So this weekend I was supposed to be alone at home and had planned some sexy fun and games, however last minute hitches occasionally happen and circumstances that were out of my control that meant things changed which means no meets at all.
Because of these changes I have hardly even had time to get on here for a while either which is even more frustrating but I believe that everything good comes to he who waits so I shall be my usual patient self and look forward to the day when I can have some more sexy fun again.
The last two meets I have had (only two tbh lol) have been fantastic and much fun was had and thanks have to go out to them (you know who you are xxx) for the amazing sex even though it was a brief encounter and there were some interruptions on the second one (soooo going to turn my phone off next time) it made me realise just how brow beaten I had been throughout the years by my ex and that I am a sexual person and that mutual oral sex is wonderful and I enjoy sucking just as much as I enjoy being sucked.
I guess the next part of my sexual awakenings would be to go down on a woman I think.
It has been a number of years since that has happened despite my best endeavours (she just wouldn’t let me anywhere near) all that seemed to happen until the sex dried up in 2003 was a quick jump on poke accompanied by lots of moaning (you’re taking to long, no I want it this way, hurry up I am tired, are you not done yet etc etc) which really fills a guy with loving feelings *coughs* and eventually sapped my confidence and self belief so badly that I gave up trying. It just wasn’t worth the hassle because I knew that no matter what I did I would be rejected or she would go out of her way to start an argument that then gave her the reason she needed to storm of in a sulk and not speak to me for a couple of days, even then I would have to apologise and then the whole process would start again until the next row.
So here I am free and single (well as much as anyone can be these days). Yes I missed the young bit off on purpose 45 is a little to far past the young side to have that added unless it means young at heart of course, maybe that’s the reason its in there? Who knows lol
Enjoy yourselves where ever you are because life is short and we are all here to live it.