Spanking Cocktail - A True Story

1:27 pm Wednesday, 10th June, 2020


1st My Backstory
As to the particular type of sensualist, I'm initially geared towards complete and utter bliss which leads to many short into long-languishing orgasms. I am a Pleasure Sensualist! Personally I enjoy this very much as do the Bottoms that arrange to have me come to them (I love how that sounds: 'come to them' or 'cum to them' 'bring the cum'). But every once in a while I'm reminded that there are bottoms out there that like their pleasure blended with a sip of pain akin to a good bourbon if you will. The recipe for most of my pain/pleasure cocktails will generally be at 60% pleasure & 40% pain. My preference, however, is more along the line of 30/70.In a 30/70 cocktail of pain/pleasure, I find this easiest for me to mix.While I'm in no way a Sadist, as long as my Bottom clearly finds the pain pleasurable, I will dole it out to their satisfaction provided the pleasure component is still at least 60% of the cocktail. If I find in pleasing the Bottom that less and less pleasure is desired thus more and more pain, it is highly likely that I'll call an end to the session because as I've said, I'm in no way a Sadist. And as much as I want to please my bottom, it becomes less and less sexy for me when I see that pain is a particular Bottom's main objective because it isn't mine at all. My enjoyment comes from the pleasure I bring through the titillation, the arousal, the feel-good sensations that all lead up to the mind/body orgasms.And if you reading this identity as Masochist or any variation of, I know that your penchant for pain is just as valid as mine is for pure pleasure. Don't think I mention it because I'm against you or your kind. In BDSM there is something for everyone and I respect that as long as people live by the basic rules and ideals such as Safe, Sane & Consensual. Those that I do not respect however are those that go beyond and those that convince bottoms and submissives that sadists are doing their job by pushing their limits. If it isn't the submissive pushing his/her limits but rather the dominant, then that is what I'm against. To me, that would be like staying with a Controlling Girlfriend because without her I'd be alone. I don't like being controlled and I am not happy in that kind of relationship. So I seek those that I am compatible with. And in this, I find that I can do what others very much enjoy (giving them pleasure) and I too enjoy it very much. I ventured out of my 100% vanilla world because I was not happy with accepting less than. BDSM showed me that there is a way that we can all be happy if we want, and define our happiness in ways that we can't if we are 100% vanilla. BDSM is more communicative, more structured, and there are so so many kinks that you can try and adopt into your lifestyle if you really enjoy them. So yeah, 40% is as far as I can go in playing a sadist and I can't do it for very long because as I am a Pleasure Sensualist, I don't find any pleasure in sadism. And if you are reading this and are a sadist, then good on you. I just hope that you respect the boundaries of your submissive masochists. If you do, we could even be friends because you are a good person in my book.I meet people all the time, well -er not all the time but for Topping, I'd say a couple to a few females a month. For me, that's pretty regular because it's not a relationship but a play session(s) that lends itself very well against my vanilla lifestyle. Meetups for me are a must. I won't just read a request online and schedule a session. I meet up with a bottom because:

* I want to feel some modicum of attraction for the bottom. If this is there, then I feel that the session will go really really well and perhaps lead to more successive or perhaps regular sessions throughout the year. If I do not feel some attraction, then I cannot get fully into what I do as a Top, and thus, it will not be the full experience I wish for my Bottom.
* If the bottom isn't too shy (many are and it takes a lot for some to just get out and meetup) they can tell me what kind of pleasures they are aware of that they like. Otherwise, the first session will be mostly exploratory in nature. My male friends call me Toy Man because I have so many and so there is something for everyone. From a cane bundle to floggers to Estim to a myriad of female toys. Of the most extreme, the impression is that Estim is. That primarily is because of the unknown to most people. People are afraid of electricity and normally that is a good thing. But for me, I've found that to be a hindrance because many will not play with my Estim toys because they're more scared of the unknown than they are of say a cane which is likely a normal tool in a sadist's arsenal. So this too is the time we may discuss my various toys and they tell me if there are any limits they have with them. The usual is Estim. But if a bottom is open to trying, those who have, find it amazing, and want to have more sessions involving Estim.

* The bottom has to feel no to low tension with me if they are to invite me into their space. I'm the one traveling to their abode. They are having me come to them which is what I prefer. I think it is better to be amongst your own things and space to feel most at ease as a bottom. In a relationship, it would be different as the two would spend time in each other's space.

* Hard limits can be revealed. My kind of topping doesn't normally cause bottoms to want to set hard limits since I'm all about pleasure. But in rare instances, there is a person who doesn't want a particular body part touched ie: the foot, the mouth, anal ring, or other specific body part or area.

Chapter 1The Spanking Cocktail
So I met-up with this very beautiful gal for drinks. She was tall, long brown hair, light-skinned, quiet but not a shy person. She seemed very motivated and said that her last few boyfriends didn't satisfy her in the orgasm department. I shared with her that this is more common than most realize. Most relationships at least early on are mainly the emotional type that the female engages in. On the flip side, the guy is in it mostly for the selfish sex. She was in her late twenties and had dated mostly guys her age. Which means her boyfriends had all been very selfish ass hats in my book. From my personal observations in being a counselor since my early to mid-twenties, I find that most men are 7 years less mature than women the same age. I'm not saying in experience but in the mind. In the experience, there are so many variations due to the age of the men a female has dated to the intellect and desire to have or not to have an equal physical relationship. This is where I define selfishness and selflessness. But that is for another story or counseling session which I do.

I told her that unless she had any physical or health issues that our session was likely to end with either a big excited smile on her face or a very serene but satiated whole body feeling and a big smile on her face! She grinned at me and said: "That's exactly my goal in this!"

Sometimes I ask how a person found me. I'll ask if the person is under say 35. She said that she had read Fifty Shades of Grey and that got her to look into BDSM. All of her boyfriends to-date were strictly vanilla but then she came across my profile page after joining Fetlife and saw my classified ad following a toy review that I had written. She thought this could be a way to slowly look into BDSM but her focus was her wanting to have some really good orgasms which she has gone without for some years now and I seemed to be the one to talk to for that!

She shares a place with another woman who travels a lot in her job. So I was to bring myself and my toys to her place when the other woman was OOT (out of town). I arrived on the agreed-upon evening and rang the bell. She answered the door looking just like the quintessential girl next door! I liked her at our first meet up and now in her own place, dressed in what she felt most comfortable, she was even more attractive to me. As a man, I still find the physical attraction to be my first sensibility. But through my years of experience, a face that I can enjoy looking at day to day has become my main physical prerequisite. It was however that in this bottom, I thought initially that I'd find a whole lot to be attracted to. In our meet up she showed an elevated level of intelligence that turned me on as well as her youthful beauty.

She had shared earlier that she wanted to do some spanking play. She said that about three BF's ago he smacked her a few times on the butt playfully and to her delight, the sensation was a turn-on. But as she requested it again, the spanks were neither playful or delightful in sensation. She tried again with each of the next two boyfriends to the same result. But she remembered how the first time felt and wanted to feel it again. I told her that young men lean more towards Sadist, as it releases pent up emotion the best outside of physical sports like football. They didn't possess the experience or selfless desire to know otherwise so, unfortunately, her encounter with sensual spanking was short-lived. I confessed not doing much to-date with spanking but I fully understand the process as I am an excellent researcher.

