Ever since we came here we always wanted to start a blog ( obviously a sex blog ).
Initially content was an issue since we want to start with the love of words which gives us more kick as real narration rather than fiction and we decided to write real life based stories, experience or how we just feel about it
Will be posting soon – it’s really fun bit tiring at times but lock down might just prove the right time to begin with .
Every now and then people email us and ask how to start lifestyle, so in lieu of a guest blog this week (I’m behind on replies, really sorry – if you’ve sent me one bear with me and I’ll get back to you asap!)
The absolute best way to learn about sex outside marriage is to come and hang out with people who believe in the same alphabets sequence.
We’re a shy bunch, though, so it’s hard to believe but initially we are ...
Talking about range of sex activity is difficult if we have not feel that.Very unapologetic with using sex as imagination so will post something which might have deep connect with us.
I might Never perfect this writing skill but its just a start , often haphazard and incompetent, but I have more of a feel for what people want to hear and what I actually want to say.
Two years before we do not know that this "Lanka" ever existed.
Demons exist in form of Man
Vamp exists in form of woman
The sad part is both are humans !
So one need an eye of Hawk to be Safe And Comfortable
We have never strive to find good couple,we have strive hard to find good human...ya ya i know wrong platform,busy world-Still the satellites are on and we have got few that means -You try it you get it.
To write something that can create a visual stuff is creative and would be working on that real hard .
Before sex,In sex,during sex and most important after sex tiny little things matter and tats what make it royal experience.
There is no hope for the the word "Complications" in this lifestyle.
One do not promote sex or the people you have sex with.
Need to understand that there is a difference between sex and sex awareness !
Sex should be like Russian Covert Spy -Secretive-Thrilling and by choice.
Nobody offers you a job of spy-One opt for it .
No one shouts we want sex but everybody wants it but i don't think its right to make the other person feel whether he qualifies for sex or not by asking questions like nomads.
I don't compete with ideas be it good or bad.Any thought with the right conscience can make something wrong right. Will try to pen down such ideas, thoughts, and words that are genuinely and worth reading. And nothing in terms of set up story fiction.
A humble request please do not copy paste else where or on social media claiming your content.Its too derogatory .It takes effort to write ones thoughts and we always believe everybody has there own thought.
Go.Write your words straight from the mind and heart. Have loads of fun. And Good luck.
12:44 pm Monday, 14th September, 2020
Amazing . Would also love to contribute |
4:27 am Friday, 19th February, 2021
Interesting and beholding . |