Love , lust & adventure

1:23 pm Monday, 7th September, 2020


What is love or what is lust? is emotion which comes when you care someone or you think I will not even fuk her...just care her, hug her and will provide all happiness that u can give.
Lust is beyond love..... when love doesn't just need to being satisfied.. it doesn't matter how she looks, How she behaved, u just need bed to fuk her..
Beyond of love and lust ..there is life of adventure... Love for nature... Love to travel and find out new places , new people, new culture, tradition... Just far from such boring life... Your brain and heart will be relaxed. Your body doesn't need any satisfaction after ward. Do you know your mind released more energy when it is in relaxed more or pleasure mode...thatswhy kissed contain 5000 calaries at a time... that's the same feelings comes when you visit an adventurous sites..
When all comes together...when you marry with your partner which you love and goes to honeymoon in adventurous sits where your lust reached on it peakness...that moment will definitely be your unforgettable and precious moments with your partner
Thank you and tell me how is it my first blog.

Blog Introduction


I'm 27 years old, living in the Shimla region.