Things to do with your newfound time

5:16 pm Tuesday, 1st September, 2020


So, are we all climbing the walls yet? It’s not exactly a surprise that we’re all a bit hornier over the summer and with things the way they are with Ms Rona and lockdowns all over the place, our sex lives have probably taken a nosedive – at least for the single folks or those who don’t live under the same roof as their significant other, but all is not lost!

This situation isn’t going to be forever and you’re going to want to stay ready for when we’re ok to get back to normal, so here’s some of my favourite tips for surviving lockdowns, social distancing and the general foot-tapping impatience we’re all probably feeling right now…

1: Try a new hobby

With the extra time that comes from our social lives being utterly decimated, trying something new that you’ve never found the time to do can be a really good distraction. Plus, it’s actually quite satisfying to learn to do something new. Who knows where it could lead? You might find that a new skill could even end up becoming a new side hustle, for example. Sewing is one skill I always regret not learning and if I find myself with some free time, that’s what I intend to bury myself in. Baking is another good one – Think of all the bake-sales you could sell your wares at! The bottom line is, a new hobby can be fun. Pick one and give it a go. You’ll find time goes a lot faster and at the end of it, you’ve got another string to your bow. Never a bad thing.

2: Catch up on your watchlist

Most of us have probably got loads of shows we’ve been meaning to catch up on and now’s finally your chance! While we’re doing a lot less running around and going out, maybe some cosy time in front of the TV is what you need. You can even do this one while doing some of the other things on this list too, if you’re anything like me and can’t sit doing nothing while the TV is on! This is one I fully intend to do, but since there’s two episodes of Buffy being re-run every night and my Sky box is constantly full, I’m not getting a huge amount of time to watch other shows right now. Still, I’m on Season five, so probably only a few more weeks and then I’ll get round to my list. In fact, there’s something to be said for re-watching an old favourite, so it doesn’t have to be something new! Make sure you get some cozy time with some good telly!

3: Invest in some toys

If you’re all alone, no-one’s going to judge you for treating yourself to some nice, new adult toys. Trust me, everyone’s doing it. If you think they’re not for you, then you’re totally missing out – or, if you’re an old hand with the toy chest, maybe Now’s the time to treat yourself to something new! Just when you think you’ve tried everything, there’s always something new. Go forth and investigate. I’m not going to go with the cliché that ‘anything’s a dildo if you’re brave enough’ but there are more options than ever!

4: Reorganise!

I wrote a couple of blogs on this while Lockdown was at its tightest and I’m still finding corners of the house to sort and have a little re-jiggle whenever I have a little time! It’s immensely cathartic and makes life so much easier when you can get rid of some stuff and also make things a bit neater. It’s also great for finding things you might have forgotten you owned and, on some occasions, you might even find a load of things that take you on a nice trip down memory lane! There’s literally no negative points to having a good clear out!

5: Catching up with friends

Now, this one, I don’t actually even mean face-to-face. While we’re not out and busy, why not try reconnecting online with people you’ve been meaning to get back in touch with for whatever reason? One thing that a lot of people are forgetting is that the boredom and the isolation we’re feeling right now isn’t just happening to us! We’re all in this together, so if you’ve been meaning to catch up with people online, they’ll probably be really grateful that you did! Besides, letter writing used to be so popular, there must have been a reason! Let’s revive this lost art, or at the very least, just pop someone a message asking how they are. This time to take stock and reconnect might not come again, so lets use it while we can!

6: Sharpen up your flirting skills

Well, you’re in the right place here. Our physical sex lives may be on hiatus, but a spot of online flirting could be just the thrill you need right now! A little flirting will put a smile on your face and theirs as well as remind you that you’ve still got it, so when we’re all ready to get back out there to real life, we’re not going to feel all rusty and out of practice. Plus, if the flirting goes well, the sky’s the limit! It might just be a little self fumble with some online company or it could even blossom into something else! Go for it! Seize your moment – and other things.These are just a few suggestions, which happen to be all the things that are good at keeping me busy. Well, there are other things to do, but these are my go-to fun things. When I’m not either working or sleeping. I’m actually disturbed by how much I can sleep, but hey, there’s nothing wrong with that either.The fact is, you’re not actually obliged to do anything with your new found time, but it’s helpful to have a few suggestions as boredom has been the worst part of theirs little time-warp we seem to be spending this year in.

Whatever you decide to do with your newfound free time, make sure you enjoy it! Got any really good ideas of your own? Let us know in the comments and we can all compare notes about what we’re doing and maybe find new, fun stuff to try!

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