Before I tell you about my bath, I want to make things perfectly clear so you and I
are on the same wave-length and you can tune out if you want to.
I am a 40 year-old female heterosexual - I have had a couple of lesbian experiences, brief, and ultimately not
particularly satisfying and you will soon see why.
I love it when a man comes on me - on my clit, my breasts, my face, my arse. Especially my arse when the
cum trickles down between my cheeks. I love the feel of cum splashing on my skin, I love the smell of it, I
love running my fingertips through cum and licking them clean and I love the feel of it dribbling down me.
O.K., I think you have the picture - if you don't, then I don't think you will understand what I am about to tell
you, so save yourself some time and switch to another story.
My bath is a fantasy. Sadly, it will not happen unless I suddenly get rich and can afford some part-time staff.
My bath is the standard size and the usual enamel coating, nothing out of the ordinary at all, and in reality, the
bath as an object is not the fantasy, it is but a means to end.
My bath is in a large room, one end of it where the combined hot and cold water taps join to the wall, the
other two sides and bottom end open.
My bath is the only furniture in the room, but there is something else interesting, nevertheless.
Sixteen, no, wait, eighteen men. Tall men, short men, thin men, fat men, young men, middle-aged men, old
men and two or three that may not be men at all, they do not look much older than fifteen or sixteen. This
mixture will produce a special mixture as you will see.
The first thing they have in common is that they are all buck naked. There are small cocks, average cocks, big
cocks, some thin, some thick. White cocks, a handful (and I do mean handful) of black cocks, brown cocks
and yellow cocks. Some circumcised, some not. Again, the mixture is important.
Despite the mixture of cocks, they have one other thing in common.
They are all going to spray cum over me, some twice, one of two maybe three times.
My bath can comfortable accommodate four of these men standing along each side and one at the end. In
retrospect, I am glad I added the extra couple, as I can now have two equal teams of nine, which for now, I will call Team A and Team B. Simple, isn't it?
I lay in my bath, my back against the top end and I motion Team A forward before I pull my hands behind my
head and leave my naked body fully exposed, waiting to be doused with cum.
Some of the cocks are erect in anticipation of what they are about to do, one or two of the tips are already
glistening with a little spot of pre-cum, others cocks are being stimulated, a few just dangling.
I settle and make myself a little more comfortable before I issue the first order, "Team A, start".
Cocks that were not in hands now are, and nine hands start to pump. Wait, again I miscounted, one is being
pulled by both hands.
I hear the sighs and the moans and the grunts start to deepen as the hands start to work faster.
"Which one will shoot first? I wonder.
My first guess is the black cock third down on the left-hand side and he'll come just above my knees, but I'm
wrong, seconds later I hear a deeper moan and cum splashes onto my right cheek and neck.
Couldn't really see him, he's just a little out of peripheral vision, so I turn my head a little to the left and check
the cock there. I just might stay that way as I really want a full load in my face. I wasn't far wrong; the black
one has spurted over my knees as anticipated, and wow, a salvo from both port and starboard simultaneously
across my breasts.
Damn, I suddenly thought, I didn't get the balance right (another spray on my stomach), the three really young
guys are all in Team B and I hope they don't get too excited and blow early, I really want to see the looks on
their faces as they watch their sweet, fresh cum land on me.
The cock on my left is about to let fly and I push my face closer and cop it right between the eyes, couldn't
have aimed better with a telescopic sight. I have the exquisite sensation of that cum dribbling down my cheek,
and my tongue is reaching for it as my tummy is drenched again.
A quick count and there's still two to go and I'm hoping I haven't picked unloaded weapons. Funny, both lots
I'm waiting on are below the knees, and I wonder if that is significant.
That's better, my right foot is now wet and I look up to see who is struggling to either keep up or keep it up .
It's the white cock, average size down at the end on the left, next to cock that came number two; the hand is
trying hard but it's not happening for him until a black hand clasps over it and with three deft strokes, Team
A's last load is dripping down my calf.
I was about to dismiss them, give some of them a chance to reload their weapons, but I stretch it out a little
longer and my hands slide over my body, spreading the little individual pools off cum all over my front, all
over my face.