We began the session as I do every session; with a whole-body massage. She said that she didn't have anything she felt that she could risk getting massage oil on beyond towels. She was fearful that if anything got on the furniture, her roommate would be furious as it was that of the roommate's and not hers except for her bed. And even that, she'd never been massaged on a bed and so…. I told her that I had a tall inflatable mattress that lent pretty well to massage so I brought it along and we used towels on it and this worked out well and prevented any apprehension & tension because it left everything oil-free. As a Top, you always have to consider the concerns beyond one's own mind and body. In this case, being in her place and it not being wholly her own, I am respectful of this and in doing so, keeping the ease of our interactions going at a good ebb and flow.

Whole-body massage is a great way to break the tension if there is any, especially if this is the first session. Repeat sessions tend to be far easier but still, I find that whole-body massage prepares one for a much more uninhibited and enjoyable time!

In addition, I am able to communicate with one's body to see what areas are the most sensitive to touch and pressure. Then following, I will be better able to use that information to titillate, arouse, and pleasure my bottom with the sensations I bring to them.

In our meet up she consented to me touching her sexually but for no one-on-one sex (which to her meant no cock in pussy) which is normally how I roll anyways.

I am very observant as I massage the body. I note to mind every reactive movement as well as any sound the bottom makes in reaction to my pressure or manipulation to any part of her body. She clearly liked when I applied pressure at the highest part of her thigh nearest the buttock and this is because of the nerves found there I believe. If the pressure is firm but not mean, the body tends to react quite positively as did hers along with a surprised little yelp. I asked her if this was too hard and she responded with: "Not one bit but it was a delight I wasn't expecting". I enjoy how this woman speaks her mind. Her voice was a treat and her chosen words well, her words were a turn-on! A turn-on that added to the Foreplay of the session for me.

Foreplay for me isn't a prelude to sex, but an always presence that makes the whole experience so worthwhile. We are taught in the vanilla world that you do certain things before intercourse and this is called foreplay. And once you begin intercourse, foreplay ends. How sad is that?

So now for me and for the experience of whomever my bottom or submissive, Foreplay is an always thing. Technically speaking, the act of foreplay: titillation of the mind/body, arousal...this to me can be practiced all the time with another person whom you share an intimacy. So why not always be titillating and arousing if the moment permits? Why relegate foreplay to the time just before intercourse? Wouldn't it be better almost all the time? For me, the answer is 100% YES!
So if you think of it, in practice this doesn't have to mean always touching. It can be in your words, your tone, your actions, your smile, the glint in your eyes! And when the moment permits touch, then of course touch... even a tiny one when out in public can be significant. A simple but meaningful touch can set the stage later for more involved touching! A simple meaningful touch, the connection that can communicate your wants, wishes, and desires!
Massage of The Back
I was so looking forward to having her on her back, her front facing me and finally becoming more intimate with her Kitten words for the area around and including her pussy. For pussy, I generally say Kitty which also encompasses her clitoris.But for anyone's first session with me, it takes more tension away if I spend plenty of time with the person on her stomach.If you don't already know; as a Sensualist, I glean a great bit of enjoyment from the positive reactions of the Bottom, especially if they are those reactions are what I bring forth! So for me, bringing on the orgasms and all the rest that the body exhibits is the next best thing to a fully connective body on body intimate sexual experience!So I nearly always start at the extreme ends of the body... the feet are a great place to start! And unlike most massage where the Top keeps massage connected usually in-line, I find that it is okay to go from feet to hands to the calf to shoulder to thigh to arm to spine to butt. Saving the most intimate part of the body for last, the Kitty Mound.She had a similar sound to most all the parts of her that I massaged. It was a positive and affirming sound meant to tell me that it was all good. When I got to the part of her upper thigh below the butt, the sound did change to an initial yelp which she told me was a delight she wasn't expecting. Then it went back to the affirming sound again.Then to my own surprise, she asked me if I might spank her in this position. Having not really had my toys in position such as my flogger, cane bundle or even my leather brat spanker, it was to be my oiled hands. Cupping my palm I started with some light spanking on her butt which sounded loud even though it was light. The blows that landed are what I'd call reflective, glancing off, not firmly setting into the meat of her butt cheeks. Then I began more rhythmic and percussive medium-strength blows and these I set to the mid-line of her butt across both cheeks. Her sounds became brighter and her legs parted. Another affirmation that she liked what I was doing. As her sounds subsided, I massaged her buttock with both my hands absorbing some of the heat generated from the spanking. With one hand, I slid down from her buttock squarely between the top of her thighs and a moan of satisfaction escaped her mouth. Beyond the oil of my hand, I felt a different kind of substance as my hand gently moved up and down in this area. She had become wet! Not really sure if it was due to the spanking or of the massage prior, likely both. But I didn't want to inquire as I am very inquisitive. I wanted to keep the atmosphere in-tact so I said nothing. Then as I lessened my movement she turned over onto her back, eyes closed, smile across her face."So, you say you do your research...can you tell me why I liked that time that the spanking turned me on?" she said. Well, sure I replied with a grin! It is likely the reason Masochists enjoy it so much. The mind/body releases endorphins to counteract the pain signals. And when you are in a setting that is not meant to be brutal but sensual in my case, sexy or romantic, all the better you'll then feel!!! This can give the person a natural high that can turn into a wonderful subspace or alt state of consciousness. The part of your butt that I talked about earlier along with a spot on the lower part of your back contains nerves that feed into your genitals. And if the type of impact brings more blood flow to the area it can also enhance sensation to the genitals as well. Lastly, if the person you are playing with does so with caring, passion, and/or selfless playfulness, you can feel an emotional connection to the person, the play, or likely both!"I am indeed impressed! As much as this massage feels so damned good; you're like a pro at it... can we get to it and see if I can feel ALL of that wonderful you just told me?" With that, she offered me her hand and I guided her off the air mattress. To my complete surprise, this girl next door took the hand she had hers in and positioned it around her waist. With her other hand, she reached up and took the back of my head pulling me to her lips. She kissed me as no other has in my entire life! It was magical and yet I knew the purpose of this. She was trying to create a stronger connection for the play ahead. It worked! I felt aroused, happier, and more intent on pleasing her than at any other time I've ever Topped! What a smart girl indeed…No Bottom has ever taken her playtime into her own hands like this. And before now, Topping has always been fun. Today, however, the play was brought to a whole new level. The excitement of womanly seductive power that she conjured made me instantly crave her for my own. But my level headed and experienced brain told me it wasn't likely. This girl is a force all her own and as such there will be many vying for her time and attention. At this point in her life, I'm so glad those previous guys didn't satisfy her. If it wasn't for their failures, I might not be here today in her home!Taking my hand again she led me to the bedroom. Upon entering I noticed the warm colors, the impeccable order of her things, and a stack of beach towels & washcloths near the bed. "I'm going to take a quick shower to wash the oil off. Bring your stuff in here, I'll be out in a jiff" she said. Turning away she headed to the bathroom as I watched her nice long legs bring her to the bathroom door at which time she turned, looked at me, and smiled brightly. Everything about this girl turned me on and in my mind I wished we could be a couple or in the very least, play partners often getting together and enjoying what each other brought to the moments of our time together.I returned to the living room to get my toys, some of which I carry in a 29" hard-side spinner case. As I entered the bedroom again, I noticed a 6' folding table leaned up against the closet. For being a first time Bottom, this girl was well prepared. I took and set it up near the bed, placed a towel on it, opened the case, and laid out my spanking toys, cleaning cloths & cleaners along with a few other unique items."How do I look?" she said as she emerged from the bathroom. I turned and immediately my eyes widened looking her up and down. She wore this amazing looking crochet net body-stocking and sexy heels (I asked her later what this was because I don't know women's lingerie'). As I soaked in the view of her, my arousal became obvious and she noticed right away, smiling with uplifted eyebrows. OMG! I said, but you didn't have to because it needs to come off. "Not so fast!" She said. "Isn't this my playtime?" It is, I replied but... "I know you like me, I felt it at our meet up. I'd like you to not be so professional and just be you. Is that okay?" she said in her voice which I mentioned, in the beginning, was a treat! As much as I push myself to be professional, I also remember in my past being strictly platonic even when I knew the girl wanted more...later regretting my intention to prove I wasn't like all the other men in the world. And I'm not. But this time, I heard her words, felt my physical arousal, and let go of my professionalism. And in that instant, she stepped in front of me and removed my clothes, all of them, leaving my boxers for last. When my cock sprang free from them, she grabbed it with her one hand, turned my back to the bed with her other, and pushed me down onto her bed still holding my cock.

