Draft Friday, August 21, 2020 11:30 AM

12:13 pm Friday, 21st August, 2020


All names are fictional. It's up to you which bits you believe. I have toned down some of the language so as to stay within site guidelines. Obviously what was said was purely from memory and a bit of embellishment, but I hope it stands up as account you can identify with. Feel free to pm me. It would be good to hear your experiences. Sometimes involving somebody else isn't as straightforward as we would like it to be, but then again the process can be so much rewarding if we are courteous and respectful to others' feelings. Sorry if that sounds 'vanilla' but that's been my experience in real life (as opposed to pure fantasy). I'd love to repeat this which is why I am on this site in the first place. None of the people mentioned are members on this site nor any confidences breached. Yes my profile is all about 'outdoor sex' but that's just one aspect of this great thing about being human. It's about exploration not an ordeal. It's a recollection and hope you can at least empathise with it. Stay safe. Indulge me.

My then other half, 'Sarah' wasn’t keen on the idea of joining a threesome site at first but gradually admitted during one incredible night of unbridled passion with me that she would love to try FMF again. Again? I’d had no idea that she had ever been in a threesome before we were married. So while she was describing it, I was getting even more horny as the night progressed. In the end she admitted that her past experience started off well but ended disastrously.After fisting her best friend, 'Julie' which she gladly administered under her instruction, Julie came so hard that she had to go for a shower to cool down.

Waiting patiently for the complement to be returned in their marital bed, Hubby (whose name she had forgotten) made a beeline for Sarah. He lied that she had given full consent to a one to one. She hadn’t of course and Julie entered the room while he was bonking Sarah from behind. Redhead Julie went ballistic saying that wasn’t part of the deal, attacking Sarah . Sarah told me she pleaded with Julie to stop so that she could explain but confessed that the all but brief catfight had turned her on to such an extent that Sarah came hard under a tirade of slaps. She had always hoped that her latest orgasm hadn’t been noticed by anyone in that room. The hubby pulled Julie off, but the embarrassed Sarah quickly grabbed her things and left.

I listened intently. Of course I could hardly speak as a result of the story which I asked her to repeat several times, ashamedly for my own delectation. As well as a tad of male empathy, I couldn’t help being jealous of that guy. Not because of shagging my current partner but more because I had never ever witnessed or been involved in anything resembling that tense, even when I was bed hopping as a bar manager on the Spanish coast or later touring with my rock band. So that I could complete my vision of this scenario, I asked who was wearing what. I know male brain in action etc. Surprised that this would turn me on, Sarah gave me chapter and verse that she was topless with red silk panties while Julie had got redressed in full a full set of black suspenders lace panties and matching bra.

In reality of course, the session far from breaching a hole (so to speak) in their sex lives actually caused irretrievable tension between the two women and they had not spoken since. Soon after Julie divorced and Sarah naturally assumed that she was the reason.I reassured her that booze might well have played a part and she admitted that all three of them had drunk a little too much for any logic to have set in. I added that it might be better to select someone from a dating site and leave friendships well alone in future. Folks I was trying to be helpful. Be gentle with me in the comments section please. Neither of us had yet decided whether a threesome would be good for us or not.

After my fourth selfish orgasm on the trot having eked out the details from Sarah, I asked if a reconciliation would ever happen between them.“Julie’s divorced apparently. He was a complete prick but not in a good way,” said Sarah with an air of bitterness in her voice.“You sound as if you and Julie would have been better off going at one to one from the start,” I replied.“Do you mean the fight?” asked Sarah her eyes staring into mine waiting for some completely inappropriate response which I held back from. I sensed that I had over played that particular part of the episode so figured that I should try to talk on a level rather than as a naughty boy having been let loose on a hidden porn stash.“No I meant that you wouldn’t have had the fight if you had done it behind his back It sounds like your friendship with benefits was far more important than her marriage to that idiot.” I thought I managed that quite well.It did the trick.

Sarah was inquisitive in a healthy way.“Ok so I have never ever discussed this before. I thought you’d think I was weird I mean it’s a bit rich climaxing in that way. I am not a violent person so I always thought it must have been a heat of the moment thing from the straight sex a few moments before. Like a delayed reaction? I often think about it and you know I replay it in my mind while playing with myself. Is that weird” she said once again scanning my brain for a helpful response.

“Here is what I think,” my voice quivering with excitement but knowing that saying the wrong thing could put paid to any repeat session of similar type involving me. “I reckon you should make amends.”“Oh you are bound to say that! Come on Tom. I mean I don’t mind a bit of girl on girl. It’s not as if I am as stranger to it . All that groping in the swimming baths changing rooms, but that thing with Julie was so so intense. Also I don’t want you to feel threatened. I mean sex with you is hot. It’s just different.”

“Yes ok no I am not freaked honest. I am more turned on by it all. You know that night that was a few years ago. Water passes under the bridge. She is now single I think.” My words trailed off as I thought I had torn a confidence.

