Delicacies in Delicieux: An Erotic Story

12:56 pm Monday, 19th March, 2018


Francesca took a deep breath as she attempted to view her reflection through the high street coffee shop window. She was nervous but couldn’t put a finger on the specific reason why. She continued on pondering the logic behind the tepid anxiety that tainted what was otherwise pure excitement as she re-applied her demure lipstick and readjusted her top so that it sat a bit higher on her bountiful cleavage. She hadn’t even realised quite how low-cut this really was when she’d bought it. A male patron of the coffee shop sitting on the opposite side of the glass who had been intermittently looking between the magazine under his nose and Francesca’s heaving breasts was no longer averting his gaze. He had lost any fear of his stare being caught and was now open-mouthed as she adjusted the garment adorning her bosom, as though at any given millisecond he may catch a cheeky glimpse of nipple.

Francesca clocked this keen interest in her assets and simply chuckled as she attempted to disguise the bare flesh by pushing a few locks of her long brown hair across. Truth be told, she was minutes away from a date...with Darren. The muse which consumed her mind and fantasies, the object of her desire whom she’d met on the adult hookups site just a few weeks earlier. He was effectively her male equivalent, sexually charged and equally adventurous. She already knew this from the hot and heavy, online conversations where they’d brought one another to the peak of pleasure through the erotic words of what they’d do to each other once they were there in person, face to face...flesh on flesh. And now here it was, the very first time they would meet.

Drawing a conclusive breath she strode on, pushing open the door emblazoning ‘Delicieux’ in a gold, cursive lettering. It bustled inside, she tentatively scanned the expansive restaurant which was softly lit and furnished with an almost regal combination of dark wood and purple velvet.

She spied him sat at a table in a corner of the room, a discreetly confident smile adorned his model-perfect visage as he watched her walk toward him through the chatter of people and clink of cutlery and glasses. Darren’s dark hair was sleekly gelled to the left and he sported a clean-shaven face. Francesca noticed his emerald eyes hungrily passing over her body as though individually removing each and every article of her clothing in his mind.

“You look gorgeous” he exclaimed pulling out the chair opposite his own and motioning with his free hand for her to take a seat. She reciprocated his greeting with a flirtatious smile and kiss on the cheek, savouring that moment where her face lingered around his. The aroma of his aftershave teased her as it danced into her nostrils like an aromatic ballerina beckoning for her to come closer.

She perched herself down onto her seat, acutely aware of the tension building between her thighs and that her anxiety was most likely apparent to the sexual deity now gazing upon her from the other side of the table.

“What would you like?” Darren asked softly passing a wine list with a sensual smirk that spoke volumes of how he really wasn’t talking about wine.

They ordered food, enjoying conversation about work, hobbies, experiences, all the normal subjects two people may discuss, however this was all the while they were amidst a viscous fog of sexual pressure which cloaked them like a robe of desire secluding them from the rest of the room. The compulsion to urgently wrench off the clothes that hid one another’s bodies was there just beneath their smiling, polite veneer like the underbelly of a barquentine sailing ship beneath the smooth water’s surface.

Francesca felt something brushing against her leg, Darren’s now de-shoed foot nuzzled into her ankle, his toes exploring the skin of her bare limb up and past the hemline of her black, glitzy skirt. He reached her inner thigh and then the satin french knickers which were now the only thing between his digit and her sex. Struggling to contain her excitement, Francesca’s pupils seemingly dilated beyond the limbal rings of her mocha brown eyes, her breathing was rapid and low. Darren watched every moment of her enjoyment, absorbing each ounce of her pleasure as his foot pushed against her underwear feeling her from above the silky barrier.

The tempo and depth of Francesca’s breaths suddenly slowed, Darren had moved his foot away. She looked at him with a longing frustration, she had been close to her peak of pleasure. Darren sat back and surveyed the room, the closest occupied table was two twenty-something women so deeply engrossed in conversation that they most likely wouldn’t hear the fire alarm going off. Following that, an elderly couple a few yards behind them who were thoroughly enjoying the food in front of them with a tunnel vision-like demeanor. No waiters around either...this was his chance.

He suddenly slipped from his chair onto his knees. Francesca raised one eyebrow quizzically as he disappeared from sight under the table, the linen cloth providing a blockade to any peering eyes. She detected the heat of his breath against the skin of her inner thighs, her dermis was lined with goosebumps that danced with electricity, the anticipation practically unbearable. His fingers moved in one slow, smooth movement up her thigh and to her underwear, tugging at them gently prompting her to lift herself for him to remove the satin undergarment.

Francesca looked around, anyone within their vicinity seemed oblivious to what was happening. Her legs were being parted to an obtuse angle and she felt the heavenly caress of the tip of tongue on her clitoris, she had to reluctantly allow a moan to escape before she lost control of her voice and uttered something more alike to a scream. Darren’s fingertips had made their way to her opening, they moved inside and found her G-spot with intimate precision.

Lost in the thralls of ecstasy, Francesca was struggling to stay sitting upright, her eyes fluttered shut as Darren’s mouth enclosed around her now hyper-sensitive organ. The intensity was building, it was so good that she could barely take it. She was being more careless with the noises departing her lips, taken by euphoria she was no longer concerned with being discovered. His tongue and fingers were now moving with a more vigorous velocity, both of which using the seeping nectar which resulted from her heightened excitedness to their advantage in further stimulating the bundles of nerve endings which were now pulsating and ripe for climax.

Francesca gripped the table linen with one hand and pawed her breast with the other, she knew she was about to orgasm. She closed her eyes and allowed the rush of rapture to overcome her like a rogue wave sweeping over the ocean bed during low tide, the seemingly chaotic noise and disarray amongst this wave above contrasting to the serenity that can be witnessed below surrounded by the blue. She cried out, muscles she couldn’t recall having used before tensing up as she climbed and climbed. She reached the dizzying height of her orgasm and sat back slouching, muscle fibers now reclining. Darren emerged from beneath the table with an oversized smirk adorning his face, Francesca smiled back with a flirty glance, slightly dishevelled from the throes of passion she’d only a short while ago endured.

They finally looked around, the diners on the two tables closest were eyeing them with their peripheral vision, pretending to snap back to the contents of their table when they thought their gaze had been caught. No-one said a word, in fact the women at the nearby table had almost seemed to be enjoying the show, no longer so deeply enthralled in their discussion.

An immaculately suited waiter with hair slicked down so viscously that it almost looked plastic in the soft glare of the light appeared at Francesca and Darren’s tableside after having made his way across the restaurant.

“I’ll have someone take those plates for you, can I interest you in dessert?” he enquired notepad in hand.

“Mmn I hear the creampie’s pretty good in here.” Darren said never taking his eyes off Francesca’s.

“No creampie, just cheesecake or creme brulee I’m afraid” the smartly dressed man retorted raising a bushy eyebrow, understanding the joke but choosing not to remotely acknowledge it.

The amorous pair settled their bill and made their way to the restaurant entrance, Darren courteously holding the door for her and they stood outside.

“I really enjoyed tonight, can we meet again soon?”

“I had such a great time” Francesca beamed. “I’m up for doing something again soon” she proclaimed unable to control the smile that was occupying her face. They hugged and walked in opposite directions, both wondering what may entail the next time they meet.


If you enjoyed this story for World Storytelling Day and there’s something that you would like to see happen in the next instalment at some point in the near future, let us know in the comments below.

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