20 Mindblowing Facts About The Big O That Will Make You Tingle Down Below.

11:48 am Monday, 31st July, 2017


YES... YES... YESSS!!! It's National Orgasm Day, a day that comes quicker each year (pun drop).

Whether it’s a clitoral orgasm, G Spot orgasm, nipple orgasm, or a full body orgasm - we love life's biggest pleasure and we can’t get enough of them. So let’s celebrate with 20 orgasmic facts about the Big O that will make you go “Ohhh”

  1. The English word “orgasm” comes from the Greek “orgasmos”, which means “to swell with moisture, be excited or eager”

  2. In the 14th century, making a woman orgasm was used by health experts as a cure for hysteria – a nervous condition treated via pelvic massaging.

  3. The vibrator was invented by a Victorian doctor who grew tired of bringing female patients to orgasm using manipulation alone so came up with a device to do the job instead.

  4. The first electric vibrator was patented by Dr Joseph Mortimer Granville in the 1880s – powered by a generator the size of a modern fridge.

  5. ‘Not tonight, I’ve got a headache…’ Actually, orgasms can help relieve pain – for up to 10 minutes afterward. Then again, a vigorous climax can actually cause head pain – the ‘orgasmic headache’.

  6. When 2 or more erogenous zones are stimulated they create an additive effect making a very powerful "blended" orgasm possible.

  7. Multiple orgasms are usually associated with women – with the quivering moments coming a few seconds or minutes apart. But men can experience them too, although very rare – with Chinese documents from 2968-BC mentioning the fact.

  8. There is an average 8,000 nerve endings in the clitoris, the only organ that exists solely for pleasure.

  9. Yes, women also get "wet dreams." 35% of women report having had an orgasm in their sleep, and five percent of women claim it's actually how they had their first Big O.

  10. Only 25% of women can have an orgasm from intercourse alone, while 75% of males do.

  11. Approximately 70-80% of women need clitoral stimulation to hit the big finish.

  12. Orgasms don’t usually last that long – typically about 5 seconds for men and 6-10 seconds for women. Some lucky girls will have them lasting up to 20 seconds.

  13. Orgasms do not stop with age. Some women still experience them when 90 years old.

  14. A study found that people who orgasm 4 or more times a week look up to 7 years younger.

  15. The average man needs 2–10 minutes to climax. The average woman needs 20 minutes to climax. However, some women have been reported to climax with merely 30 seconds of masturbation.

  16. Research indicates that 67% of women fake orgasm and 93% of those have done it more than once.

  17. Apparently a woman’s pain threshold increases by up to 107% during climax.

  18. Some studies have noted women who had orgasms from things as mundane as eyebrow-stroking and brushing their teeth.

  19. A whopping 94% of woman said they can orgasm from having anal sex alone.

  20. 10% of women report achieving an orgasm through exercise, a great incentive to go to the gym.

Do you have any other favorite orgasm facts? Cum on, you know you want to share ;-)

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