The Amount of Success

1:54 am Sunday, 31st May, 2020


Hello ladies and gents, welcome to possibly the dullest blog you'll ever read. 
I'm just curious to know how many of you out there have had successful meet ups on this site. I get tons of messages, but I read every profile and I often find myself questioning the authenticity of the message. Especially when they say looking for a man between 18 and 98. 
I think if a man at 98 can handle what goes on here, then he should definitely get a huge amount of respect, because I'm not sure at 98 if I could handle it. 
I've learnt in a very short time ro be weary of some messages since some will be coming from web cam women. 
Now before I get tons of nasty comments saying I'm bad mouthing them, believe me I'm not! After all everyone has to make a living and if they are using their assets to their advantage, more power to them. 
But where are the people who are truly just looking to feel needed by someone? Everyone needs loving at some point but forgive me for saying, I won't find that looking through a monitor. I can't touch you, kiss you or do any of the other fun things if you're not here. 
Now maybe some guys can and if you're one of them, like I said before more power to you! If that's your thing do it! Be happy! Live your life your way! 
I'm sure one day I'll find someone who will want to meet in person and when that day comes I'm sure I'll be happy. 
So I leave you with this question...
How many successful meetings and hookups have you had?
See you in the next blog. Thanks for reading!

Blog Introduction


Want to explore these feelings of being the dominant one