My Favourite Getting Ready Tracks

11:01 am Monday, 27th July, 2020


As I talked about in my piece about the ritual of getting ready, getting into the right zone is one of the essential parts of the process and the music you pick to get yourself in the mood is part of the fun! It builds excitement and puts you in a great mood and can give you an extra boost of fabulousness to get you going. I’ve noticed that if you feel fabulous while you’re putting your makeup on, it sticks and you feel better for the whole night. So, with that in mind I’m going to share my top six tracks to have on while I get ready, to put me in the mood and boost my fabulousness! Give them a go and see what you think!

‘I Am The Body Beautiful’ by Salt-N-Pepa

This is always top of my list to start with. If you’ve seen the movie ‘To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything, Julie Newmar’ then you’ll recognise this from the opening scene where the film’s queens are getting ready, so it’s pretty appropriate. It’s got a fabulously luxuriant feel and the lyrics are all about self empowerment. I challenge you not to feel amazing when getting ready to this one. This is a nice slightly slower one to get started with and crank up the fierceness!

‘U Wear It Well’ by RuPaul

Speeding it up a little, another track that screams ‘self-empowerment’ and glamour, one of RuPaul’s more recent songs is always one of the first that gets into my playlist, because it’s so glam and upbeat. It’s one of those that has a way of making you feel great, putting those shoulders back and getting ready to slay!

‘Vogue’ by Madonna

This one is an absolute classic! Madonna’s 1990 hit from the Dick Tracy companion album ‘I’m Breathless’ is one of her all time classics from her career’s brilliant golden age! If you’re feeling like a Madonna-fest while you get ready, the whole ‘I’m Breathless’ album (named for her character in the film, Breathless Mahoney) the whole album is full of fun, catchy numbers, some with a distinctly Broadway feel, some combining Broadway and 90’s dance. The album is one of my favourites ever, but if I can only pick one track from it, it’s always this one!

‘Hot Couture’ by Manila Luzon

This is a good one to follow Vogue with in your playlist as there’s a slightly similar feel in this fantastic tune from Drag Race favourite Manila Luzon. Since tearing up the runway in the show’s third season with her amazing, quirky looks and incredible and hilarious presence, each of the songs she’s pumped out have been brilliant, but this will always be my favourite. With its lyrics about getting ready, serving looks and being fabulous, it’s one that really makes you feel like you can work the runway and snatch the crown!

‘Snapshot’ by RuPaul

Yes, I know we’re having a second Ru song on this list, but if I’m honest, it was a tough task not to write a list of all Ru songs, as she’s had a long and pretty varied musical career spanning a few decades! If I’m honest, it’s not unusual for me to just hit ‘shuffle’ on all the RuPaul songs I’ve got if I’ve not got time to put a playlist together, but if I had to pick another stan out for me, this one would be it. It’s a little more ‘clubby’ and upbeat, but not too intense and still has more than an air of glamour about it that adds to the feeling you want.

‘Your Disco Need You (Casino Radio & Club Remix)’ by Kylie Minogue

Yes, the original mix of this song is fantastic, but this remix is an enhancement of the original rather than a wildly different track. It’s go a slightly more magical intro and a little more beat behind it, but essentially remains the same fantastic song at heart. It’s a fun, campy track, which is what Kylie does best (not that she can really do any wrong!). It’s one of those song’s that’s just pure fun and all about having a good time!

Of course, all of these are my personal choices and they might not be your thing, but they’re totally worth checking out. The goal of picking your ‘getting ready ritual’ songs if songs that make you feel happy, confident and fierce. If you can bake those feelings into your makeup from the beginning, you should feel it all night. Trust me, that’s a feeling you’re going to want to keep hold of!

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