Topping From The Bottom?
I know many of you would probably say this to yourselves... topping from the bottom. She then said: "This is my small way of thanking you in advance for what I feel has already begun to be a great session of play between us! I'm not sure if you call this switching or if it could be considered my submission and service to you as my Top?" With those words, she released me, bent over to the bedside table, and pressed down on a pump releasing lube into her cupped hand. Applying it to my cock she made me stone hard as her hand glided smoothly from my tip to its base back and forth, again and again. In what seemed like one continuous motion, she untied the black pantie from beneath her net body-stocking, ripped open the area around her kitty and removed her panties from the enlarged opening, and lowered herself onto me.

As her kitty came to rest fully against my hips; she slowly and sensually undulated upon me and I almost immediately lost my sense of space. It was as if our intimate connection of flesh inside flesh and flesh upon flesh filled me in an instant subspace of my own. My body felt as if it floated with her on top of me and as she moved with me inside her, it was such an incredible feeling. As I felt the euphoria of my cock inside her, she'd squeeze me with her PC muscles tugging me at the top of the movement..., it pulled my pleasure to and fro so-much-so that I could barely keep my eyes open in the ecstasy of the moment. But I did keep my eyes open and what I saw in her eyes, her mouth, the movement of her head told me that perhaps she too was feeling like I was!

Perhaps she was a fellow Sensualist! This could possibly explain what had thus unfolded here /or it could just be that she was incredibly horny and taking action on her own. Like I had written above, she was quiet but not in the least a shy girl. Plus I will say this whole thing so far was an unexpected dream come true. Yes! I said that just now. As a Top, and being professional about it, I always come away satisfied to a point. I say to a point because as I currently do not have a girlfriend, this professionalism leaves me wanting more but not making quite the intimacy of connection that I can have with a girlfriend. I also can expect that when I am again in a relationship that my GF will not want to share me with others like this even with my professionalism and no intercourse. But for the record, I will say that now with my years of experience, I have vowed not to restrain my future GF from other pleasures provided by other people as long as she shares them with me by recounting her pleasures back to me thus expanding our relationship and making it stronger by being me being selfless and we being open with each other. And in turn, if my future GF would reciprocate this for me as well, it will be a match made in the heavens!

Chapter 2
My Girl Next Door maintained a slow but very sensual undulation on top of me. She went from being in her moment to looking at me directly. She smiled knowing that I indeed was enjoying this slow sex, my cock inside her, and​ having this beautiful body to admire above me. There was no sense of finishing, just of enjoying the sensations the movement was providing us both. She clearly enjoyed being in control whether it was just as an advanced thank you or other. From time to time I must have looked like I was going to cum and she would stop momentarily almost as if instinctual.

When she stopped I don't know, but it was as if we were on the same page, we laid side by side 69 style. This was perfect! I nuzzled in close to her kitty placing her left leg over and behind my head. She pulled me right in ratcheting my mouth right in there. I inhaled deeply to find her scent intoxicatingly sexy. As I slid my tongue between her lips she took my cock in her mouth and swirled her tongue around me which initiated an almost big cat-like​ growl. I kept up the growl as I planted my whole mouth on her kitty mound and the vibration of my sounds were met with a delightful approving sound of her own. Her body relaxed further in this position as we both continued.

My cock in her mouth softened ever so slightly and she responded with her right arm which was between my​ legs, hand on my ass, took her index and middle finger and pressed and moved around my back door eventually slipping the middle finger into my ass to continue a kind of massage. This act then brought me back to my previous stone-like hardness. Without skipping a beat, she sat up and remounted me once again. But now her on-me undulations went from slow to fast to grinding and back again. Her sounds were louder and a smile stretched from one side to the other like a Cheshire Cat!

Not to bore you but this continued for some time. Until finally I placed my thumb at the point of our union, picking up ample lubrication from her kitty. I moved my thumb from the left side of her mound over the top of her clit and back down the other side making a continuous circuit. "Yes! That's perfect! she said. She shuddered and it felt like she was going to either squeeze me out of her kitty or crush me inside her! I've never felt such strength in anyone's PC muscles before! I watched her body shudder as she yelled out "fuck yeah!"

After her orgasm came to subside she put her index finger in my mouth and I sucked it lightly as she moved it over my tongue. "That was really good!" said the girl next door as she rose off of me and got down between my legs taking me back into her mouth. My cock was still hard and she sucked a bit as she moved her mouth up and down my shaft. Next was my turn as I convulsed. "You didn't cum," she said questioning​ly, pointing to her tongue. No, but I did orgasm, I said. "Why that's new to me, but hey!"

I sat up and she grabbed my face in her hands bringing me in for languishing but wonderful kiss. "I really like this...You, I it always this way when you top"? No, I don't usually have intercourse. "I'm sorry, was I out of line?" It was an exception to the norm I replied.
The Girl Next Door
My name is Leah folks! I know Leo said that I didn't want him to use my name but I decided it was better to use my first name.It's true that I've never done this before and I really didn't know what to expect except what he told me in our meetup. I won't avoid it or lie; when I met Leo he was as I kinda expected based on our messages back and forth, but after we started into a face to face conversation and I listened to the passion in his voice for what he does: Topping... I must say that looks aside, he grew on me very quickly and I found his personality and his intelligence attractive, knowing he understood where I was coming from and why I wanted to try this. I knew that I'd be in good hands which were my only true concern. One never knows if she'll have to take a chance to find out if the experience will be good or bad till afterward. But early on in our meetup, Leo's words...the way he described what he does, his knowledge of relationships and of guys (boys to men) put me completely at ease and I felt that I had stumbled across the right person to attempt to give me what I needed so badly which were some fucking good orgasms! I'd only had a few decent orgasms since I started having sex in my mid-twenties and mostly it was solo while discovering myself. My boyfriends were in fact selfish and I didn't come to this realization until Leo shared with me his counseling experience and knowledge of the male.

