Orgasms adds energy to the soul by Tantric Theory

12:51 pm Thursday, 14th May, 2020


A wise man told me an interesting Tantric theory and directed to the sacred rituals of a tantric subsect which changed my life. The Tantric theory said that the energy generated from orgasm has life enhancing powers and it determines how long and how healthy you will live. Orgasms adds energy to the soul and that not only improves the quality of daily life but also ensures long and healthy life. Assume that each orgasm you participate in, adds one day to your original life!

The difference in this Tantric philosophy is that just like the belief that prayer is stronger when done in a group, similarly this energy flow happens only when orgasms are done in a group! Just having orgasms alone or with each other is not going generate that kind of energy - only group sex or Swinging can provide that kind of energy and therefore group sex becomes the main ritual for longer and healthy life for everyone participating. By not allowing your spouse to experience more orgasms in a group, you could be shortening their life! This blew my mind. Once you start believing that every group orgasm your spouse has or gives is going to help them live a happier, healthier and longer life, all your insecurities and jealousies will vanish in thin air especially if you love them deeply. Tantra, one of the most secret ancient sexual rituals which introduced swinging to this world to harness the power of group orgasms. Tantra that easily anywhere as it is guarded very closely by the secret sect and while I am researching this Tantra very deeply, the core philosophy is now understood clearly.. Once we understood the philosophy, all that mattered from there on was that we focused on having more and more orgasms in groups! Sex is no more just sexual adventure for us, it became a prayer.

Blog Introduction


6'3' Tall Benign, Acute traveler to admires with my ravenous sexual appetite to celebrate orgasm of my playmate(s)