My thoughts on FEMDOM in real

8:08 am Wednesday, 29th April, 2020


Dear Reader,

This is my first attempt blogging and it will be you who determine if I succeeded or not.

I am a man in my post 50s , I been spending the past 25 years working for an Asian company traveling the world selling high tech solutions.
Its been some very rewarding years foremost in the way of meeting interesting people and seeing parts of the world that are not on the tourist maps.

This blog, however, will not take up high tech nor traveling as such. This blog will be dedicated to sexuality in the way practiced in Female Lead Relations or in short, Femdom.

I will in my blog post stories, some may be fiction while some others might be from real life encounters, describe meetings in intimate details and maybe give some tips for the ones eager to try this form of sexuality.

My photo and my name will be withheld due to my work.

Check back soon to see the first story but please be aware, if you find Female supremacy offending, in any way, this is not a blog for you!

Take care and stay safe

Blog Introduction


Totally inexperienced Sub seeks Dominant female teacher