My seducing Leo was completely my doing and in the moment. His massage, the touch with which he did it was so erotic and sensual...I couldn't help myself wanting to feel his cock and to see his reaction to my outfit after I took a shower to wash off the oil. His cock wasn't big like in my fantasies but it felt good in my hand and good in my mouth and OMG! When I mounted him... he was as he put it; stone hard and it touched my Gspot every time I squeezed my PC's while riding on top of him.I liked it very much that Leo let me control the action (after all it was my doing). My previous boyfriends never let me do what I wanted, it was all of them all the time. Selfish as Leo described. They got their so-called rocks off and I only had just begun but was left out in Orgasm Denial Wasteland for the most part after they came which was far far too soon for me. Sometimes guys are like peacocks the way they look so proud and satisfied. But what about me?? I decided to pursue other interests and have not dated for a few years now. I watched the 50 Shades movies and started reading about BDSM becoming more and more interested in it by the day. Leo says BDSM is like many flavors of ice cream. There is a flavor or combination for everyone. Me, I don't know what I like at this point as I am inexperienced. I wouldn't call my few boyfriends “experience” in the least. Only that they were selfish and didn't put much if any thought into what I wanted and needed. Of course, I'm talking about the big "O". I have however watched a good amount of porn and though I realize that much of it is just entertainment for you men out there, I have seen a few female actresses have some really amazing orgasms that I just can't believe were faked. I want orgasms that shake me whole, that make me squirt, that makes me feel like I'm floating somewhere very special.Like I've said, I liked very much that Leo let me control the action. My undulating and grinding on top of him very slowly felt so good. He seemed to like it very much too and for once a guy didn't come after 5 or even 10 minutes. Leo seemed to soak me in with his eyes the way that he watched me on top of him. That made me even hornier and the way his cock felt inside me was incredible and I didn't want it to end but figured it would very very soon based on my limited experience.To my surprise, I was able to switch positions several times and he stayed hard the whole time except the one time where I had him back in my mouth he felt as if he'd lost part of his erection. I copied something I'd read in an erotic romance novel and when I put my finger in Leo's ass. But slowly, he hardened like before. Quickly I got back on top and quickened my pace. I wanted to cum before he did. As I ascended very quickly this time towards my well awaited moment, I saw Leo's eyes occasionally go back into his head and I will say, I was afraid he'd cum before I got my orgasm! So I rode him faster and harder and I felt my moment approaching. Leo put his hand down there and Wow! The feeling that he gave me on the outside and the pleasure I felt with him inside me was too much and I let go a very nice, very needed orgasm. Fuck Yeah! I screamed out loud and it was then my body started to shake. I'd never had this feeling before and I loved it! I felt like I shook and I quivered??? for minutes. I stuck my finger in Leo's mouth and moved it around on his tongue. He sucked it a bit too. After the feelings of the orgasm subsided I moved off Leo and tried to get him to cum in my mouth. I was going to swallow every drop of his cum as another thank you for this stellar playtime which I had hoped had only just begun! As I tried to give him pleasure with my mouth I also worked my hand around his shaft and lightly caressed his balls. Soon I could feel him close to release and then I heard his growl. I smiled with him in my mouth because that growl is what I also enjoyed when he had his whole mouth on me, it was as if he was a vibrator. When he growled, I felt some kind of contraction but nothing like cum was felt in my mouth. Stopping and taking him out, I looked here and there and didn't see anything. I asked him if he came and he said he orgasmed but didn't cum. I read that this was possible especially in Tantric sex.Chapter 3
I had almost forgotten that I'd asked Leo to spank me while I was laying on my stomach receiving his massage. I say I almost forgot but not him. He said "back down on the bed, back facing me." He positioned my legs apart and oiled up his palms. Spreading his oiled palms lightly across my butt, thighs, and shoulders, he firmly massaged each area. The meatier parts of me he massaged deeply and I felt warmth. I also felt the last bits of tension escaping my body. This deep manipulation put me in the zone and I just kinda spaced out there for a bit. Next I felt a washcloth going over the same areas as Leo removed much of the oil he had used to massage me. "This is so the toys don't get ruined," Leo said matter of factly.I turned my head to look at the table and wanted a good look at what he had laid out earlier. But I couldn't really see with any true detail as I'd taken out my contacts before I got in the shower. Looks like a couple of floggers, something feathery?, wooden canes (never saw those before...had more than one cane together), and some spanking things? There was some excitement in me along with feeling anxious. This was going to be more than the hand spanking that first turned me on some years ago. But nevertheless, I trusted Leo completely or at least I felt that I should. I mean what we just had together with me seducing him was really fucking good!As the din of my own thoughts was crowding my head, Leo broke the self-talk by saying: "Remember...RED for stop, YELLOW for slow down or change, GREEN for you like it and keep it coming!" Got-it! I said. The stop-light colors for safety seem pretty easy to use if I need the action to stop or whatever.The next thing he did caught my surprise and attention. Leo put a leather cuff around each ankle asking me how it felt when he cinched the cuff into the buckle. Ok I guess, what are you going to do? "This is just to keep you from moving too it okay to continue?" he asked. Uh! sure! I replied. He also put leather cuffs on my wrists. Then he took some rope and secured each cuff to the corner of my bed. The chatter in my head started up again and I think that this unexpected restraint turned me on! I pulled on the cuffs with my arms and then with my legs. He had me spread pretty well and there wasn't a lot of excess movement that I could make if I wanted to. A towel was placed between my legs and gathered up towards my butt. "So I don't accidentally hit your kitty with my toys," he said.Leo, you can call her Pussy if you like. Just as long as you refer to Her in a positive way! "Pussy she is!" replied Leo. I just so happen to be reading a good book called 'Pussy: A Reclamation' written by Regena Thomashauer who founded the School of Womanly Arts. It is about the woman being the greatest untapped natural resource on the planet. About creating a life you love by nourishing the power of the Pussy Goddess within each of us. About listening to the wisdom within us and learning what brings us all the pleasure we seek as true women and how to experience the power in ourselves. "It is true" says Leo, "the Pussy is a powerful force for good! A great amount of pleasure can be had when I treat Her like the Princess Goddess she is. She will allow you to feel all the intent for which I practice...meaning she'll tune you right into the pleasure I intend to bring to your body. Often the Pussy talks to me telling me what I'm doing right or otherwise. So if she says what she feels is other than my intention, she'll show me by retreating. But if I am doing right by her, she'll keep the flag out and show her true color!"OMG! I can't believe my good fortune; that you understand what I'm reading in this book! "For me, it's about self-less-ness" replied Leo. Treating your Pussy and your whole body with the respect you deserve and to serve you with my specialty of pleasures."Damn...I said in a lower tone of voice. Why aren't all men like you?Laughter bursts forth from my mouth....that tickles!"Sorry!" he says as the strokes become longer increasing my sensitivity. He is using something lite and feathery along my skin. It feels nice these long strokes, only ticklish when he hovers to investigate my reactions.Now drumming or tapping? The tickler is gone and his hands are back. That feels good too I say to him. "I want to keep the blood flowing," he replies. "I'm going to flog you now." Okay!The first landing of the flogger's tails made me jump, pulling in on my restraints. Then the second and the third landing squarely on the backs of one thigh then trailing off to the other. "Is this okay?" Yes! I reply. He moves around the bed to get at my other thigh. Three times on each thigh switching from one to the other. Then the blows land on the lower part of my butt. Can you do it harder there? I asked. Then the blows came down with a bit more force but still felt good, occasionally with a bit of a stingy sensation when only the tips of the tails contact my skin. Thuddy, a bit stingy, I really like this flogging thing. As I started to become used to the flogger, Leo seemed to know and now he lightly dragged the tails across my skin, this time across the whole of my body's back.Releasing the ropes now from the four corners of the bed, Leo grabbed up my hair and as he pulled back he commanded, "Off the bed now".I got up on all fours and he continued pulling me back by my hair. I moved backwards off the bed. "Stand up!" I stood at the foot of my bed. "Face me! Legs apart!" I turned facing Leo and parted my legs shoulder width. To my delight, he went down to his knees planting his face in my pussy and lapped me slowly. I felt the pleasure instantly and as was my instinct, I put both of my hands on the back of his head and gently held him there and began to groan my 'thank you, Leo, I like how you do that!' and as if in response to my groans, Leo parted my lips with his two thumbs and traced his tongue gently about my most sensitive clit. His movement was slow but with intent, light but with meaning. Then he gently sucked my clit, hood, and the top of my lips into his mouth tilting his head. And with the tip of his tongue, Leo flicked my clit lightly then slowly moved his tongue gently about the clit. My groans grew stronger in sound and I felt my hips undulate as if fucking his mouth.
Chapter 4
My legs began to move involuntarily and I felt as if I was going to fall to the floor. He pulled back from between my legs, placed his hand where his mouth had been and pushed. I fell back onto the bed and laughed out loud! What are you doing? -I asked. "I want you to be more comfortable" -he replied. He came up onto me from between my legs and let part of his weight rest upon me with his arms on each side of me. He looked down upon me smiling. I smiled back. Leo then lowered his lips to mine and kissed me passionately with as much if not more passion than I had done to him earlier. It was quite a kiss and he is a good kisser!! He eventually left my lips and traced my jawline to the back edge of my ear and down to my neck where it felt as if he was making love to my neck with the gentle sucking of his mouth on my skin, soft kisses that tickled me ever so lightly. He whispered into my ear: "Do you like how this feels?" And I suddenly felt a chill envelop me as Leo wrapped his arms about me and went back to my neck. The chill disappeared and was replaced by a sensuous warmth some of which came from his body and the rest from inside my own. Then he whispered: "I'm nowhere near done with you" and I replied: Oh! I sure hope not! Please don't stop! Please! -Don't Stop!

