Orgasms Are No Laughing Matter

3:57 pm Thursday, 26th March, 2020


With April 1st fast approaching and many people spending more time than ever indoors the temptation to drive your lover nuts with pranks is going to be pretty much impossible to resist.

That being said no matter what pranks you have in mind they should never extend to faking the little-death – and that goes for all sexes. reported that in an anonymous survey 68% of women and 28% of men admitted to faking an orgasm.

Here are 5 reasons why you should never fake an orgasm:

The Connection Killer

If this is meaningless hump-and-dump, then you’re not going to care too much about connecting with your conquest. But if there is some semblance on relationship – even just a friend’s with benefits one – then guiding your lover by sharing you turn-ons will not only lead to great orgasms but also an overall deeper and more trusting connection.

Why Doom Yourself To Mediocre Sex

There is something incredibly erotic about the Master-Servant roleplay dynamic. Rather than bitching about being unsatisfied use this as a chance to either take control or be submissive while training your crush on how to satisfy you. No doubt the roleplaying will add to how hard you cum at the end of it all.

We’re All Learning On The Job

Despite what you favourite porn or sitcom tells you it is highly unlikely that you or are you partner are sexual savants. Even with a good rapport and a few glasses of wine sex can be awkward, when you fake an orgasm, you’re telling your partner that their subpar “moves” are what you want them to keep doing. Give some constructive advice, perhaps gild the lily with some encouraging moans and expressions and keep them searching till you climax – then don’t hold back, enjoy it to the fullest... you know, to encourage good habits.

Pleasure Versus Ego

Your partners' ego is not as fragile as you imagine. That being said don’t be a jerk about it, but if you take the time to communicate what you want – this can be as simple as breathy not that, do those instructions not necessarily a sit-down conversation – you will get the sexual satisfaction you crave. On the flip side if they crumble at the slightest hint that you need something other than what they’re used to doing then drop them and move on. Life is too short for bad sex.

Where Do The Lies End?

Once you get into a habit of faking it to bring sex to an end you run the risk of never having a real orgasm again. Sex therapist Gracie Landes said; “Faking leads to a disconnect with your bodily sensations and perceptions”. In very real terms this means that faking an orgasm out of frustration or disinterest will lead to less and less satisfying sexual encounters and eventually rob you of the desire to climax. Save the orgasm, don’t fake it.

Regardless of your reasoning if you are faking an orgasm to simply get sex over and done with then there is a real problem that you need to address. Perhaps you need to spice things up by exploring your kinkier side or maybe your partner needs a little special tutelage, whatever it takes don’t waste your time and energy on pointless sex. Experiment explore and above all else get off.


4:36 am Thursday, 23rd April, 2020 einspah660

Great advice! Everyone please read. 

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