We have a lifetime to achieve our pleasures but how do we measure our success.

12:42 pm Monday, 6th July, 2020


Susan recorded the time. She said the second sample would be taken in 45 minutes. I should rest, she took some wipes and cleaned me. I closed my eyes.
I awoke and tried to move only to discover my ankles were secured and raised, legs spread wide in stirrups attached to the side of the couch. My wrists were secured to the wall above my head with soft rubber restraints. Susan was standing to my side looking at me. She said that the second milking would begin in 5 minutes. She explained that the restraints were essential so that she could have free access to my genitals. Sometimes the second extraction could be more difficult and she needed me to be comfortable but also unable to interfere with the process.
She moved to the end of the couch between my legs and poor a lubricant onto my penis and balls, allowing it to trickle underneath between the cheeks of my back side. Without warning Susan began a relentless and almost merciless massaging of my balls and swiftly moved onto my cock, pulling squeezing and tugging back to expose the head, which was becoming engorged, red and turning purple. She was concentrating hard on what she was doing making long drawn movements up and down my shaft. The sensations were overwhelming I could barely breath and let out guttural moans with every cycle of the vigorous massage. As the experiment continued Susan watched the clock. It was clear my breathing was quickening, my body was tensing. She knew I would be ready for the next collection soon. Her motions quickened and the pressure on my balls increased. I tensed every sinew straining. Susan already had the next tube in place, seconds later a stream of ejaculation poured into the container. Susan continued her milking, demanding I give her every last drop. I collapsed unable to move or speak.
Susan released the bonds, my arms dangled to the side my legs just flopped onto the couch. I couldn’t move. The second tube was placed next to the first and compared. Susan picked up the two examined them closely, shook the contents gently to view the viscosity, sniffed the contents, put back the stoppers and then turned to look at me.

Blog Introduction


Sex needs to excite the mind and the body. Looking to push back on a very vanilla dull life to have fun to explore and experiment, whilst not getting too dark.