3:58 am Wednesday, 22nd July, 2020


I had been chatting to Mistress S. for a couple of weeks and finally we agreed to meet. She told me to be at her place at 6pm. I parked my car and made my way up to the third floor and found apartment 18. There was a tiny note just below the number, it instructed me to knock 3 times and get undressed leaving only my underwear and place everything in the cardboard box near the door. I was then to knock on the door 3 times and face away from the door with my hands clasped behind my back. I had finished knocking when two girls in their late teens walked past to see me almost naked, fortunately they kept walking with a lot of chatter and giggling.
It seemed like forever that I was just standing there in anticipation and starting to get cold. All of a sudden, I heard a click and the woosh of the door being opened, before I knew it a velvet cloth hood was placed over my head and a draw cord pulled tight around my neck. With two clicks a pair of hand cuffs were placed around my wrists, it all happened so fast I didn’t even have time to unclasp my hands.
I felt two strong, but warm hands grasp either side of my hips and walk me silently back into the apartment. I have no idea what happened to the box with my clothes, my wallet and my mobile phone, I started to shake uncontrollably then the strong warm hands moved up to under my arms and I was told in no uncertain terms to stand still. Mistress S. removed her hands and started to speak in a soft but assertive voice, I could tell she had moved around to face me. Are you still wishing to be trained by me as we have been discussing?
Yes, yes Miss.
Are you prepared to follow all my instructions without question?
Yes Miss.
Do you understand what will happen if you fail to follow my instructions?
I think you will punish me Miss.
Don’t think it, know it, you will be punished, do you understand?
Yes I do Miss.
Now I have a question.
Yes Miss.
Are they ladies’ panties you are wearing and if so why?
Yes, they are Miss, I just like the soft feel of them, particularly pretty lace ones.
Now I told you to be here at 6pm, you were 3 minutes late, why?
I had trouble parking.
You mean you had trouble parking ‘Miss’.
Sorry, I had trouble parking Miss.
I can see your training is going to take a number of sessions before you could be seen as a suitable servant for me to use. Are you ready to start right now?
Yes Miss. With that Mistress S. removed the hand cuffs, for a fleeting moment I thought if I was going to escape now was probably my only chance but I was being drawn in to her vortex and I had not even seen her face.
I am sitting on a chair next to you, I want you to kneel down and place your chest across my knees and grasp the legs of the chair with each hand. I think that after this you will never be late again.
I did as I was told, Mistress S. started spanking each buttock, softly at first then harder, slowly increasing the cadence and moving to different parts of my bottom and upper legs, it started to sting more and more until Mistress S. stopped and told me to lower my panties and hold on to the chair legs again. I felt a mist of water being sprayed on to each buttock, I had read somewhere that water increases the intensity of any inflicted spanking. I was not sure I could endure this as I was already hurting a lot.
All of a sudden, I felt a huge stinging whack that caused me to yelp out in pain, it definitely wasn’t a hand, it was some sort of implement, probably a hair brush, a heavy one at that. It went on for so long my bottom was glowing and my eyes were weeping, almost crying, eventually the tempo slowed, and Mistress S. asked me “Are you going to be late next time?” No Miss, I will never be late again. Good, now stand up, legs apart, arms out.
I could feel leather restraints being clamped to each extremity. Soon I could feel my ankles tethered to the floor and both arms being raised up in a kind of cross until my heels were almost being lifted off the ground. I felt completely helpless, vulnerable, out of control and completely under her control, in reality that is exactly what I wanted and we agreed would happen, I just did not expect it to happen so quickly and with such control. I could feel my heart rate rising and wondering what would happen next.
We are now going to start some preliminary pain management training to gauge your ability to cope with increasing levels of pain. I have a range of canes of different materials, different thicknesses and different degrees of flexibility. We shall try each of them and I will make notes for next time, yes, there will be a next time; are you ready to begin?
Yes, yes Miss.
Now after each blow you are to answer with any one of the following phrases and no others, you cannot use the same phase twice in a row, is that clear?
Yes Miss.
More please Miss.
Harder please Miss.
Faster please Miss.
Thank you Miss.
The blows went on for what seemed like forever, I was getting delirious, I no longer felt any pain, I was numb both physically and mentally. Then it stopped. Mistress S. gave me a hug and said I was going to be a good boy and passed the first test and was read for ongoing training.
I felt relieved and thankful that I had done OK but not knowing what would come next. I was still wearing the velvet hood and all of a sudden I could feel cold steel around my genitals, I could hear steel being clanked together and keys being rattled, after a few minutes Mistress S. said “There you are, you are mine now”.
What do you mean Miss?
I have just fitted a Chastity Cage for you to wear.
What is a Chastity Cage?
It is a device to prevent you from masturbating unnecessarily, from having an erection and ensures you concentrate on me rather than your penis.
When does it come off?
I ask the questions, not you, let me explain. You agreed to come here to be trained.
Yes Miss.
You agreed that I would take control of you.
Yes Miss.
Are you still prepared for me to take control of you?
Yes, yes Miss.
Good, well part of that is to take ownership and control of your genitals, are you prepared to give me control of your genitals?
Can I think about it for a minute please?
Sure you can, it is a big step, I know, but you will be rewarded if you make the right choice.
Miss, I just can’t be sure that I am ready for this.
Just take your time.
I was still in a daze but eventually decided to give it a try.
Yes Miss I will.
OK I want you to repeat after me “Mistress S. I hereby give you ownership and control of my genitals”.
I then repeated the words and realized I had some unanswered questions.
When can I masturbate?
You can’t, I will decide if and when you get to cum also how you cum.
Do I get a key to the Chastity Cage?
You will not need a key, I will look after that.
How long will I be wearing the cage?
There is no time limit, the cage is part of your body now. I think that is enough questions for today. It is time for you to go, I will untie you and hand you your clothes.
Can I take the hood off?
When you are out in the corridor you can take the hood off and place it in the box for next time; there will be a next time won’t there?
Yes Miss, thank you Miss.
With that I left, there will be a next time, soon I hope, I can’t wait!

Blog Introduction


I think I need to be dominated, perhaps disciplined as well. I will do my best to look after your needs as well.