Leo got up and I felt his weight on me disappear. I reached up and grabbed him. Where are you going? I inquired. "Nowhere just going to sit beside you". But he did get up and off the bed for a moment then came back to sit beside my hips. Leo placed a black silk blindfold on my head. Covering my eyes I could no longer see anything. "This is so you concentrate more on what comes next,'' he said. What is coming next? I asked. Leo said nothing. His hands began gently caressing me up and down my body. "Breathe and feel," he said. "Breathe and feel".

In my darkness, I felt the sensation of his hands on me as he caressed lightly and then in my meatier areas he applied more pressure. This felt good. Then on my pussy, I felt not his mouth but something more rigid as it was being held there. Then I heard a suctioning sound. My clit, my pussy tingled in a new kind of pleasure as I felt it being drawn up tightly. "This is called cupping," Leo said. My mouth opened as I experienced this new sensation. I didn't know what to say or if he expected me to say anything at all. Leo moved from and came back to the bed again. Next, he cupped each of my breasts. I wondered what he thought of them for they were not large cause I know how many men like women with big boobs! One by one he cupped a breast. I felt them taut within the suction but not in a bad way. "Your breasts are perfect," said Leo. Had he heard my thoughts?

He freed my breasts from the suction and sucked then nibbled lightly on each for a minute or so with his own mouth. Leo's mouth was like a sensuous personal toy. I can't imagine that he has any free time because if he does this with all those that ask him to Top, then he must have a lot of repeat bottoms! I know that I'm already trying to figure out the next soonest date that I can have him back! He then freed my pussy and his sensuous mouth went there. I moaned my approval of his gentle tongue saying hello to my pussy and to my clitoris in particular. He paused, mouth still on me, and his tongue resting on my clitoris. It was then that I felt this electricity. My hands shot between my legs to find his head. He wasn't using that Estim he spoke of during our meet up, so why do I feel this strange electrical sensation? Don't get me wrong, it wasn't like an electrical shock. But more like a low-end current. As my surprise of the feeling faded. The feeling of kinda low heat and buzzing or current sensation continued through my pussy. As I relaxed and accepted the strange feeling, I began to feel the top of my chest buzzing too. It traveled up to my neck and then my head felt light and everything from my pussy to the top of my head began to float! As I inhaled deeply his mouth was replaced by a kinda heavy cold object on the outside of my mound. Leo's fingers began massaging my whole pussy with lube. I felt the heaviness again but this time it entered me. "This is called the Pure Njoy Wand," he said and began to move it inside me. The cold quickly disappeared and it found my Gspot as it traveled from near my opening, over and past my Gspot... going deeper inside. The pressure either due to its weight or how he used it was quite delicious! I remember Leo saying to breathe and feel. So I let myself nearly drift from the here & now and so then the erotic pleasure began to build as he moved the wand back and forth easily on the lube and my own juices.

I was really enjoying everything and this was true pleasure, as was his way, Leo moved slowly then quickened the pace which also quickened my breathing. I felt a swell from my core as the toy felt like it was on a mission to make me cum from the inside, better than anyone's cock I thought. This heavy metal cock had only one purpose which was to please me! "Tell me when you are getting close," he said as if he already knew. Then Leo slowed the object down almost to a crawl and the built-up pleasure began to subside, then he'd resume and I made some kind of sound when Leo said: "This is called edging, bringing you near the edge of orgasm but not taking you over that edge". And the purpose of that is? I asked with almost a pout in my attitude!! "To make for a much better orgasm," he said. "You'll see."
The second build-up came faster and my breathing quickened along with it. Oh! God! That feels soooo gooood! Leo made the object move faster and it felt as if my Gspot and my vagina were feeling the same thing as my perception co-mingled the sensations into one. Ah! Yes! This is going to make me cum! I said. and Leo did just what you expected and slowed the wand's travel down to a crawl. But before I could voice my disappointment, it started moving again and the feeling felt even better than ever! The build-up was almost instantaneous or perhaps I was losing track of time. Yes! God! Don't stop! Please don't stop! That feels amazing! and then it quickened almost driving my head right off my shoulders. I'm! I'm! And as I began to feel a most intense orgasm, Leo pulled out the heavy wand, in went his fingers to find my Gspot and his mouth came down onto my pussy and his tongue danced the tango with my clit. All this in just nano seconds! I began shuddering!! My whole body just went berserk! And Leo pulled the most amazing sensations out of me using my Gspot and Clitoris.My head went from silence to hearing the air in the room. Leo can you take the blindfold off? I asked. "Open your eyes, the blindfold is not on you" he said in his assuring tone. I opened my eyes and the light of my bedroom filled my head.

Chapter 5
Leah thought she still had the blindfold on. After her incredible orgasm started, her whole body got involved showing me just how much pleasure she was experiencing. She actually shuddered from her feet up through her hands. It was a whole body orgasm. As her body shook, I removed her black silk blind-fold and found her eyes had rolled back in her head. The sight of Leah, a beautiful young, vibrant and sexy, girl next door kinda creature was in the throes of her pleasure and it affected me so wonderfully!! I touched my own cock and pre-cum ooozed forth at the tip. Leah was better than any porn. She was flesh and blood alive before my eyes in the midst of a delicious orgasm! With my fingers attending to her Gspot and my thumb dancing on her clit, my mouth returned to her neck then BAM! Leah passed out. She breathed but her quickness slowed her mouth open perhaps a bit dry now. Leah wasn't the first to pass out when I Topped. Leah was the fourth one in many to really own her pleasure. It was as much her as it was me.

