PLEASE READ: Names and Email Addresses used by Unsavoury Members

5:26 pm Wednesday, 27th March, 2019


Please read the information within this article and keep yourself aware of some of the latest tactics used by unsavoury characters.

Ensuring your safety whilst you’re using the site is our top priority. We have a hardworking team who’s aim is to stop anyone with deceitful intentions from entering our online community, some slip through but your awareness and continued co-operation of reporting suspicious activity really helps our cause and is truly appreciated.

UPDATE 5/4/19

Just to restate, as previously mentioned within past articles from our Stay Safe library, YOU DON'T NEED ANY FORM OF PASS, SECURITY ASSESSMENT, ID OR FORM OF PAID VERIFICATION! If someone tells you that you need any of the above please report them to our Helpdesk!

Below is an example of some of the latest email addresses used by those with a negative agenda which is by no means exhaustive, always be vigilant. It does however, give you a good idea of some of the possible email addresses to look out for.

Should you have any contact which even slightly resembles any of the following, please report that member to us immediately. You can report a member by clicking the three-dotted symbol below their profile description and then selecting the ‘Report Member’ option from the drop-down menu.

Additionally, here is a list of the names and concepts which have been previously used, should anyone contact you mentioning any below please report them to the Helpdesk. Once again, this list is by no means exhaustive:
Online Dating Protector
Dating Hookups ID
Meetup clearance
Online dating Clearance
Discreet Meetup ID
ODP Clearance
Dating Hookups Clearance
Dating Hookups Pass
ODP Pass
Jumio Pass

Just to reiterate, this list is by no means comprehensive, if you receive or see any of the above or anything remotely similar, please report the member to the Helpdesk with all the information that you can.

As always, we advise that our members do not leave the safety of the site to speak to someone until they’re certain that they’re genuine. We can recall any contact made within the site at your request, which is what makes it so protected compared to external platforms. Please keep regularly checking this ‘Stay Safe’ section of the site to make yourself aware of the latest help and advice on how you can continue keeping yourself safe while making the most out of all the saucy fun the site has to offer.

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