Masturbating in school

10:14 pm Friday, 14th September, 2012


I am thrilled with masturbating in public. I used to do it in class during my high school years. I used to slip my penis out on side of my shorts and play with my penis. Obviously I would try to avid being seen... Once this really hot teacher approached me from behind (probably knew what I was doing) and scared the hell out of me when she put her hand on my back... She asked if I was ok and I embarassingly told her I was. I had a very guey hand. I am sure she knew what i was up to. Also she probably had the best view from the front of the class. I was only 13 then but now I think could she have been interested in seeing me masturbating? She obviously didnt seem to make a fuss of it and she did kind of treat me favourably.

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