A woman must know her pleasure and be always open to it for pleasure to be enhanced by another. It is not me who determines how much intense pleasure a woman feels under my touch. Rather it is the woman who has the power to turn on and enjoy whatever she is doing or whatever someone else is doing to her. When a woman knows who she is (a powerful Princess Pussy Goddess) and what she requires to feel really good, it means she knows her body and what makes her feel pleasure. A man's role is to support the woman and help her pleasure either by creating more pleasure and/or by continuing to enhance the pleasure she herself initiated. Many women have no idea that they are goddesses. That she is the reason for her own sexual awakening and pleasure. I can teach her to concentrate and feel, but then it is up to the individual to claim their pleasure for it is her right. A woman's pleasure is under her control. It is her learned pleasure and turning it on that attracts so many men to come calling. Like when a female animal goes into heat, it is that female who chooses her mate or mates! It is her power within that makes the choice.

Personally, I worship at the altar of the female pussy. For when I show her respect and give her the gifts of my knowledge and my toys; her turning on becomes more powerful! A woman that owns her pleasure and turns on, causes her to emit a radiance which makes me want to please her even more!

I think that in this case, Leah came to realize that her pleasure is in her own control, not something that has to come from a man. A man can not bring complete and utter pleasure to a woman unless the woman permits it. Unless the woman instructs the man in what pleases her. What I do is what I already know pleases a woman. But not every woman will experience her pleasure as completely unless she permits it first for herself and then for her partner. A woman who owns her pleasure; who is open to feeling it fully, who welcomes a partner to her temple and communicates her wishes in how to please her, is a woman who has mastered her own body and can celebrate her God-given rights to ultimate bliss. Until then, she will experience only as much pleasure as she has given herself permission. This is often the upbringing of a society that has limited her ability to fully accept and experience the full princess goddess within. But she can overcome with a positive belief in herself, an intense willingness to learn her pleasures on her own or with a partner, and be open to truly feel everything and channel it into her positive sensitive lovely sensual, and erotic self that she already is. This claiming of her power can be a game changer to most. But it is her right and should be her mission to seek it out, understand it, experience what is possible, and lay claim to it! Then if she nurtures it continually, she will discover her true power as a woman and sensual being.

I often think of myself as the sexual conduit to enlightenment. Over the years, I have studied and researched and experimented. I know the limiting beliefs we all have. I know there are few who see themselves as equals in relationships. If we view ourselves as equals in our relationship and each partner strives to pleasure the other with self-less-ness, then those partners can truly be happy and in a state of continual rapture within each other. One can not find themselves in this state without learning about ourselves, what pleases us, learning about our partner, what pleases them, communicating with clarity, and then practicing self-less-ness with each other.

Chapter 6
After my incredible orgasm, I must have had the biggest smile on my face and I just felt giddy! I was giddy, somewhat relaxed, yet energized & horny all over again! 'I want more of this!' I said to Leo in a giggling voice. 'That felt like something I've needed for So! Long! Now!' I exclaimed.
I've not gotten this kind of complement in quite this way before and I was thrilled to say the least! Leah was so attractive in the way she said everything she just said here. Her voice, the way it came out of her beautiful face with little giggles that made me smile too! To her gorgeous body that seemed to speak right along with her words, expressing a fluidity of sexy eroticism on its own. If there was a dream-girl out there that nearly any guy or gal would likely fantasize about, Leah was that kind of girl.Hey, Leo?Yes?Would you mind going to the fridge, bringing that pitcher and a couple of glasses from the counter?Not at all…Leah: When Leo left my room to go to the kitchen, I put my hand on my pussy and felt like I was going to purrrr! My fingers lightly touched and played upon the flesh there and it felt really good. I kept this up and then played on top of my clit's hood using the base of my thumb and slid my two middle fingers inside. The bud of my clit immediately came out and I was about to cum again when Leo came back into the room humming and carrying the pitcher & glasses. I quickly pulled my fingers out and up to my mouth sucking my thumb and feeling a bit embarrassed that he might have seen me masturbating. Then I realized I really was sucking on my thumb and my face flushed as I tried to imagine how infantile it looked as I pulled it out and laid my arm across my tummy.Leo: You didn't have to stop on my account....Leah: Oh! You saw that?Leo: Well yes, as I came into the room. But you didn't have to stop! I mean, that's what this whole play session is about. It's about you, your pleasure, and feeling really good!Leah: I guess I'm not at all used to someone seeing me masturbate. I once did it next to a past boyfriend when I thought he wasn't awake and he got kinda angry at me when he saw me and wanted to know why I didn't wake him for sex. Truth was and I didn't tell him this, but it was because he didn't satisfy me and I was always left not having had that release. So I masturbated a lot when he wasn't around.Leo: Did you use any toys? Like a bullet or magic wand?Leah: No, I only ever have used my hand up until recently when I bought a wand and I wasn't dating anyone for quite awhile.Leo poured us both some juice…Yumm! What is this?Leah: It is a blend of mango, orange, a bit of apple, bit of lime, filtered water, and two bananas blended along with this health mix with a berry flavor that helps the arteries to carry nutrients more efficiently or something like that. My housemate gets it all the time.Leo: It's delicious! I use filtered water for everything I drink! I have this thing called ZeroWater that does a hell-a-va-job filtering out all the crap.Leah: We have a couple of pitcher filters from that same company but they're a bit weighty because of how big the filter is.Leo: I have a unit that sits on the counter that is much bigger than those pitcher types. Sitting down on the bed, feet on the floor, I invited Leah to lay across my lap. She did and I lightly caressed her bare ass cheeks, then ran my hand between her thighs and felt her still wet pussy. I lingered there very slowly circling her clit with my finger tip. As a moan escaped her lips I withdrew my hand and landed it on the mid-way of one ass cheek...glancing it upwards, then did the other and kept alternating. After three rounds and her ass cheeks shining brightly up at me, I slipped my hand back between her thighs and her pussy was now very wet. I inverted my hand with the palm facing down and slipped in my index and middle finger to find her Gspot and began a slow but deliberate massage it's little wash-board. Leah moaned.Leo was doing his thing to my Gspot and it felt so good that I couldn't help from expressing my pleasure with these long moans. Just before that he spanked me which richly increased my horniness! He was doing everything that I had hoped for and more! my mind I suddenly panicked thinking about my housemate coming home till I realized it wasn't till tomorrow late. I greedily thought I might ask Leo to stay over and make him breakfast and thank him with another cowgirl and hopefully some passionate kissing of both his lips and of his cock. As I thought about this, I also began to cum as I still laid across his lap.Leah came from my Gspot massage. I took my fingers out and turned my palm back the other way and pressed against her mound. She was still cumming when I felt a bit of squirt which filled my palm about a 1/3 full. It was just a little, which I then took and spread over her still pink ass and part of the small of her back. Even her back was a sight to behold. Her legs were equally as long as her torso. She got up off my lap and asked if she could return the favor with a massage? 'But this is for you, not me' I said. She kissed me sweetly and said: "It will make me happy to massage you"! Leah said in reply. I happily gave in to her request and asked her where she wanted me.I told Leo I wanted to give him a massage and he so nicely reminded me that this was all about me! I then told him that it would make me happy to do it and so I motioned for him to lay in the center of my bed on his stomach. I got the massage oil and spread it on the front of me; my chest, belly and tops of my legs. I climbed on his back straddling him and then slid my body up and over his ass and down the back of his legs letting my breasts slide against his back. Leah: I know what you are thinking Reader! That earlier I didn’t want anything to get oil on it ‘cept my towels. Well, I’m all-in now and besides, this is my bed. I can wash the sheets so fuck it, I’m going to enjoy making him feel as good as me if that is even possible? "That feels nice!" he said. "It's like a Nuru Massage without the thick stuff." said Leo. I started to feel like a greedy little slut as I began rubbing my pussy up and down on the back of one of his legs. Taking the towel I wiped the oil from Leo's back and then from my front. Turn over I said to Leo and he complied with what kinda sounded like a horny order from me! When he turned over I couldn't quite help it....I went for his cock taking it into my mouth and instantly felt him begin to swell. This felt like a kind of power for me having him swell in my mouth! When he was hard, I reached over to my bedside table and took a bottle of lube and applied it to his cock and to my pussy which I guess I didn't have to do but oh well! I put him inside me and picked up the blind-fold next to the pillow and put it over Leo's eyes. He smiled as I began to slowly grind on him. His mouth opened and he drew in large amounts of air as I started moving up and down on him. This time I'm going to make him cum I thought to myself! I'm going to do what he did to me!Leah gave me this nice Nuru-like massage then unexpectedly when she had me turn over onto my back, she went for my cock putting it into her mouth which made me swell almost instantly feeling the warm moisture of her there. She lubed my cock, stroked, and made me hard. Then she blind-folded me and climbed onto me like a cowgirl and started rough-riding me, grinding our bits together and it felt good! Then she started rising and falling, her pussy rising up and then coming back down engulfing my cock. I moaned my own pleasure and she stopped her movement, leaned forward, and kissed me letting my cock marinate in her sweet pussy juices. She did this several times. Whenever I began to moan, she would stop, lean forward and kiss me. It felt so very good and the intent not to let me orgasm was in itself a turn-on!

