outdoor fun: a Behind the Scenes Look at a Growing Lifestyle

2:38 pm Monday, 8th June, 2020


Join us as we take a look at outdoor fun, its origins, common misconceptions and other interesting titbits.​

Origins of the term outdoor fun

Historically the term “outdoor fun” was used to describe someone who followed you closely it has become more strongly associated with the act of outdoor fun which is to watch or partake in public sexual encounters.Some of the reasons for this that have been suggested are:- outdoor fun refers to the fact that early encounters took place in public parks and was associated with “dogs humping” in public.- In the UK they would use the excuse of taking the dog for a walk as a reason to slip out and watch people have sex.Given that outdoor fun is rooted in the UK it is most likely that taking the hounds for aconstitutional was the true origin of the term.• Who is outdoor fun for?Given the search stats from sites like PornHub and the confessions of outdoor fun enthusiasts from around the internet the pastime has a global fan base that covers all ages, sexual orientations, and pronouns.The reason for this is that outdoor fun is the perfect cross-section of two primary sexual proclivities – that of watching and being watched but with the added titillation of the chance to participate.In short, whether you are a voyeur, an exhibitionist or want to experiment with group sex outdoor fun could be the hobby for you.

Common Misconceptions

When it comes to getting involved with the outdoor fun community there are a lot of misconceptions about who the people are, what is to be expected at a gathering and more.Here are a few pointers to set you in the right direction:- This is not a scheduled event – while there are preferred gathering spots frequented by the community there is not start or end time. Rule of thumb is to wait until it’s very dark and late enough that the gathering point is unlikely to attract random passers-by.- outdoor fun is not solely for your orientation – the community consists of heterosexual, homosexual, and transgender members, all who come together to express themselves publicly. If you approach a vehicle and the show is not to your liking be polite and move off quietly to one that does. Alternatively, stay and watch, you might learn something about yourself and your tastes.- Public viewing does not automatically mean public participation – not everyone who is willing to have you watch them have sex is interested in having sex with you. As mentioned, some people want to watch, some want to be watched and others want to play with.

When in doubt, ask politely.-

outdoor fun is not the “seedy underbelly” of sexual expression – as with any form of healthy sexual expression outdoor fun communities are for the most part safe, polite and inclusive. Be polite, adhere to the basic precepts of decency and cleanliness, understand that no means no and you will find a outdoor fun to be far more enjoyable long term proposition.- This is not prostitution – outdoor fun is a sharing of turn on’s and in some instances of bodies. That means that the participants do not owe you anything, but you are asking them to be invited in. If rebuffed move on, there will be plenty of other players to enjoy over time. At the end of the day if you treat people with dignity and respect no matter what community or activity you are looking to join it will bear fruit in the long term.

• How to get started

As a newcomer to the world of outdoor fun here are some basic tips to get you up and running safely:- Find a reputable outdoor fun community in your area – here you will get some insightinto local do’s and don’ts as well some of the safer and most frequented outdoor fun spots.- Stay anonymous no matter how enthralled you become – outdoor fun is an activity that can expose you in more ways than one. To keep yourself safe don’t go around giving out your address, real name, phone number etc.- Always bring protection – while you don’t need to bring an actual dog to one of these gatherings it is always recommended that you bring condoms and other relevant birth control methods. You might only intend to watch but in the spirit of the moment you don’t want to catch an STD or get someone pregnant.
- Bring a friend –
if you feel vulnerable it is always recommended to bring a friend to watch your back. If nothing else, as a newcomer, simply knowing someone at the gathering will make you feel more comfortable and allow you to enjoy theexperience.- Learn the rules – there are some basic rules to learn like interior car lights on means “come watch”, open windows mean “feel free to touch” and open doors are an invitation to join in. Be sure to learn if your local gatherings have any signs unique to them.- Always presentable and present – this is public sex, not homeless sex. Be sure to be clean and neat, trim your fingernails, and don’t be drunk or high. If you’re hoping to have people invite you to join them for sex you want to put your best foot forward, which could lead to all sorts of opportunities later.Good luck with your outdoor fun adventures. Do share your lessons, craziest stories and hottest encounters with us in the comments section.


6:23 am Monday, 22nd June, 2020 michaelmch016

Hi can you please tell me how i would go about finding a dogging club please 

2:55 pm Sunday, 30th August, 2020 jds2h

T&W, R&M 💕💤🕺🏽

2:07 pm Tuesday, 9th February, 2021 sarababanuraviguruk846

Great tips of dogging sexual actions.Thank you.

9:01 am Sunday, 28th February, 2021 bparr733

Very well explained thank you 

5:06 pm Friday, 5th March, 2021 huddhay086

How do u find in my area

10:28 pm Friday, 5th March, 2021 amymorri457

How do we get involved x

2:19 pm Sunday, 7th March, 2021 moharram853


9:11 pm Monday, 15th March, 2021 raj824Westminster

Hi sweetheart 
Thanks for explanation now I wanna practical with  you tellll me what can I do?

12:04 am Tuesday, 16th March, 2021 andiwrightroof801

Well up for that , been a few places but need some more action to be honest , let me know when I can join you guys 🙂 

12:35 pm Friday, 26th March, 2021 mansou702

I love it new things 

12:24 pm Saturday, 17th April, 2021 nirajh161


12:24 pm Saturday, 17th April, 2021 nirajh161


4:14 am Tuesday, 4th May, 2021 amjuz78

Dogs are most lovable and trustable creature by god that dog teach us doggy style,😜😜 trust out doggy booo and our teacher johny sir😍😉😜😜

5:04 am Tuesday, 4th May, 2021 sarababanuraviguruk846

I know your comment dogging sex is long time sex with the partner.Lot of thanks.

9:52 pm Friday, 21st May, 2021 Aashu2x

Hi thanks, you have narrated in such fabulous way , one can not ask anything more about ... 🌹💋🌹

7:48 am Wednesday, 11th August, 2021 bharatsa664

You are hot baby

7:32 pm Saturday, 9th October, 2021 michaelmch016

anyone looking to go dogging tonight in the Birminghamsolihull area's 

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