My Gig Bucket List x x

9:03 am Tuesday, 14th July, 2020


Over the years, I’ve been lucky to have performed in some absolutely fantastic places and with some simply wonderful people. I’ve made memories that I’ll never forget and I’m hoping to be doing more of the same for a long time to come, so today I’m going to talk about some of the places I’ve performed and some of the places I’d love to. Obviously other than our local theatre or our concert venue, which are the obvious ones that I’d love to do a full production in, but let’s think outside of my backyard…

Back in the days when I was just a singer, before I did drag, I had the chance to sing at Gloucestershire Pride. From what I gather, the event has grown exponentially over the last few years and I’d love a chance to go back, so this falls into both the category of places I’ve loved to perform and also places I’d love to perform at again! I really enjoyed Gloucester and would love to go back, even if it’s not for Pride, but another chance to perform there, doing what I do now, would be fantastic! I remember vividly having to perform holding an umbrella as it was absolutely throwing it down with rain, but that didn’t dampen our spirits too much. Typically, the sun came out not long after my set. It seems to be a running joke that every UK pride I’ve been to, pride day has been wet. I’m hoping to break this tradition at some point!

So, how could I write about places I’d love to perform and not mention Vegas? I’ve sang in a couple of small places there, but obviously the dream for any performer is to have a residency at one of the many theatres located in the flagship resorts. Since seeing Cher and Janet Jackson in the new Park Theatre at the Park MGM (Formerly the Monte Carlo) that’s obviously the one I’d choose, as it’s nice and new and also has some spectacular chandeliers that I’m in love with. I’ll have to wait til Gaga’s finished, but I can be patient. Who knows, one day maybe – I can dream!

Now I’m quite a fan of Birmingham, if I’m honest. I have some very close friends there, so I try to make it over as often as possible, though this year seems to have been a bit of a bust due to the pandemic, so I’ve made peace with not being able to travel this year. I managed to get a spot in a Cher showcase which you’ll have seen a short clip of in the Gig Highlights video I did recently. I absolutely loved the venue we were in, The Village Inn. It’s fun and cozy and I’d jump at the chance to sing there. But if I had to pick somewhere I’d love to do that I’ve not sung in before, it’d have to be Eden, just down the street. There’s a big permanent marquee with a fantastic stage that I’ve seen many live acts on and always wanted a go on that stage, so that’s an ambition I fully intend to realise one day!

Leeds was somewhere I used to visit quite often when I had friends who lived there, but they’ve relocated now, so I haven’t found the excuse to visit in a few years, but it is home to some fabulous shopping, absolutely tons of fantastic food places and one of my favourite show bars I’ve ever visited. The Viaduct Showbar is home to The Viaduct Showgirls who are known for their high production value and impeccably presented shows. They have some of the finest costumes and choreography I’ve ever seen in a showbar and some of their queens were some of my early inspirations in the business. This is one place I’d absolutely love to perform, so it definitely makes it onto my venue bucket list. Plus, I have to say, the chance to see some of the girls would be lovely too!

The next on my list is a strange one, as it’s not regularly used for shows, though I have seen a couple of bands play there on a Saturday night. It’s a stage set up in the Rio Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, which sits in the Masquerade Village area of the main floor, across from the Masquerade Bar, which is the bar all the Trekkies take over during the annual Star Trek Las Vegas convention. Out of all the bars in the hotel, it’s the one you just know is full of our lot every night (and often the days too) and it’s quite a place! Because of that, it’s got a special place in my heart and whenever I see a picture or mention of Masquerade, I remember all the great times we’ve had there and feel a tingle of excitement at the times we’re yet to have there when we’re all able to get back together. There have been many times over the years I’ve looked at that stage and dreamed of doing an amazing show there. It has a fabulous ornate staircase curving down onto it and I can just imagine making my entrance down it. See, I told you it was an odd one, but I’ve got a strange attachment to it!

It goes without saying that the main stage at any Pride would be an absolute dream to play, but the one that instantly pops into my mind is the main stage in the middle of the Yumbo for Maspalomas Pride. The crowd there is absolutely enormous, the stage is fantastic and the atmosphere is incredible! It’s been graced by all sorts of brilliant acts (we watched The Vengaboys live there a couple of years ago) and I want a go on that stage! I’ve wanted to sing there since way before I was singing professionally, so I’m going to do my best to make it happen one day. In contrast, that’s not the only stage in the Yumbo I want to sing on – I’ve always wanted to perform at the legendary Ricky’s, Sparkles and Chez Funny Boy, all of which are spectacular cabaret venues that I’ve loved for years. To do any of these would be amazing!

London is a place I love to visit and I can’t resist a visit to The Two Brewers in Clapham whenever we’re there! We have friends there, so it’s always a good chance for a boozy meet-up and somehow I end up drunker there than anywhere I’ve been! It’s a brilliant venue and one of the main drag venues in London, regularly bagging Drag Race queens as well as other top UK queens. It’s permanently packed and one of the best nights out you can have. I remember on one of my early visits there, I decided (while very very drunk) that I’d exercise the old ‘if you don’t ask, you don’t get’ thing and slurred to the DJ “Whassa girl gotta do to get a gig here?” – He told me you have to win Drag Idol before you’re allowed near that stage, or apparently be a pretty big thing. I vowed that I’d find a way. I was actually lucky enough to sing there in January as part of a private function and it was everything I’d dreamed of. Everyone was super kind and friendly, I’d never felt so happy, comfortable and welcome somewhere! I’m hoping when all the current situation is over and the arts can start happening again, I can get on that stage in front of the actual public – It’s one of the top things on my list for when things get going again!

Taking up this challenge to list my gig bucket list has been a funny one, but also a chance to reflect that I’ve actually had some rather amazing gigs and a lot of my dream places to perform are places I’ve already experienced! It’s funny, every time I gig somewhere new, I feel more nervous than ever, so I’d probably be a jittering wreck if I got to do any of the new places I’ve mentioned, but stage fright can be healthy. It shows you’ve got passion and, if you can learn to tame it, it can be a powerful tool. I think I’d manage it somehow. It’s taken me years to get it under control and now that I have, I embrace it, because this is the life I want.

If I got a chance to perform at any of the places on this list that I’ve done before, I’ll just enjoy it even more! It may take a while for us to get back to normal and it may take a while to build up some momentum again, but I plan on ticking each one off my list one by one. Eventually.

Stay Safe, Stay Sane, Stay Vidalicious x


12:55 pm Monday, 27th July, 2020 tonyl589

Hello beautiful  how are you

12:59 pm Monday, 27th July, 2020 ricbald2020

Will love to be able to see you preform as soon as possible 

1:04 pm Monday, 27th July, 2020 hung73

I would say you have blossomed and have become a very beautiful woman

1:23 pm Monday, 27th July, 2020 Baljindersi369

Hi sexy baby 

1:46 pm Monday, 27th July, 2020 spreeguy20

Wow your spacial 

4:10 pm Monday, 27th July, 2020 mirsa137

💕💕💕💕💕 I like u ur location send me

3:33 am Wednesday, 29th July, 2020 hk48k

Ilike you

2:04 am Thursday, 30th July, 2020 nimaidas556


7:55 pm Saturday, 1st August, 2020 akashs070


8:09 pm Saturday, 1st August, 2020 surveprad593

Unbelievable real life

8:19 am Saturday, 15th August, 2020 khushbudu221

Very nice

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Stay Safe, Stay Sane, Stay Vidalicious