12 Aphrodisiac Food To Satisfy Your Hunger

10:21 am Tuesday, 8th May, 2018


Certain foods can be incredibly sexy, especially the way it is eaten (everyone pictures a banana). Not everyone is keen to bring food into the bedroom; the sex can be messy enough without finding the likes of a grape wedged somewhere it shouldn't be.

One guarantee is that at some point you are going to be cooking a meal for that special someone with the hopes of sex as the dessert...am I right?

To make sure you get dessert, to fulfil all your naughtiest of cravings, we have put together 12 foods that are known for their aphrodisiac properties.


Did you know that watermelon can make you randy? The fruity flesh closest to the rind is high in citrulline, a phytonutrient which increases blood flow, blood vessel relaxation, and sexual arousal.

Tasty Tip: Try Watermelon wrapped in Serrano Ham for a salty-sweet snack.


Plain Old Vanilla...please, with the ability to stimulate the sexual propensities, and know as the scent to most likely to get men twitching in their pants. It’s no surprise that when vanilla became commercially available in the early 1900s, many women preferred to use it as perfume.

Tasty Tip: Play with temperatures and get nippy with some Vanilla ice cream.


Pomegranates were eaten regularly by Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, and if she got that title from eating the pink fleshy fruit, then they must be a sexy fruit. Full of antioxidants, which are essential to decrease inflammation and plaque from building in your arteries, and help deliver more blood flow to all areas of your body, including your own fleshy bits.

Tasty Tip: Make your champagne extra sexy with a few pomegranate seeds.


Adam and Eve wore fig leaves to cover their private parts, and Cleopatra is fabled to have called figs her favourite fruit. Whether it has anything to do with their voluptuous shape, sweet dark flesh and honey scent is hard to confirm, but an open fig has long been thought to resemble the female sex organs. They’re also considered to be a sexual stimulant, as they’re high in amino acids, which boost sexual stamina and increase libido.

Tasty Tip: Get hands-on making a fig and feta pizza.


Not that we need an excuse to eat more chocolate but knowing it contains phenylethylamine, a stimulant that elicits excitement and a sense of well-being, means we might need to eat more of it. The natural caffeine doesn’t hurt either for when you're planning a long and dirty night, make sure to get dark chocolate that’s at least 75 percent cacao to get the best benefits.

Tasty Tip: There’s nothing better than a warm and moist...melt in the middle chocolate cake...what did you think I was about to say? ;-)


Urban legend has it that Casanova once seduced a virgin by sliding an oyster from his lips to hers...kinky. Packed with zinc, a mineral essential in the production of testosterone and sperm production, plus, they contain dopamine, a brain chemical that increases desire. It makes sense that they are known to be one of the best aphrodisiacs, despite their unappealing appearance.

Tasty Tip: If you're more inclined to spit then swallow a raw oyster, why not try them grilled with a chilli seasoning.

Red Wine

Not only can it help you get in the mood for a romantic romp or a drunken shag depending on how many bottles, but the resveratrol in red wine is also a powerful antioxidant, which, again, helps decrease inflammation and helps quite literally get your blood pumping.

Tasty Tip: Besides drinking it from the bottle, try red wine soaked portobello mushrooms for a sophisticated starter.


Also known as ‘liquid gold,’ the ancient Greeks were prescribed honey for sexual vigour. Containing boron, which helps regulate hormone levels and nitric oxide which helps to open up blood vessels involved in creating erections and clitoral engorgement.

Tasty Tip: Get messy with honey glazed ribs, finger licking good.


Similarly to chocolate, the caffeine in coffee increases stamina and can elevate mood. Not only that but also increases dopamine levels in the brain, the stuff that raises desire and pleasure. The perfect aphrodisiac to crack on with that fuckathon you have in mind ;-)

Tasty Tip: Make yourself some sex coffee (yes it's a thing), a quick search online will give you the recipe.


Legend says that strawberries originated from the heart-shaped tears of Aphrodite after she learned of her lover, Adonis’s death but getting fruity with the red berries is far from a sad story. Loaded with vitamin C, which is vital for the production of sex hormones and chemical neurotransmitters in the brain to increase libido.

Tasty Tip: Chocolate covered strawberries...can you get any sexier?


Another sexy fruit! Not only do they provide potassium and vitamin C, but they also contain anthocyanins (the stuff responsible for giving them their red colour), powerful antioxidants that reduce inflammation and help maintain a healthy sex drive. The act of eating cherries is enough to make you pop.

Tasty Tip: A cherry pie is undoubtedly going to give you a bittersweet taste to get you feeling frisky.

Hot Chilies

Capsaicin, the stuff responsible for making chilli peppers spicy, stimulates nerve endings on the tongue, which releases epinephrine (adrenaline), the chemical that increases your heart rate and releases endorphins (natural opiates found in your body). Just make sure you’re eating them and not just, like, rubbing chilli pepper on your partner’s bits, the shit will sting.

Tasty Tip: Chilli powder coated nuts...the kind you eat naughty.

Do you have a recipe guaranteed to whip the pants off someone? Let us know in the comments below.

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