4 Makeup Tips to Unleash Your Gorgeous T-Girl Goddess

2:48 pm Tuesday, 7th March, 2017


One of the biggest challenges a trans-girl meets on a daily basis is concealing those facial features that previously physically identified her as ‘male’. Whether you’re concerned with presenting yourself as a lady part-time, or want to maintain a permanent state of femininity, we’ve got some tips that could lend you a hand in creating some makeup magic.

Contour Baby!

To look as feminine as possible, you need to create the illusion of a softer bone structure. This is why contouring really is your best buddy within your arsenal of makeup tactics, highlighting being the Robin to this aesthetic Batman. Let’s begin to delve further into how to contour; apply your foundation (should you use it) and now grab your contouring powder. This should be matte and 2 shades darker than your skin colour, apply it starting from the side of your forehead, following your hairline down to your cheekbone and from there taper down your jaw and end at your chin. Imagine a number three when applying this contour and build its depth with more layers if its not quite shaping enough for you. If choosing to use highlighter, opt for a shade that compliments your skin tone. The optimal combos being fair skin with champagne shades, light to medium skin with pink champagne shades, olive skin with golden shades and dark skin with terracotta shades. Your highlighter should be applied on parts of the face where the light first hits it, the contour will slim the face and the carefully applied highlighter will further promote this slimming effect.

For Your Eyes Only

Now eye makeup —why oh why do so many T-girls opt for eye makeup that makes them more drag queen than it does natural glamour goddess? Blue is a hard colour to pull off for anyone. Neutral, earthy colours without too much shimmer are your eye makeup hero. A feature that affects femininity is placement of eyes, women’s naturally being slightly further apart than they are in men, so it’s helpful in your quest for cosmetic femininity to use techniques which create the appearance of wider set eyes. Use a brightening eyeshadow that is lighter than your skin colour on the inside of your eyelids and create a cat-eye or flick on the outer of your eyelids in darker powder and eyeliner in order to take the attention away from the centre of your face and create the illusion of more spaced out peepers.

Lip Service

One of the masculine-defining features is the philtrum...this is the fleshy space between the bottom of your nose and your upper lip. Men on average have a longer philtrum than women, so you want to create the appearance of your upper lip being higher than it is. A nice skin or rose coloured lip liner could give you that additional boost to your smackers. Careful not to go extra heavy on lining your lips as you don’t want to create any unwanted ‘fakeness’. Lip gloss is also brilliant for bridging that extra gap and making your lips appear that much more voluminous and your philtrum space less, ultimately making you even more lady-like.

Hair Today - Gone Tomorrow

Now whilst this isn’t quite make-up-related it is still on your face and is a major contributor to the masculine look, drumroll please....hair. Yes not much screams ‘Bloke!!’ more than a day’s worth of stubble, apart from a full lumberjack-esque beard of course. It can be painstaking to keep on top of, but the time invested into your hair removal efforts will be entirely worth it in the end. If you’re deadly serious about keeping your face feeling as smooth as silk toilet paper, some great options could be IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) or laser. Keep in mind that IPL can only be used on darker hair as the light is attracted to darker colours, absorbing the heat better and so damaging the hair follicle. If you’d like a less permanent option, give an epilator a go. On the subject of epilators, we hope you like pain coz’ you’re in for some-they’re the hair removal method of Spartans i.e. they can bloody hurt a bit! Don’t let us put you off though, the first couple of uses are the worst and you will get used the feeling in areas you’re treating. Invest in a wet-dry one, the water can often improve the ease of using them slightly. The results also last longer than just shaving and after a while you will notice that some of the hair doesn’t grow back at all, just make sure you exfoliate a couple of days after in order to prevent ingrown hairs and angry spots as a result.

So we hope you’ve found our Gorgeous Goddess T-Girl Make-up Guide helpful and have some lifelong make-up tips to keep you going. got any make up secrets you would like to share? tell us in the comments

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