Chapter 7 -Finali 
Just when I thought I'd edged Leo enough I felt him tremble beneath me and I quickly jumped off and took him in my mouth. He trembled some more but I didn't taste anything more than a bit of something from his cock. Did you cum I asked? "no?" said Leo. But... "I was edging myself but not to orgasm." What do you mean I asked? "I let the sensation travel though my body and I connected to each part that it traveled to and I just enjoyed them. Don't feel bad, that was really good!" he said. Huh! was all I could think, guess I have to work smarter to make him cum for me? I thought…

Looking at Leah after she took me in her mouth, she looked a bit deflated which made me slightly sad. Here was a woman who truly was doing this for me and I felt so grateful but I had not allowed myself to cum because we were not finished with our play. I had other things in store for this sweet beauty and I was really enjoying this time with her, perhaps more with her than anyone to-date! Except perhaps for this lesbian couple that I had counseled some time ago which was one of my most successful counseling sessions in terms of bringing a couple back into a connection with each other through sex and communication. But that was counseling and this was an arranged play session. My mind drifted a bit here but now I was refocusing myself back to the task at hand and the woman who has been so great this entire time. I was going to give her as much as I could and perhaps we'd be back here again next time her housemate went out of town!

I felt a little disappointed that Leo didn't cum from my topping him! I still don't know if that is right thinking or not. Leo gently took my face in his hands and kissed first my forehead, my eyes, and my lips. He was quickly growing on me as I felt myself being attracted to this sweet man. Or perhaps it was just the excellence in which he played with me? He told me to lie back down, stomach on the bed. I half expected him to restrain me again. I must admit that I liked when he did that earlier! But no, he got some more stuff out of his case.

I had her lay down on the bed, head facing away from me. I told her to completely relax and try to get inside her head and localize her thoughts to what she felt on and/or in her body. I took some items out of my toy case: Feather, a two-sided spanker with fur on one side, and a dull pin-wheel, a riding crop, an 8-cane bundle, and the Satisfyer Pro2.

Laying on the bed with my head facing away from Leo, the anticipation was getting the best of me as I wondered what he was planning next. He put the blind-fold on me once again and this time I went right inside my head and awaited in limbo for the next sensation when I felt a silky smooth tickle around my ankles. Nice! I thought. Then the sensation was at my cheek, ear, and neck. Now my calves up to my thighs than my shoulders and back of my arms. This was really nice! The sensation made the surface of my skin have goosebumps which is something I've always liked as I used to do it to myself sometimes which then led into me eventually masturbating over a long period of time just enjoying the sensations.

As I caressed Leah's back starting at her outer parts working in, her smooth skin turned to goosebumps which were my sign that I was doing things correctly. I wanted her to internalize the sensations I would give her and hopefully, this would lead to another wave of bliss or at least I hoped it would. I had in my mind what I was going to do but I let her body tell me for how long and so on.

He continued this nice light tickle moving in towards my center. I even felt my butt cheeks succumb to goosebumps.

I put down the feather-stick and with both hands, I pulled her body over onto her back as I said to her to just let me pull her over. Keep focusing on the sensations, I told her. She had a smile on her face as I positioned her now on her back and resumed with my feather-stick on her forehead, nose, cheeks, lips, nostrils, top of her feet, up the inside of her calves and thighs, collar bone, breasts, tummy.

As Leo continued his light caress on the front of me, I began to feel the anticipation in my pussy. I wanted him to do something there! But clearly, if I had any inkling, any at all, this was not what would happen right away or maybe not at all? I thought to myself. "Concentrate on the sensations playing upon your skin," he said to me.

As the goosebumps rose up on her skin and then slowly receded, I took the furry spanker and caressed the whole of her body ever so gently with it.

He again rolled me over and onto my stomach. 'Spanking! I thought'
He changed his toy to something which felt like rabbit fur. This too felt nice as he touched and ran it over my entire back even between my outstretched legs up to the V but it did not affect my clit in the way as I had hoped. This sensation was more luxurious than the feather feeling. But even then, I began to want, I craved for my pussy to be touched or fingered in a sexual way!

Next, I felt the tails of Leo's flogger over me as he dragged the tips across me. Good, I thought! He is going to flog me and I'll feel some nice sting or heavy smacks across my whole back. I went inside my mind and waited for him to swing the flogger onto me. But I felt a smack on my left cheek, then another little smack on my right cheek. It wasn't his hand, it felt smaller. I opened my eyes only to see the darkness beneath the blindfold. Leo grabbed a handful of hair behind my head and said: "What do you want me to do Leah?" His demeanor seemed to have changed and I was without words. He pulled my head up from the bed and I heard his words closer to my ear..."What do you want me to do Leah?"

I slapped Leah's face cheeks with the leather patch of my riding crop while grabbing her hair and asking her what she wanted me to do? She didn't answer so I said it again while bringing her face near mine. Still nothing. With the riding crop, I smacked the bottoms of her feet, her thighs, and then her butt cheeks. When I smacked her butt she giggled. Good, I thought to myself, I'm on the right track. She sexualized being spanked on the butt. I again grabbed her hair pulling her face off the bed and asked again...what do you want me to do Leah? To which she replied: "I want to be spanked! Spank me as you mean it!" she said to my delight!

He asked me again what I wanted and I told him that I wanted to be spanked. Leo cuffed both my ankles and I felt something else being put onto the ankle was that bar thingy! "Assume the position," he said out loud. What position I thought for a sec then struggled to get myself up onto my knees so my butt was in the air instead of laying on the bed. I became excited when I felt the tails of a flogger on my ass. This was a different flogger though as I could tell by the feel. He flogged my ass each time making me squirm a bit. Then I felt the fur again. He ran it around my butt, down the back of my thighs and suddenly: WACK! I felt a paddle hit the lower half of my butt cheeks. WACK! WACK! I felt my whole butt get really warm from the paddle. But then something unexpected... my ass hole tingled with a different delight! He was licking around my ass hole with his tongue. Such a contrast in sensations!

