The Night Visitor - Final Part

6:22 pm Monday, 24th August, 2020


I awoke to the sound of birds singing and daylight streaming in through the windows. Without thinking my hands flew to my throat, but to my intense relief I could feel no marks or abrasions of any kind. I sat up in bed. The covers were in a messy heap towards the bottom of the bed, as if I'd kicked them off in the night. Feeling a little sheepish about what I was about to do next I took hold of my cock and examined it. Again, I could find no visible marks or abrasions. Wait! Was there, barely visible, just a very faint couple of tiny white marks. I'd felt sure that I'd seen something. I looked carefully again but if there had been any marks they'd disappeared. I shook my head in disbelief at my own stupidity. Surely I hadn't really expected to see anything. Surely I didn't really believe that I'd been visited by some sex obsessed vampire in the middle of the night. It was just a dream, a nightmare. I'd read somewhere that sometimes very intense dreams could feel very real; that you could actually feel things happening in your mind as vividly as if they were happening in real life. That had to be the explanation. The reason that there were no marks was because there was no vampire to make them. I did have to admit though that the experience had left me rather drained. I felt quite weak and dizzy as I tried to get up and I had to sit back down again for a few moments to recover. I was sure though that after a cup of coffee and a bit of breakfast I would be fine.

It was a busy day; what with a number of business reports to write and a couple of client meetings.It wasn't until late that night when I was getting ready for bed that my strange dream of the night before came back to me. I got undressed and pulled on my t shirt. Just to be sure I went to the windows of my bedroom and peered out. Nothing to be seen from the east window. I then went to the north window. I looked out and my heart leapt into my mouth. At the outside gate was a tall figure dressed in a long dark coat. I stood there frozen with fear and then let out a long sigh of relief. Idiot! It was just someone out walking their dog. Laughing, partly with relief and partly at my own stupidity I got into bed.

I woke with a start. Something felt strangely amiss. I peered into the darkness but could see nothing. I looked at the clock on my bedside cabinet. The green led's glowed 03.37. I was just being paranoid. I lay back on the pillow and was just drifting off when I felt, or at least imagined I felt, the bed covers being pulled down and then my legs being spread apart. I felt something warm and wet caress my cock and balls and could feel myself stiffen. I woke with a start and sat up. No, it couldn't be! It had just been a bad dream. Yet the proof was there before me. A bald head hovered over my groin and a hot tongue was slavering over my cock. At my sudden movement the creature looked up and grinned. It's red eyes shone vindictively as it spoke in a raspy hiss. 'Good evening, it's sssoo nice to sssee you again'.
'Whhat do you want'? I stammered.
'Why you of coursse', the creature hissed, 'you belong to me, both body and soul, and I always collect what iss mine'.
The creature held out a long bony finger and made a circular movement indicating that I should turn over. I just sat there paralysed with fear. I was both terrified to comply with the wicked creature's instruction, but also terrified of disobeying.The hideous grin turned into a frown.
'Don't make me asssk again', it hissed.
With my heart pounding in my chest I turned over, the creature sliding back down the bed to allow me space to do so.
'Now ssspread your legsss'.
Almost as if they had a will of their own my legs spread apart . I could feel the creature crawl up between my spread thighs and then bony fingers clutch my buttocks. Spreading my cheeks the creature ran it's long tongue up and down my crack before inserting the tip into my anus. I gave out a little gasp of pleasure tinged with fear. I could sense the creature fiddling with clothing and then felt it's great slimy phallus slap onto my buttocks. I could feel it stiffen as the creature lay along top of me, it's hot breath on my neck.
'Time for your firsst double penetration', hissed the creature, chuckling at it's own joke. I was still trying to work out the creature's meaning when it plunged it's huge cock into my poor tight little hole and it's two front fang like teeth into my neck.
After a few moments of dreadful sucking the creature removed it's fangs and whispered in my ear.
'You are going to be my little ssuck bitch for all eternity!'
All eternity; the words kept echoing around my brain as slowly and surely I sank into oblivion.

The End


4:18 pm Thursday, 8th April, 2021 richardsa717

For all eternity. You lucky thing

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