful. Although it was late, I wasn’t tired. I was still feeling so ‘alive’, from the passionate night that I had just spent with daddy. I arrived home around 3:00 a.m. and called to let him know I got home safely.January 31st (4:45 a.m.)- I send daddy a quick ‘good morning’ IM this morning and he sent me a response. I was surprised to see him up so early. He told me he had been awake since 2 a.m. We chatted for a while. He asked me what I was wearing to work today and I told him; my black slacks and red sweater. He told me not to wear panties so that I could feel the my slacks brushing against my pussy all day. We kept in touch on-line and on the phone for a week. Not quite able to get together again. Now he’s leaving the area and I’ll really miss him. I’m not sure if I’ll ever see him again, be I’ll never forget him or the experience that he shared with me.

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