I alternated with the paddle and my tongue on Leah and delighted as I watched her body respond to the two obviously different sensations. Putting some lube on my one hand, I reached between her legs and massaged her pussy. In response, she let out a moan and a "Yes!" I drew circles with my finger slowly about her clit and Leah moaned some more. Wiping my hand of the lube with a cloth a thought came into my mind.

Leo's alternating between spanks and his tongue around my ass hole made me really horny. I mean the horniness became really elevated! And then when he fingered my clit, my brain kinda sparked! He asked me: "You said you watched the 50 Shades"? Yes, I said. He removed the blind-fold and as the light came back to my eyes I twisted to look at Leo and he had this smile on him.

What? I asked. He grabbed the bar thing with both his hands and that 50 Shades scene came into my mind. "Ready?" he asked. And suddenly he made a grunt and my body went left and I landed on my side. "Ooops!" he said. I laughed out-loud at his bobble because he meant to flip me completely over onto my back but it didn't happen as he'd planned. I rolled onto my back and I watched him go for more lube and massage my pussy. And as I thought that was his main focus, he pushed up on the spreader bar-raising my ass off the bed and popped a lubed finger into my ass. Slowly he massaged my ass with that finger and I went from a sudden clasping shut to relaxing. It felt good, and I said as much to him out-loud. So then he inserted a second finger, stretched me a bit. But I wasn't sure I was ready for him to finger-fuck my ass.

I knew Leah was surprised when I inserted a lubed finger in her ass, then as she became more comfortable, I went for a second. When I pulled them out she might have sounded a bit disappointed, but I reached over to the table and took a thin narrow glass butt plug and eased it in and a delighted sound came from between her lips.

Leo held what he then informed me was called a spreader bar. He kept my butt off the bed by way of the spreader bar with one hand as he moved a small butt plug in around my ass and pulled it out then pushed it back in again. I liked this feeling. At our meet up I had told him that I'd never done any butt stuff but was open to it if he was easy on me. Looking a bit tired from holding the spreader bar with one hand; Leo lowered me back down to the bed and letting go also of the butt plug he turned to the toy table. He brought out a large black leather cuff and put it around my neck. Then he fished a rope through the loop of a ring at the front and then out to one of my ankle cuffs then to the other and back to my neck cuff. As he pulled on the rope, my upper half was pulled up a bit as was my ankles on the spreader bar. He took two more ropes and affixed each one to an ankle cuff and back to the corner of the bed above my head. This had the effect of stabilizing and keeping my butt slightly off the bed and my head so my face was able to see my pussy and what was happening. He adjusted all three ropes until he was happy with my position. I saw my ankle cuffs which were a beautiful leather red!

I went back to the butt plug in Leah and again moved it around, in and out till Leah's responses lessened. Then out it came, the smallest butt plug. I reached over getting the next bigger one. She made again a delighted sound as I eased the next larger one in. With one hand I slowly moved the butt plug around, in & out. And with my other hand, I played with her pussy. After this 2nd plug came out I re-lubed both her pussy and her ass and the next butt plug which looked more egg-shaped. The next three plugs increased in size to stretch her open as she relaxed. With each change of the next larger plug, I added more lube to make sure she felt comfortable with each one.

Towel! I yelled out as the thought of the lube and my ass and the plugs feeling better and better. Leo placed a towel and then another folded one beneath my raised ass and spread legs. With each plug, my ass was stretched a little bit more and Leo continued also playing with my pussy which felt good too though I felt I wanted something more. And then the unthinkable happened!
I started shuddering and again as if he knew, Leo's head went down between my legs and once the warmth of his mouth was felt and that tongue of his on my clit...OMG! I had the most intense, deepest orgasm of my life right then and there!

Leah's body began twitching so I decided quickly I'd go down on her since it was so easy, her legs spread by the bar and her bottom open to me. A feeling of completeness washed over me as my eyes saw her body releasing her incredible energy, then my mouth made contact with her sweet pussy, giving me a taste of her nectar on the tip of my tongue and then further down as if reactivating my taste buds. Her contractions rhythmically squeezed my outstretched tongue which I inserted. I formed a seal as best I could with the whole of my mouth on her and breathing through my nose, I sucked her into me.

I couldn't see her body now in this position but I felt her and the metal links between her anklets and the spreader bar started jangling. She was in it now! I thought to myself. This was the big one. As best I could with my mouth clamped over her lady bits, I moved my tongue up and tried my best to tickle her clit. I couldn't see so I just imagined that I was doing what I intended. The muscle at the base of my tongue was starting to strain but I kept doing it. The jangling sound increased. My hands were now around her butt and my fingertips under the small of her back. I felt the bed then air then bed then air again on the back of my hands. It was then that a very low and long sound was heard from Leah. It was a guttural sound. A good sound!

When her body stopped moving and her sound stopped, I came out from between her legs, raised up, and looked out above her tummy. Her mouth was open, her eyes closed but her breathing was heavy. 'Okay Leah!' 'Leah?' 'Are you okay?' I asked. An unintelligible sound escaped with her exhale.

I began removing her restraints slowly, trying now not to disturb her mind. She was surely gone from this room and from me I thought to myself.

Once everything was removed and placed over on the table, I did something I usually don't do, but then again, this whole session was so different from how I normally conduct myself. I crawled up and over her starting between her legs. I held myself above her, the energy of her I could still feel between us. I lowered my face towards her and began to gently kiss her first on the lips, then to her cheek and down the side of her neck. Another sound and I pulled my head up and looked down at her eyes. At first her eyeballs moved from side to side, and then they stopped and looked up at me then began glistening. As I saw the first tear well up and spill over, Leah put her one hand over the back of my neck and the other her arm around my back and pulled me down onto her. I heard and felt her breath escape as the weight of me settled on top of her. Then after a moment of beautiful silence, Leah began to shake, and then she cried.

So much was suddenly realized to me during my session with Leo and I wanted to wait till the end to tell you about it. You meaning those of you who are reading this. Anyway, I realized that during the last couple years primarily without someone dear in my life, someone that I was sexually connected to; my fingers were my go-to when I needed and craved an orgasm. Usually, in under 15 minutes I could cum. It all became conditioned for me and by me. I took care of myself and that was that. But here and now, with this man that I barely actually knew though I felt very safe and understood by him. Here was this man who not only gave me some of the best orgasms of my life, but I felt this connection, this understanding, this overwhelming desire of his to please me far before himself!!!

It was just too much, too good, very good and I cried like a baby holding him, wanting to feel his whole body on top of me. I knew then that I had a lot to learn and a goal. I had a lot to learn about my own body sexually, another person's body sexually, and a goal to find a selfless man that I could communicate with like I had this whole time with Leo.

I'm sorry, this story took so long to complete. I know I pretty much took it over too! Leo understood the importance of me telling it and I think he was happy that I did. A lot has happened since that amazing day with him and that is between myself, and Leo. He has spent countless hours on the phone with me at night, listening to me talk and giving me what I can only call wisdom in return when I asked for it. But he actually listened! The man really is a selfless man and I envy the woman who he finds to be his loving partner. I have a lot of goals now. And most of them I must reach on my own by looking in on myself. This has been an experience not only sexually but an important revelation as well. It has brought me into focus with many things that I must now put into perspective and all that. This was an experience I'll never forget because it was the beginning of my awakening I call it. -(see next page)
I know I'll have Leo to talk to whenever I need it. I'll never be able to repay him for what has happened to me here. He laughs when I tell him that. What a sweet man!
I'm outta here...hope you all enjoyed the story. I know I enjoyed every moment!

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A DomDDTop For Your Pleasure! A Sapiosexual Sensualist