Carolyn finally gets to join!

10:46 pm Wednesday, 20th May, 2020


Today is my first as a new member. I'm really surprised at the number of messages that have been sent to me even as a non member! All were very nice,some were from so far away that it hurts to know that I'd never get the chance to meet any of these wonderful people. Also some were very flattering and made this ladies ego swell a little. But then what girl doesn't love a nice complement? I've been attracted to feminine style from a very early age. And even though I loved wearing pretty clothing, even at a young age I knew it wouldn't be very accepted. So I learned to be two different people. One the world seen and the other hidden away for special times by myself. I do think I've become pretty good at letting Carolyn become who she really is and have even ventured out. First at dark to a few local clubs. And then getting really brave during daylight. And that was the hardest because this girl wanted to look her best and wear her heels and sexy dress and the whole works. But realized if she did just that she would look so out of place as to bring unneeded attention. Having to dress down was such a bummer! Fitted jeans a cute top a pair of sandals were far from the way this lady usually liked to look. But amazeling she pulled it off.What a rush! No one was any the wiser and none showed more that a slight interest in this tall lady shopping! I knew then I was as ready as I'd eve be to try to attract a nice male companion to explore even farther. And now that I'm here,we will see what there is to offer. Sadly I'm more or less stuck right where I am so anyone much over 50 miles from me is going to be hard to work out. And although I'm not vain I do feel that I have my photo in here so that privilege should be awarded to me also. And being the lady I am,I do tend to be a bit choosy! But then men are the same way! And not every man is "gods gift to women" if the girl doesn't agree! After all we also have rights and what we have to offer, means you should show a bit of respect to us also.So as this is my first attempt. I guess I'll let you chew on that for a while and make whatever comments you feel you need to! Meanwhile I'll try to figure this site out and learn my way around in here! Hopefully! Kiss's Carolyn.


12:14 am Tuesday, 6th October, 2020 MissEvynne45

So true 😊

4:37 pm Friday, 27th November, 2020 grandpach901

You go girl. Drop by and say hi. If you choose to

4:38 pm Friday, 27th November, 2020 grandpach901


Blog Introduction


Lady seeks friendship and adventure