There are Other Flavours Than Vanilla - 6 Tips for Moving into Swinging or Open Relationships

4:05 pm Wednesday, 17th July, 2019


Swinging and open relationships are nothing new. The phenomenon of open relationships is said to have arisen from Nena and George O'Neill's 1972 book "Open Marriage: A New Life Style for Couples." They didn't invent the concept, but they did articulate open marriage rules and offer advice about how to have a successful open marriage.

The only difference now is that people have started talking about it more openly and with a wider range of safe sex practises, it has become less risky and more risque.

If you and your partner would like to experiment in new sexual adventures, we are here to help you with this guide to moving into swinging or an open relationship.

Figure Out Why You Want To Explore New Playmates

The first step is to open up about your thoughts with your partner. When a couple decides to get into these lifestyles, both partners should first openly communicate their feelings to each other to create a comfortable atmosphere. There can be many reasons for taking up an open sex life. You both might want to experience the pleasure of a shared sexual relationship or simply want to spice up your intimate life with new adventures. But if you're looking for ways to mend the flaws in your relationship, you'll be left disappointed. These lifestyles are only for healthy couples looking for joint pleasure.

How You Want To Explore

There are plenty of options to explore an open relationship or swinging. You can begin with searching on this site or jump to locally organised swinger parties. The choice is totally yours. It would depend on your preferences and the degree of excitement you're looking for. You can choose to hook up with opposite, as well as the same-sex people. The chances are you may be looking forward to playing with a few of your fantasies that you may have never explored before.

Set Some Ground Rules.

If you're new to these lifestyles, it is important to set some rules for each other before indulging. For example, if you are both going to a swinging party and either one of you wants to leave early, it should be perfectly fine (or not) for the other person to stay behind. Other rules may include factors related to being in the same room or being comfortable seeing your partner being intimate with someone else. Make sure you talk about all these things upfront.

Work On Building Up Your Confidence.

If you want to take part in these lavish lifestyles, you should start working on your persona. People only like to pick or approach others who exhibit a great personality and a confident look. Whether you're looking for a playmate online or at a club, make sure you display the best of your persona to attract the most people.

Plan To Meet Before Hooking Up.

After you've found the couples or individuals matching your criteria, you can talk to them on the phone or arrange a meeting. It is ideal to meet potential playmates before the first time, so you can see whether they look or talk the same as they did online. If you don't feel a connection, simply move on.

Just Have Fun

If you and your partner wish to make the most of these lifestyles, you will need to make sure that you understand your desires and let others do the same. Do not keep any expectations, and keep yourself open and available at all times to make the most of your new adventures.

Let us know in the comments below if the swinging lifestyle or an open relationship is something you would like to explore? Or if you are part of the lifestyles do you have any tips for newbies?

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