Off they go, one or two half-ready for Round Two and Team B snaps to attention. Well most of them, again a
little coaxing may be needed in some cases.
I roll over onto my stomach, a delicious feeling of warm cum mixing with the cool enamel. Lovely, there's
five of six drops of cum that have dribbled off my cheek to savour and after my tongue has mopped it all up,
I'm just about to give Team B the Quick March order.
Oops, nearly did it again! I note the three young guys standing down the end, maybe a little shy, maybe scared
they won't get it off or perhaps worried they'll get it off too quickly. Doesn't matter, I want them front and
centre, so I point at them in turn and indicate where they are to stand and everyone else shuffles round to
make room for them.
I reckon one across my face and hair, the other two on the small of my back seems perfect. Sadly, I won't be
able to see their faces, well, not at least for the first time.
I hear the pumping start. I'm suddenly reminded I need to buy shampoo, but the first spurt in my hair will do
for now, strangely it wasn't the teenager, but there's now a little pool on my back, so one of them has
I don't know here it came from, but Shot number three is perfect, right on the base of my spine, there's another
across my back, a third across my legs.
A few drops of Shot 3 are working their way down between my cheeks, but I realize they aren't going to make
it all the way to my tight little pucker hole, so I'm going to cheat and raise my arse in the air and let them have
a sitting target. Damn, another on my spine and cheeks but not quite on the spot.
I'm guessing that there is just one round left down there and someone is breaking the rules, well, only rule as it
turns out.
"No touching" was the rule, but Christ, I'm glad it's being broken as two hands pull me up a higher, a cock is
wedged between my cheeks and a warm burst floods my tight little arsehole. Bastard! break the rules further,
it's well and truly lubricated, shove your finger up there! but sadly, he lets me slip back down.
Now I am particularly impressed. I've felt eight loads, and the only cock still being pumped is the young one
at my head, probably the youngest of them all.
I turn towards it and know it's ready, so I lift my face closer and open my mouth in the hope of catching a
fly-ball in the outfield before I have a split-second vision of the biggest heap of cum I have seen in my life
heading in my direction. "How long has he been accumulating that supply", I wonder.
My face is well and truly drenched again; my hair is wet as I run my fingers through it.
All I can do is sit there, my knees drawn up my chest, my head resting on them. "O.K., Teams. Official
practice is over, every man for himself".
Well, I'm not sure about every man, but there were hands on cocks, several of them of not their own as I sat
there and for the next five minutes for some reason the 1960s Bobby Darin song "Splish-splash, I was taking a
bath" keeps playing through my mind ...
... my bath is covered in cum, my face is covered, my body is covered in cum. Now I haven't told you quite everything, I do have another dirty little fantasy as to how all that cum gets
washed away, but I'm going to keep that a secret for now ... maybe I'll tell you later, maybe I won't ...
9:55 am Saturday, 6th October, 2012
i want to coming with u
10:36 am Saturday, 6th October, 2012
Well that was a cracking read as I sipped my morning coffee. As I read it I couldn't help but imagine it was me covering your puckered hole, tremendous. |
12:44 pm Saturday, 6th October, 2012
Glad you enjoyed my little story, its nice to think it brought a smile to faces and surged blood to your 'brains' :) x |
1:01 pm Saturday, 6th October, 2012
LOL girl, could always choose a jacuzzi and share? Not sure if the boys would cope with girl on girl bukkake combo though , but would be fun trying!! img src="imagesadultemoticons011.gif" xx |
1:05 pm Saturday, 6th October, 2012
Great story, and such stamina to tell it all!img src="imagesadultemoticons008.gif" |
2:51 pm Saturday, 6th October, 2012
I certainly did put a grin on my face and my 'other brain' really took notice. The big brain liked the way it was so eloquently written. So much so I have just read it again lol |
3:03 pm Saturday, 6th October, 2012
@ slicknik.... watch this space, my next blog is waiting for review! :) |
4:43 pm Saturday, 6th October, 2012
Thanks Sky hunny, but they would be worthless if there weren't openminded people to enjoy reading them :) |