“How do you know she is single? I haven’t spoken to her in ten years!” she said. “She might have remarried and have a vanilla sex life with 2.5 kids in tow. I dunno. What would she be? 35? Same age as me? People grow out of that experimental stuff and settle down.”Here comes the deal breaker. “She befriended me on social media. I think it’s the same girl. I had no idea that you and her had you know ever done the business.”

“Did she ask about me? Anyway what was she doing hitting on you?” she said punching me playfully in my arm.“

"Hey she wasn’t hitting on me! She went to uni with a mate of mine and they were in a band together or a year or so,” I replied.

“Oh yes of course she liked singing. We were in the school choir when we were seven. It’s such a shame that she and I fell out. She was quite you know red head feisty. I liked that. I loved her hair. I always wanted to pull it, caress it, smell it you know? I thought it was a girly crush. We all have them but I had this recurring dream of us rubbing pussies together in her dad’s garden shed in our teens. We never did of course but yeah I was smitten. No offence Tom.”

Sarah climbed on top of me her legs straggling my hips before putting my hands around my throat mocking a murder scene. I could see she was trying placate me but there was no need. I loved her even more for being honest about her feelings.“None taken,” I smiled.

“Right you. Pick up your phone and see if she is around. Go on. Message her. Dare you!”I did I was told. Sarah could be quite assertive in bed and of course this particular request could of course lead to something quite special. She nodded her head while mounting my erect swollen cock yet again.

“What should I say to her?” So, my hand visibly trembling I went to messenger. “Hey Julie. Sorry to bother you. Hope you are well.”

Sarah looked to the ceiling in disgust due apparently to my polite tone. What else was I to say? There was a three minute pause and in that time Sarah described in detail the shape of Julie’s pert 36c breasts that she could just about hold in her hands. Clearly the penetration and her own descriptions were leading to her own orgasm sooner rather than later.

Suddenly Julie replied. “Hey Tom how is it going. I’d love to chat but I am at my Gran’s 80th. Can we chat tomorrow?”Sarah grabbed the phone off me and read the message then began to type quite a long message. Eventually she handed the phone back to me. “There!”The message read: “Hi Julie you will never guess who this is. It’s Saz. I now this is a bit out of the blue but I am here with Tom. We got hitched. I hoped we could get back in touch. It has been too long xx”

There was a pause followed by the squiggly ‘typing’ symbol.“Wow,” said Sarah (or Saz apparently) she will probably tell me to….Julie’s reply: “Jesus Saz. I was only thinking about you the other day in a nice way of course. How are you? What have you been up to?”

At this point, I thought discretion was the better part of valour. Rather than put up with the next three hours talking about girly stuff, it was my turn to contribute.So I typed in: “Jules I often think about that night you know. I dream about it.” By now my hand was shaking like an out of control drill. Sarah put her hand to her mouth as if I had just committed Hari Kari.

“Oh my god! I don’t believe you just said that! “ she whispered as if the conversation was being clocked by the CIA.The reply quickly came back: “Oh so do I hon. I was just saying to Tom, I am at a family do at the moment but it’s time to cut out. Are you free now? “I thought I’d better show the Sarah the response and when I looked away from the phone and up at her face her teeth were embedded into her bottom lip. She threw her had forward and her creamy ejaculation splattered across the bottom of my belly.“Tell her yes. Now! Tell her to get here now.”

I obliged: "It’s Tom here again. I will put the kettle on. We are at (address)."

“I will be 20 minutes in a taxi,” came the swift reply.This sent Sarah into a sudden panic. How would she greet her long lost friend? She was wet and her blonde hair was tangled with the passion of our earlier sex.

“Hey hey just put a dressing gown on or something.”After just 10 minutes was up, a private car pulled up driven it seemed by a relative and out jumped Julie in short green skirt, calf length boots and a shimmering red top. I answered the door.

“Oh hi Tom.” She waved off the relative who had checked that this was the right address for security reasons presumably.

“So where is the sazzy one?” shouted Julie. Sarah appeared at the top of the stairs in her pink bra and panties set that she had quickly assembled in the short time allowed for Julie’s visit.

“Hey you that’s not very nice ” said Sarah. Clearly this was the rapport that they had grown up with and missed during their time of apart.

"What a lovely surprise! Come here give me a hug,” said Julie.Sarah hurried down the stairs holding onto the bannister. I noticed then that she has donned her white stilettos in the short time she’d had to get ready.The 'hug' was monumental. Where do I start? Julie had barely shut the door before they danced each other around the hall both nearly falling over with the tightness of their embrace. You can imagine my own reaction to this scene. I checked the date on my watch in case it really was my birthday and yet the best was yet to come.

I am not sure to this day who initiated it but the friendly pecks on the lips developed into a full snog with tongues. Julie had Sarah up the wall while Sarah reciprocated with her spare hand between Julie’s legs. Julie let out a groan of pleasure while Sarah responded with a repetitive rub around her friend’s labia and clit. Julie had already pulled Sarah’s bra down and sucking her left breast intermittently spanking her bare ass. Both came simultaneously within two minutes, Sarah once again squirting on the bare legs of her friend who stopped down to lick out the excess.When they recovered (and so had I from the shock).

I had nothing else in me except to utter “Coffee anyone?”

To be continued if there is enough demand.

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