The Voyeurs delight...... a poem

9:30 pm Friday, 28th September, 2012


That's me, over in the corner, hidden just enough,
just enough to be seen, watching you watching me.
The power I give with my prying eyes,
the harder and wetter it all gets from my presence,
the desire to please not just each other, but me too.
I play with every fibre as you switch and experiment,
I feel fuck myself as you secretly beg me to join in,
as you secretly imagine our three beings together,
each one tasting, filling, wishing our own fantasies,
and becoming bodies locked in pleasure and desire.
But then I wouldn't be the Voyeur, over in the corner,
pushing you to play a part in your very own scene,
the audience of one directing through masturbation,
always there through an extension of that forbidden sex,
hidden just enough to be seen watching you watching me...

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