Supercharge Your Sex Life By Getting Fucking Fit

10:57 am Tuesday, 4th September, 2018


Do you have an extra few lbs from all BBQ food eaten this summer and lazing around in the sun? Maybe you don't have the money and time to flit away on a gym membership or on a fad diet. Now there’s nothing wrong with being any weight as long as you’re healthy and feel sexy in yourself, getting fit isn’t necessarily defined just by losing weight, it’s about improving your strength, flexibility, energy and stamina. All of those mentioned above will benefit your sex life greatly and help you feel fantastic in general.

What's there to do that could assist you in these goals? How about sex? It's free, fun and has so many more physical benefits than you may think. Don't procrastinate, let’s get it on!

Calories Burnt Vs Fun Had

Based on an average 180lb male and 150lb female going at it for half an hour, (including ten minutes of foreplay), approximately 100 calories can be expended. This may not sound like very much, but it's the physical equivalent of a half hour session on a stationary bike or the calories taken in by eating a two-finger KitKat or a medium glass of wine. If you were to consume one of these each day for a year without changing your eating habits or exertion rates you would have gained 4-5lbs. The same principle applies to your sexual sessions, except you would lose this over the course of a year by copulating at this level every day without making any other physical effort or changing your eating habits.

Lean Mean Sexy Machine

Sex can be hard on the cardiovascular system but it also challenges the muscles you utilise during the act, so over time these muscles will strengthen having a positive effect on posture, strength and overall body tone - yet another reason to dive under the covers. Although it's not simply the hip-grinding exercise and hard graft from your muscles that will build your body to sex machine status. The endorphins you gain can keep you in a happy mood and hormones on level par, not to mention the ego boost you will receive from regular sex as you get naked in front of your partner/s so much more.

Get Those 40 Winks

After all that bedroom activity you will probably be a bit sleepy. Getting enough shut-eye will allow your muscles to repair the micro-tears they’ve made from all that resistance work you’ve been doing holding yourself up, balancing and thrusting. The muscles will then repair stronger than before, and you will gradually notice improvements in your strength and endurance.
You will see an improvement in your body’s overall capabilities if you consistently get enough slumber. This is aided by Oxytocin which is released as you sleep, this handy little chemical helps your body's capability to heal, repair and improve. Without the slumber, however, oxytocin levels drop, and any advancements will be hindered so getting your forty winks every night is a must and a perk that sex can help to offer.

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

If you do decide to embark on your body boosting quest using bedroom action do be careful not to overexert and injure yourself. Yes, the more expert sex positions you stretch to, the more your flexibility will increase. The possibility of injury is still very real however and would most likely be another obstacle that will delay the progress you make with the goals you so desire to reach.

Gimme 10!

Kegel exercises for both men and women are a great way of maintaining control over when you come. These simple little muscle contractions also help increase the strength of an erection and intensify your climaxes, all the more reason to give them a go. The Kegel muscles are located between the anus and urinary tract and can be felt, should mind-urination you stop the flow. To start with hold your kegel muscles for 3 seconds and release. Aim to do ten sets of these each day and just wait until you notice the benefits kick in!

Even if you're not feeling up to having a full session of sex the other fun stuff still burns calories too! (Note that these are all approximate).

Calories burnt per thirty minutes:
Heavy kissing: 40-50 calories
Performing Oral Sex: 70 calories
Strip Tease: 50 calories
Hand Job/Fingering: 35 calories

So there you have it, by having sex you could sample more exotic positions with your new-found flexibility. Go for longer sessions thanks to your improved cardiovascular fitness, hold yourself comfortably for longer due to your increased strength. Love stripping off and getting frisky even more than you already do as your upgraded confidence in your ability to have mind-blowing intimacy is off the charts!

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