Mood-Boosting Sex to Beat the Post-Holiday Blues

10:11 am Tuesday, 10th January, 2017


January is known to be one of the most depressing times of the year for many people. It’s not hard to figure out why. The bills come in from all those generous gifts you gave back when the holiday spirit had you feeling rich. The resolutions you made on December 31 are, either broken or getting harder to keep. You have to get back into your regular working routine, and outside is just cold, dark, and dreary - urgh!

But there is something that could get your mood soaring again.

You're Making Me High

Have you ever noticed how your mood changes after sex? Whether guy or gal, there is a markedly altered chemical shift that occurs post-orgasm regardless of how you felt before; and its effects can be pretty significant. You and your bedmate may even feel like you’re high on something other than each other — and you are; it’s called Dopamine.

A Cocktail of Pleasure

You’re feeling good because the act itself feels good (and you’re the world’s best lover - duh), but you also feel great because sex releases a cocktail of chemicals, endorphins and hormones that can dramatically boost your mood. Oxytocin is released when we touch other people's naughty bits, and regular releases of oxytocin can make you feel happier.

The Results Are In

Like eating chocolate or winning an all-expense-paid trip to somewhere exotic, sex can cause an instantaneous mood lift, and it can also sustain a longer, healthier life. A study published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour showed that women in who have sex regularly were less likely to suffer from depression than the sexually inactive. Studies showed that couples who regularly have mutually satisfying intercourse tend to be prone to more exercise, healthier weight and are generally happier people than those who have less frequent sexual activity.

Use it or Lose it

And here’s something interesting: Men who do not have regular sex can find it more difficult to do so or lose their ability altogether, compared to men who do it regularly, leading to lower testosterone levels and depression.

Who Needs an Excuse Anyway!

As if we need any more reasons to get down and dirty, sex is now a weapon against being miserable. So you may want to ensure an impenetrable good mood with a quickie before you have to go to work tomorrow.

You’re welcome. ;-)

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